Prolapsed disc
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I've had a prolapsed disc now l4/l5 since November last year and I'm completely fed up.
I get sciatica pain down my leg all day and it's getting worst not better. It's like a burning stabbing pain. Sometimes it's so unbearable it makes me feel sick with pain.
I have been offered surgery but I'm just so scared. Googling is not fun, all you hear is the negatives. What have I got to lose? I'm already in a crazy amount of pain. Can someone give me some light at the end of the tunnel because right now it's ruining my life .
Please share your positive stories with me post surgery ...I need some hope .
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charlotte42196 Guest
I had surgery 3 and a half years ago pain was sooooo bad. I've had nothing since. I'd say go for it it's worth the after pain for 3 weeks until you're better. I've had 2 children don't think I'd of had normal births without the operation
Guest charlotte42196
Thank you so much for your reply. I needed to hear this. Me and my husband want to try for children soon and I've been off putting it now for months because of the pain. I don't think I'd cope being pregnant and not being able to stand or walk. Do you ever get pain now ?
charlotte42196 Guest
No I had really good pregnancy in terms of back ache etc. I've just had my daughter a week ago. I just had to see a consultant to make sure i could have a spinal but it was all fine. Id go tmfor the surgery I was pregnant with my eldest when I had the operation and didn't know xx
Guest charlotte42196
Were you ever pregnant with a protruding disc or just after surgery ? I really want to start trying but I just not sure I could cope with more pain
. I'm so glad your surgery went well ...I may just have to wait a long time on the NHS which is upsetting X
charlotte42196 Guest
Mine wasn't too bad from diagnosis to operation. I was pregnant 5 months before my op but had a miscarriage at 6 weeks but it was unrelated x
Guest charlotte42196
Oh I'm sorry you went thought that. Me and my partner are still going to try even tho I know I'll be a great deal of pain with my back but maybe it will give me some positive feelings . I'm hoping I don't have to wait months for the op. Letter for first nerve appointment still isn't here 2 weeks later. Urg
rachael300 Guest
I have the same problem and I have had for 8 months now , been on tramadol daily and morphine at night and had an epidural three weeks ago . The epidural has not worked , I went to see the surgeons last weekend and they have offered me surgery I have decided to go for it. Some days it easys off and I think I don’t need surgery and then wham it’s back the day after, I have pins and needles in my foot all the time and throbbing in my calf and ankle with the root nerve compression. I am just not looking forward to the recovery time because I have a job where I need to be there all the time . But I will have to work round it and work from home . I would say just go for it ! If your in consent pain I don’t think there is anything to lose . Let us know what you decide and good luck .
Guest rachael300
Hi Rachael thanks for your reply. I know exactly how you feel. It's very depressing . I haven't tried any more pain killers ...for me it just doesn't work. I changed my job so I sit down alot more now which is good for my pain. I swear my excersises make me feel worse. I'm the same some days it's good and some days it's so bad I want to cry . It's hard because it's not classed as a disability but my gosh I sure do feel it . Not everyone understands either but anyway ....I'm gonna go for surgery, I'm having a nerve test done soon. I just want it all to happen now , I feel impatient. Which disc have you slipped ? Can you walk/stand for long ? I get the burning pain in the back of my leg down my calf and in my ankle . Not so much pins and needles and I am able to sleep. We need a miracle
craig07920 rachael300
Reading all your messages Lucy, Charlotte and Rachael,
That is definitely a great and encouraging message for others Charlotte, so pleased you are doing much better now and really hoping that can offer some hope and encouragement for others.
Thinking of you Rachael and Lucy, back pain is so awful, it is the most awful thing in the world and I just hope and pray things get better for both of you soon. Bowen Therapy something that has helped me with pain and balance in different areas over many years. You must be so weary and tired of this and pain grinds you down so much, praying for God's help in everyone's situation here and that He brings us all through the other side.
Believing in your recovery Rachael and your recovery Lucy - hang in there and trusting God with it. I was recommended a book called 'Back Pain Decoded' by Robert Shanks by an osteopath recently - I haven't got it yet but he said it is an excellent book and talks about all different kinds of alternative therapies and techniques that can make such a different.
craig07920 Guest
Hi Lucy,
I'm so sorry to hear you've been going through this awful time, I know that words can't describe how tough it must have been to deal with what you have been dealing with. I've had lower back pain for the last year, been lucky that my MRI has shown just a slight disc bulge and thanks to God not needed surgery or anything but it has still got me so down and stopped me from working and felt so depressing and hopeless at times.
I just really hope things get better for you soon Lucy, I believe in God and I pray that He brings His healing hand on you, I believe He will help you Lucy and hoping He can help you make the right decision about surgery - I know it's not easy as have a decision to make about a procedure myself and it's so hard because you always worry about the risks and read the bad stories, googling is not a good thing I know but at the same time you just want to inform yourself and get the right information, I guess it's never the majority of people who things go smoothly for that post and always the minority who have had issues or complications.
