Project Research on Menopause
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Hello! I am Graphic Design student in my final year doing a project on women's menopause. It would really benefit my research to collect some information from women that have gone through // going through it. So here is what i'm looking into:
I want to give women the power and control over heat fluctuations, therefore I am looking at designing a range of clothes using smart textiles to regulate body heat.
What are peoples thoughts on this?
Any personal stories on heat fluctuations that could be shared would be extremely helpful. Or even advice on if this would be beneficial to women going through menopause.
I would really appreciate any comments // negative or positive to get some research from potential users.
Thank you!
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tina00239 pbrown123
Being perfectly honest, when I am having a hot flash, even being completely naked doesnt relieve the heat it makes you feel. I've tried loose, natural fabric clothes to no avail so I dont know if it is actually possible to design clothes to help the hot flushes. Good luck though. I'll be following your progress to see how you do! X
pbrown123 tina00239
Thank you for the honest answer, I don't see why talking about menopause is such a touchy subject, certainly hasn't been in my family so I really appreciate it. I was looking in to designing either bed wear e.g. loose fitting nighties, vests OR bedding, pillow cases, sheets and duvet covers.
The smart textiles helps maintain and regulate body temperature by storing heat within it’s fibres. It then releases it back when required. Tiny microcapsules are integrated into the fibres of the material and are completely safe. These
microcapsules sense a fluctuation in temperature and absorb excess heat from the body, thus cooling it.
Does anyone think that this range would be of interest?
Thanks again for the help, as I really need to gather information from people in the know to create something effective for the users needs.
angie58226 pbrown123
Lol, that was supposed to say cooling not cooking🤣
tina00239 pbrown123
katyD211 pbrown123
Loving what you're doing! I am especially interested in the bedding, as I am both oveeheated/sweaty and then chilled/shivering within 10 minutes of each....4 to 5 times nightly! Make it scented!
pbrown123 angie58226
Please stay on this forum so I can share more info with you as this has been super helpful and really care to hear insight from potential users
pbrown123 tina00239
pbrown123 katyD211
ImagineOneDay pbrown123
Hi pbrown, I am a graphic designer too. But I am 48 and graduated while ago. Good luck with your project&research. This is more of a product design rather than GD but still it is great if you can help menapause ladies. I myself don't have hot flashes during the day. But I have it during the night at around my cycle. Perhaps some pj's or nighties or bedding can help. But again this is all very internal and not sure if clothing design will help much. Like one of the ladies mentioned even being naked doesn't stop it. How about designing something to help women's cooling when they have hot flashes? Good luck -Best wishes
pbrown123 ImagineOneDay
Amazing, thank you for your help, I am in the middle of designing a website for the brand, i've come up with the brand HOT, a play on words for HRT. I've also designed a range of nightwear clothing that I envision being sold in places like M&S, Next, House of Fraser ect. I know I can't solve the problem of hot flushes, however if I can contribute to regulating body temperate using smart textiles for those who don't want to sleep naked is what my aim is.
What does everyone think of the logo I have for the brand?
And some of the clothing I have designed for it?
Thanks for all the help!
ImagineOneDay pbrown123
LOVE LOVE LOVE your brand HOT. Love the colours and the way you played around with the 'O' hOme etc. Very well done. Your products look lOvely TOO! I hope it goes well. Isn't graphic design great fun! Have a good day. I just have a question. What made you think about MENAPAUSE? Thank you
pbrown123 ImagineOneDay
You have made my day! Thank you so much for your support and extra feedback. Its really great to get your input from the branding and designs.
Graphic Design is fab but for some reason I still don't see myself as a 'Graphic Designer' more so just as a 'Designer', like to keep a broad name I think. I'm graduating this summer, so have to try figure out my plans after uni pretty quickly!
I would say I thought of Menopause because my mum is going through it and she has really struggled with heat fluctuations, I guess that initially inspired me. However I love to design work to help benefit the user, so trying to make change is always in the back of my mind.
What sort of Graphic Design do you do?
ImagineOneDay pbrown123
Hi, I think perhaps it is wiser to call yourself as a designer since it is broader. And I can see that you have more to offer than just a graphic designer. It is very thoughtful of you to do something to help your mum and other ladies. Let's hope you don't suffer as much as your mother suffers when the time comes for you. Hopefully medicine also be improved and there will be much more understanding about meno by then.
I am a 'graphic information designer'. I particularly like designing big documents. I just love graphic design. All the best to you in your future.
pbrown123 ImagineOneDay
Thanks for everything and the positive responses you've given me. Oh great, thats exciting. All the best back
katyD211 pbrown123