Propanolol + peri? Can anyone HELP?.
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Good evening to all you beautiful ladies. Some advice please or anyone in the same boat?. Here goes I'm on Sumertription and have been for years for real bad migranes. Anyway the Christmas week I had a migrane for 1 week solid, called into the doctors and he put me on Pronanolol which for a couple of months did the job I stopped having migranes BUT for my last 2periods my migranes have kicked back in and I'm going through packs of Sumpertription to help with my migranes!. I have a appointment at the doctors. I know I'm peri and have been for 8 months and I believe headaches get worse or migranes get worse when ur coming up for Peri/ or menopausable. Mine are getting bad somthing has to be done will the doctor take me off Propanolol or the Sumpertription?.the 2products aren't working together so 1has to go? The other part is I'm Peri that is another problem trying to convince the doctor this as 2previos doctors have said I'm NOT peri!!!. I'm 46 been peri for 8months and have quite a lot of the systems off the 66 listing!!.is anyone going through what I'm or know what I'm experiencing? Any help advice is most welcome big or small??!!.isnthis normal when your body starts peri? I have suffered with migranes since I was in my twenties!.and was on Zomig for years until I was stopped over years ago.thankyou for reading sorry if I bored yo Thankyou lovely ladies xx
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meno Shelly0069
I'm in exactly the same boat. The only difference is I take Ritzatriptan. It might be that you need the propranolol dose upping slightly . If you have been using Sumatriptan and it usually works, I would not give this pain relief up. However maybe another member of the Triptan family might help. My migraine is getting worse and at the moment the propranolol is holding it under some sort of control, but not irradicating them. I know how debilitating this is and how demoralising it is to live in a semi permanent migraine, but take heart, I know this has to pass at some point. The doctor needs to take you seriously and provide you with (at the very least) adequate pain relief . When I know I'm going to have a bad migraine or if it requires another Triptan, I am also able to take a Diclofenac suppository which gives good pain relief.
You are not alone. X
jerry72101 Shelly0069
Im sorry i am no help to you at all. But I wish you well
in your quest xx
susan21149 Shelly0069
Hope you feel better take care.
nikki46218 Shelly0069