One thing maybe worth trying Lucy is a therapy called Bowen Therapy - it's a very natural safe uninvasive therapy, I had sciatica a number of years ago and tried physio exercises all sorts to no avail - this Bowen therapy worked wonders for my sciatica, a miracle cure from God - it can be £30 to £40 per session (UK money) but it is definitely worth it if it helps - maybe worth seeing if there's any practitioners local to you.
Thinking about you and hoping you feel much better soon.
Guest craig07920
Hi Craig
This was really lovely message . Thank you. I am happy for you that yours is a disc bulge make sure you do everything you can to not slip it. You have given me a little hope. Sometimes life can be so hard, I want me life to get better but for some reason i have lots of set backs and this pain just doesn't help me. I'm gonna go for surgery, it's nice hearing positive stories. I'll keep everyone up to date with how it goes. Fingers crossed that I get the surgery sooner then later . I have tried bowen and it gave me a little relief but unfortunately it didn't last long.
Thanks again
craig07920 Guest
Definitely rooting for you Lucy, there is nothing worse than pain and back pain especially, it is awful and so humbling and frightening. I just really hope and pray the surgery goes well for you, please let us know things are going and remember there is hope, there is always hope thanks to God - praying that this time of pain and hardship can be over very soon Lucy and that God brings healing, I trust Him and believe He will answer your cries for help.
I have recently being seeing an ostepath and some of the moves that he has done have helped settle my lower back down. There is a treatment called IDD or something which is expensive but can help stretch the discs out, I haven't tried it but it seems to get a good review. Shock wave therapy is another therapy I've tried which does microinjury to the lower back to promote a healing response, hoping the doctor / therapists can point you to something that really helps.
Thinking about you and hoping and prayed for your recovery - I believe you're going to get through this and get better and be pain free again Lucy, hang in there.
lulu08847 Guest
Hello Lucy.
I had a herniated (extruded) disc between L5/S1. In March my back 'went' again, as it is prone to do. Eventually, after a week in bed then gradually up and about with my Mackenzie exercises, the back felt better but the sciatica began. Pain like I have never known, pacing the house day and night.
I was referred to see a neurosurgoen by my GP, after the MRI results. The waiting list to see someone on the NHS was around 6 months and it was impossible for me to wait so long, the pain being excruciationg. We have a few savings and so opted to see a neurosurgeon privately. He has been great and arrangements were made for 3 weeks following that initial consultation.
I had a microdiscectomy and decompression surgery one week ago and was in hospital for one night. I felt only discomfort from the operation site, but was up and walking very quickly. For this first week post op I have had to be a 'proper invalid', only sitting for meals, up for 10 mins occasionally around house and garden, otherwise lying. Yesterday I had a follow up appt and I am now allowed to increase, slightly, walking and doing light tasks.The staples and stitches were taken out and the wound is perfectly healed. I am now only taking Paracetamol which I rarely need, and the Gabapentin for nerve pain I can now reduce down and then stop.
I am getting slight 'pain' ...bit like a tugging sensation down my leg at times, and a few sensations in the buttock. Where the sciatica used to be, bit like a pulled muscle feeling but only occasional. My right foot remains numb-ish, but this was as it was before the op. The surgeon says that the sciatic nerve will still be irritated following surgery, and it will all take 6 weeks to settle down.
Obviously I can't tell you what the long term is going to be, but I am doing exactly what I am told, and eventually a physio appt will be sent. It isn't a quick process, but when I think back to the sciatic pain, well it was a nightmare quite honeslty. I am now comfortable but still wary, as anyone would be after an op. Today I have been out for a short walk!
Hope my experience helps. There was so much negative stuff online when I was researching which could have put me off except the pain was so bad there really was no option.
Guest lulu08847
Hi Lulu thank you for your lovely reply. I am so glad to hear the surgery has gone well for you. I know exactly how you felt before. I've just walked around Sainsbury's in agony. From the outside I look young fit and healthy but I feel like an 80 year old. I wish I could go private but unfortunately for me I will have to waitm. Fingers crossed it's not 6 months or I'll cry. I feel like there is no other option for me either unless I put up with the pain. I hope your recovery goes well and keep in touch with your journey . God bless
craig07920 lulu08847
Hi Lulu,
What a tough time you've been through! Hoping and praying this surgery has made all the difference, early signs sound good so just hoping that things continue to move in the direction of recovery. Definitely a story of hope for others! I can only imagine what you must have been through with this, and I really empathise having had the same issues myself, having to go privately for appointments and medical help because the help really isn't there on the NHS and the prospect of waiting such a long time when in pain is almost unbearable, you definitely did the right thing and hoping now that recovery is really happening! Thinking of you and believing you are going to make a full recovery, trusting God with that!