Prolonged period
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Hi ladies,
im at my wits end as i have had bleeding for over 3 weeks, i have had changes in my cycle for a couple of years now heavier, big clots, longer about 9 to 10 days mid cycle spotting , then last year i started spotting all the time, had vus ,hyscoroscopy and biopsy, all came back fine had a 3mm submucosal fibroid which was causing the spotting, wasnt offered any treatment but it did seem to settle for a while, then this christmas i came on 10 days early spotted for 10 day then bleed heavy for another 10 then it stopped, then periods got closer together 23 days apart instead of 28, then beginning of this month i started spotting when i was due, that carried on for 10 days then the proper bleed started and has been going on for 9 days, before this period i woke up with the worse night sweat soaked from head to toe, im 46 and my mum had exactly the same , she stated perimenopause in her early to mid 40s, i just wondered has anyone had a similar experience and how did you get the bleeding to stop .
many thanks
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edna29227 sherry26257
Hi Sherry, pls see the doctor. I had heavy bleeding during period and that caused palpitations and eventually hypertension because of lack of iron. But I am 56 when it happened. Much older than you. So I suggest better see a doctor. Sweating to me is an everyday issue until now. I suppose we just have to deal with it and HOPE that all these will pass.
Guest sherry26257
I've used progesterone cream in the past when I had endless periods.
But I've never had fibroids.
Thank you ladies for your advice suzanne did the progesterone work and did you get it from the drs, ive heard a couple of ladies mention this thanks x
Guest sherry26257
Yes, it helped me with what seemed like endless spotting. Also helped thin my uterus.
You do not need a prescription for it. I used doctor lee natural progesterone i bought on the internet.
rebecca_68782 sherry26257
I bled for 6 weeks straight, sometimes light, sometimes heavy las fall. Had just had all sorts of tests run. Doctor suggested progesterone cream, used it, but did not like it. My cycle has been through it the past 3 years. I am now 50. Was every 23 days for a while, now I never know. Spotting, clots, never had that before. Had all sorts of tests run 3 years ago too. Just menopause. .....but always good to get it checked out.
i had the tests done last may and thats when i found out i had a submucousal fibroid and adymosis both can cause heavy bleeding, and prolonged bleeding, but it still unnerves me as bleeding for over 3 weeks feels wrong, however my mum bleed for 5 weeks and her sister my auntie bleed for 3 months and they were a similar age mid forties and apparently you normally follow your mum, so i am probably in perimenopause with a fibroid and adymiosis so no wonder im bleeding for so long what fun being a middle aged woman x