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I have been on 100mg since 5 October and in the past week noticed I started to feel a bit down again, a bit more upset and not myself and I dont know if I should be on higher than 100mg (ie 150mg) or what? It's almost like the effectiveness has worn off a little. Anyone had similar, or have any advice?

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    yes the same thing happened to me, i was on 100mg for about 6-8 weeks and i noticed i had a dip and i couldn't get back to being happy again, i went back to my Gp and she put me on 15-mg, i've been fine again since :-)


    • Posted

      Ah you got put up to 150mg and did you get a dip on that at all, or notice any side effects from the increase? I am wondering if I should try 150mg. I dont know if 100mg is considered a low, medium or high dose with sertraline?
    • Posted

      i am better than i have been the whole time on 150mg, haven't had any side effects apart from just feeling so much better than on 100mg.  i wouldn't look at it as being on a high or low dosage jane to be honest, it's whatever is right for you. alot of people have been on 50mg from day 1 and been absolutely fine on that dose, others like me and you, have had to have their dosage increased, i would go upto 500 if it meant i would feel better than i did!! i never want to visit that horrible place i was at ever again. however, my depression has affected me my whole adult life, many do 6 months treatement and come off them and never need to go on them again.  i've tried many different types of AD's in my life after various depression bouts and sertraline wins hands down. i can't rate what it's done for me personally enough. i've been on 150mg since the end of september, early october and i've not had any dips at all on this dose, i think that finally i've found the right level for me, let me know how you get on though :-)


    • Posted

      Thats good! I was so worried about side effects of this drug but didnt really get any apart from intial increase in anxiety and diaherra, but thought would be much worse. Anyway I will go to docs to request 150mg if not feeling better soon. I used to be on citalopram and was on the maximum of that (40mg) but I think sertraline is helping me more than that did.
    • Posted

      yes i know, i think the worst thing you can do is read other peoples horror stories, some take this medication expecting to feel better within days, it doesn't work that way, i went through stages up until i went on 150 of feeling ok one day, then i'd be off for a week, then a couple of good days and then off again, it was horrendous but i guess it was because i didn't have the right dosage in the first place. stick with it and yes, if you're not feeling better then get back to your doctors.  i too suffered very few side effects when i first started taking them so just depends on the person and the persons ability to handle the side effects i guess.  i was expecting mine to be alot worse but thankffully they weren't !! good luck and keep in touch :-)


  • Posted

    Hi Jane.  100 is actually a low starter dose.  It would be advisable to return to your doctor for  a possible increase in your dosage.
    • Posted

      25-50mg is a low dosage rhondalyn, 100mg is actually bang on middle of the road, 200mg is the highest you are allowed to take of sertraline :-)


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