Propranolol 40mg for anxiety, anger, stress, are they safe to take?

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Hi all,

I have been very stressed out recently and angry for no reason. I start work at 0700am and finish around 2230pm and although i do get a few hours break in between, i'm having difficulty sleeping when i get home at night. When i get into bed at night, i toss and turn and sometimes only get a couple of hours sleep then i am back up for work and feel as though i am in a trance most of the day. Sometimes it feels like i haven't got any sleep at all and it seems as if i have been lying in bed wide awake from the minute i get into bed at, say for example 11pm, until i get up again at 6am. I keep telling myself i must have had some sleep at some point, but it doesn't feel like it at all. I am angry a lot and keep snapping at people. I know i'm doing it and i feel terrible for it but i can't seem to stop.I told my GP that i needed something to help me sleep at night and to help me relax and he prescribed Propranolol 40mg to be taken twice a day. I've read the leaflet inside of the box and it says that, along with treating anxiety, the medication is used to help prevent 'additional' heart attacks, control a fast heart rate, treat angina etc. I have suffered anxiety and depression on and off for the past ten years but apart from that, i don't have any of the above and am a bit scared about taking the tablets incase they make me worse. I would like to hear from people who have used this medication for stress/anxiety and/or insomnia and what your experience on them was like. Any information is appreciated, thanks in advance.

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    those are long hours and have to say attribute to the situation as i used to work the same. Even the breaks in between dont help becuase you cannot completly switch off and relax as your mind is still in work mode (even though you dont dont realize it). also you dont get much down time in the evening as you have to be up really early. your mind is saying i need a break!!!!

    what worked for me is one  0.5mg xanax pill before bed and a cup of camomile tea. this teas is the best for relaxing and the xanax will help you sleep. i slept well but at least 8 hours!!. As soon as i changed my working hours and habits things improved.

    if you can go for head and neck massage twice a week. you will be suprised of the effects.

    • Posted

      Hi there and thanks for the reply.

      I know what you mean when you say the breaks at work don't help and you are still in 'work mode', that's exactly how i am. Even when i start work in the morning i'm already thinking about the shift i've to start later in the afternoon and dreading it! When i called the doctor i was hoping he would just give me something to take at night before bed but he gave me Propranolol. I will try the camomile tea and make an appointment at the doctors to discuss alternative medication. Thanks again.

  • Posted

    by the way propanalol is safe to take but for me taking during the say made me even more drowzy wich did not help the situation. thats why my doc gave me one xanax pill for night time. good luck.
  • Posted


    I was on propanalol after I had my by pass. With other medication  I was taking 5 mg

    since my GP has taken off it I feel a lot better. I do appreciate what anxiety is I could wake up in the nite and my whole body would tremble/shake break out into cold sweats.  I personally have a few glasses of wine that does relax me.

    Reply if you wish.

    • Posted

      Hi there and thanks for the reply. How did the Propranolol make you feel when you started taking them, did you feel much different? As mentioned above, i think i will make an appointment with the doctor to discuss alternative medication as i feel that these pills might not be the right ones for me and am still a little bit scared about taking them! Thank you.

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