Prolonged it normal first time on pill

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i wonder if someone could help please. I'm 29 years old and always have had ill regular periods that I could miss at least a month in between to even sometimes 3 or more months. My periods have always been heavy enough and would last around 6-7 days but other than that I wouldn't have too much pain with them. I suffer from awful fear of doctors, dentists etc so I never went to the doctor before now because I always just felt being ill regular was normal for me. But over the last few months I can have been suffering from awful anxiety and stress and becoming paranoid that something was wrong with me. After a 3 month absent period and very bad pms symptoms, I got my period on Dec 15th last and it lasted 8 days instead of usual 6-7 and I had one case of spotting 2 weeks later. I decided then that I should go to Doctor to see about the pill. He prescribed me oveena tablets and told me to take them when I next got period. After some brown discharge for 2-3days I got my period on the 19th of Jan and I took the pill the day after. I have been on the pill now for about 8 days and my period seems to be showing no signs of stopping. It has stayed a very bright red the whole time from the start rather than turning brown which would indicate that it might be going away but because it's so bright red it makes me think it's fresh so I'm afraid it's not going to go away. I don't have any pain or anything but I'm starting to get a bit worried/paranoid again that there is something wrong with me. I have always been a person that thinks the worst and it can really stress me out. I was just wondering is it normal to still have my period nearly 9 days on after starting the pill and will it go away. To me it's showing no signs of leaving any time soon. Has anyone else suffered from prolonged periods when they started taking the pill and should it be a bright red the whole time. It isn't very heavy on the pad but when I wipe there is a lot of blood there. Any help would be appriecated to know if this is normal.i have been very stressed out with workloads and paranoia since before Christmas and could this be a cause if it too.  Thank you very much. 

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Jennifer,

    I'm having the exact same problems, I posted on here yesterday. What pill are you on? I don't mean to worry you and you may be different but I have been on for 36 days now and it's still not stopping. I too was wondering if anyone had the same problems.

    Amy x

    • Posted

      Thanks for the reply Amy. The doctor prescribed me oveena I think they were called. Did you go back to the doctor about yours not going away Amy. I know that they say spotting is common first few months on pill but mine is more than spotting. Its like a consistent period. It's there all the time. Spotting is supposed to come and go. I'm just wondering how long am I supposed to wait to see if it stops before going back to doctor and does anyone know if it is normal. Thanks.

    • Posted

      I spent all day Thursday and Friday last week at different doctors and even went to Urgent Care, I was in agony for a week before I went and they just asked me if I was pregnant (which I'm not) they then had heard what they wanted and said there was nothing they can do it must be the pill. If I go back they will tell me the same again- she said I can experience this for up to 6 months. Mine was extremely heavy (sorry TMI) so I thought something was not right.

    • Posted

      That's awful. And they didn't even do any tests or anything on you to check. I mean that is very frightening to have your period go on so long and for them to be so dismissive is very wrong. I really really hope mine doesn't go the same way for that long but thank you for sharing because it makes me feel a little bit better that I'm not the only one. I'll give it another week and if it still looks like it's going nowhere I will prob have to go back to doctor because as it is im driving myself mad. I had no tests done either just blood pressure taken when I went to go on pill so I think that is playing on my mind that I can't rule out anything sinister for sure but I'm thankful for your story Amy and hopefully we will both get sorted soon. If anyone else has experienced any such problems with starting the pill and is it normal for such things it would be a great help to us. Thanks

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