prolonged period :(
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I'm now on day 10 of my period. Hadn't had one in 3 1/2 months now this! 😦 I called my gyne who is to call me back tomorrow. Has anyone had a 10 day or longer period? It doesn't seem like it wants to stop.
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mel65197 jane66356
Hey Jane, my last period was about 16 or 17 days. It may still be going actually, I just haven't spotted today (yet). Usually, the first several days are super heavy, then it tapers off and is "normal" for a few more days. This time it seemed like was going away (kind of absent for 24 hours) but came back and I bled for another week+. I have read a lot of people on here having long periods, then nothing for a while, then spotting, etc. I have a new doc who wants me to have a pelvic ultrasound to make sure I don't have any uterine fibroid tumors causing the bleeding, which I am having this week. We'll see what that turns up. Sometimes low dose birth control can help regulate you a bit, but I think it is just the irregular hormones that cause the majority of the symptoms, including unpredictable bleeding. I will be interested to hear what your gyno says.
jane66356 mel65197
17 days! that's awful. Mine has slowed a little today. Still no call from the gyno yet. I'm sure she's probably busy. I had a pelvic ultrasound a few years ago. I do have a small fibroid but nothing that has ever causes heavy or prolonged bleeding. So I am thinking that my hormones are out of whack. I'll be 53 in few weeks so hoping I'm near the end of this per-**ll!
Marinab jane66356
Yes, very common. I would think I was in the clear only to get to work and end up dashing to the ladies room.
My friends and colleagues are all at this stage and report the same issue. Two had fibroids, I had a polyp and hyperplasia (overgrowth of uterine lining due to a estrogen/progesterone imbalance) another had an ablation.
When I was on week 3 of bleeding, I went to the doctor, had an ultrasound, biopsy then a D&C. No longer bleeding and I may be done.
A few other friends and my GYN had the Mirena IUD and didn't have the bleeding issues. They glided to menopause then had it removed. I wish I wasn't such a wimp and went through with it 5 years ago. I would have avoided years of low iron, bleeding and the D&C. I believe it has progesterone which offsets estrogen preventing the buildup of the uterine lining.
jane66356 Marinab
Definitely hoping I don't need a D&C. I've seen websites on Mirena IUD. 3 weeks of bleeding is definitely a lot! Glad you're doing better!
2chr2015 Marinab
I'm glad you posted this marinab. it must be comforting to have other women around you that are going through the same things. i have no one and i think others on here are the same. That is why this forum has kept me at least partially sane. i was offered the mirena and then since i wasn't having anymore spotting and my periods calmed down somewhat, I decided to wait and see. I am glad to have read they did so well with it and that you would have considered it as well..
Jen2541 jane66356
Just to reassure you given the above responses, a long period during peri can be very normal. I read a study saying many women have them at this stage, and I did myself. For me it was a sign menopause was on the way. It does not have to mean any problem.
jane66356 Jen2541
I'm hoping it IS just it's last "hoorah" - I've NEVER had a period this long. This year has brought a couple very heavy periods for me and long cycles in between at times and now a prolonged period. Hope it is a sign meno is right around the corner!
christine-Perim jane66356
I am on day 16. I win!!! a few months ago i had 2 periods a month. now this marathon period. i am so over it. i hope this is my last one ever but i am only 49 so I think its just a slow journey to menopause.
jane66356 christine-Perim
you win! 😃 I sure hope mine doesn't last as long as yours. It may be your last one hopefully! It is conceivable to reach meno at your age. You're well within the age range of "normal" - near enough to average. 😃 My coworker reached meno at 47.
jane66356 christine-Perim
Did you stop bleeding yet? Just wondering. I was put on Provera for 12 days and I quit taking it after 2 days. I don't like how I was feeling from it...long story. I'm now day 16 of my period...although yesterday was light and today just very little spotting. Just wondering if your bleeding stopped on it's own or did you get any meds or go to the doctor?
christine-Perim jane66356
i stopped on day 18! yay! i have to say i am feeling good, i am cooking and cleaning. I did my hair and makeup (which is a big deal) and had some romance with my husband. I know this wont last but I am taking advantage of it while it does.
i am so thankful for you ladies and these posts.
merry christmas!
hang in there.
just FYI what i take daily
cayenne pepper
*** Update--- going to the gyne tomorrow. I got an appointment with her associate. I don't want to wait any longer. Still bleeding..some more clotting today.
I can't take this! I'll keep you all posted on what he says.
Marinab jane66356
Just going to the doctor and having a plan will make you feel better. Hopefully you won't need any treatment but if you do, it is nothing to fear. Now that the D&C is behind me and I am no longer bleeding, I'm a happy camper:) Sending positive thoughts!
Ok...I went to the gyne yesterday and he put me on medroxyprogesterone 10 mg for 12 days. I must be losing it...I thought I posted an update earlier...not sure where it went?
Anyway, I'm going to start taking it tonight. Anyone else take it at some point? Did it help? I am also going to get a transvaginal ultrasound hopefully sometime next week. He says the pelvic exam was normal...looked at my cervix also and didn't see any polyps on it. I have a very small fibroid that has never caused problems so I don't think that would be it.
Hopefully the progesterone will stop the bleeding. I'm now on day 14.... 😦
Another 18 of bleeding.
I stopped the medroxyprogesterone after 2 days. Didn't like how I was feeling on it.
** had the pelvic and transvaginal ultrasound yesterday. Nothing found.
No fibroids, no polyps, ovaries fine, no endometrial overgrowth was 4 mm. My uterus and ovaries got a clean bill of health.
The bleeding seems to be slowing. Not as bad...stops at times for 12 hours maybe and then more bleeding. Flow volume seems to be down.
Just still sick of it !! 😦