Propranolol and migraine

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Just to say how well this drug has worked for me, I have been on it for about 6 months now. I spent years resisting taking a preventative migraine drug, maintaining that I only needed to take my Sumatriptan when I had a migraine. But the frequency of the migraines increased, even though I had given up work. Finally I went to the doctor who prescribed propranolol, 1x40mg tablet twice a day. Even though the Dr said it would take time to build up in my system and start working; I noticed an effect from the morning after the first pill. Previously I nearly always woke up feeling stuffy, having to move around gently until the 'potential' headache disappeared, likewise during the day I would have to be careful of things that would trigger a migraine. Now I wake up feeling absolutely fine and am able to get on with life. The only side effect is that I do wake up more during the night, however I seem to need less sleep and have gained at least an hour of useful time each day. I do still get the odd migraine, but they are less severe than before and I recover faster. I also still avoid my triggers like lactose, alcohol and too many late nights.

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    hi to all you sufferers... i was put on propranalol in feb this yr and thought the worse was over.... then i noticed my weight gain.... lost 5 stone 2 yrs ago which made me feel so good and now after askin my nurse if my gain was due to these meds and her reply as yes, i broke down... i feel so low now and have just recovered from a 3 day migraine.... really want to come off my tabs as i need to lose this weight... any advice???
    • Posted

      Hi Kitty, you poor soul! I'm so sorry to hear of the weight gain, when you've worked so hard. You are probably feeling very low after your 3 day migraine as well. I'm in a similar boat, having put on weight which I'm not happy about. Not sure how much I can blame it on the propanolol, but a bit! I'm on 40 mg twice a day, and it has helped enormously. If I make the effort to exercise, then I can keep the weight down, it's the only way. Fast walking is best (we have a dog). I just can't go back to the migraines as they were, so there is no choice for me. I go to Zumba too, which is fun, and only takes an hour. My GP said I wouldn't put on weight, as it's a low dose, so it could be my fault (as I have a sweet tooth!) However, it's an imperfect world, and I know I have to keep active. If it's raining, I can run up & down stairs or use a mini trampoline - Argos do them. It works! X


    • Posted

      Thanks for the reply... it's just a little dis heartening when I know i could be loosing more.... theres always some hurdle in my path!!!  x
  • Posted

    Dear all,

    I've been fascinated to read this thread on propranolol and migraines. I have had migraines with auras for about 9 years and I'm now 34. When I was a child I suffered with what I now know were abdominal migraines. I can go months or weeks without getting a migraine and then I get one or sometimes two with an aura in a day, three or four days in a row and then I'll go weeks or months without getting another one... Basically, whilst they don't rule my life and I think myself very lucky that my headaches are not debilitating but more of a hindrance. I also suffer with anxiety and always have done. I'm a total hypochondriac and had been averse to the idea of a preventative medication but last week I got two auras (and two headaches) in two days in a row and I decided enough was enough and went to my doctor and burst into tears. She prescribed propranolol 20 mg twice a day. I've had one or two side effects like cold hands and been v slightly dizzy but have only been on it for 8 days and I can totally put up with this if I don't get the migraines. My migraines are triggered by some foods like red wine but usually by worry and stress and being anxious or not eating. Today, I forgot to have lunch and I got a migraine this afternoon. I'm annoyed with myself as my doctor had advised me not to miss meals as this always triggers them for me. I had hoped that propranolol would provide instant results for me and am annoyed that I got a headache this pm. Having said that, it was not as severe as my usual headaches and I feel relatively ok now. I wondered how long most people find it takes for propranolol to get into your system and to make a difference? I've also (reluctantly) given up alcohol since I went on to propranolol even though this isn't one of my triggers and my doctor said that I didn't need to and wonder what experiences others have of alcohol and propranolol? But just generally, I'd love some reassurance that this med might work even though I've had a migraine so soon after beginning treatment. I've got an appointment with my doctor in two weeks so she can review me! any advice gratefully received x 

    • Posted

      Hi Anna 1980

      Dont give up on the meds, i too was a sceptic having still expereincing an attack after being on the propranolol for a little while (2 months). However, things have vastly improved 9 months later. Yes, i still get the occasional attack and have to go and lie in my darkened room, but the headaches are no way as severe and after taking my usual painkiller the migraine usually dissapears a lot faster.

      I swear now by Propranolol !lol

    • Posted

      Thank you!!! That's made me feel so much better. I think I'm making it worse because I dread getting migraines and if I'm working from home, I'll just sit here and convince myself that I'm getting one and then I do!! Thanks so much - you've made me feel that I'm not the only one!!!
    • Posted

      Hi Anna

      You are definatley NOT the only one....just hang in there!

  • Posted

    Hello fellow migraine sufferers,

    I have been on propranolol 80mg daily for almost a year now and my migraines went from over 10/ month to 2/month, which is brilliant. I have minor side effects, mainly affecting my sleep and I also feel tired during the day, but that is nothing compared to the migraines. I want to lower the dose and eventually come off the medication as we are thinking of extending our family in the near future and I want to be medicine-free. Does anyone have experience with the migraines coming back (or not) and have you got any tips how to handle it?  


  • Posted

    The only time I have reduced the medication is when I have forgotten to take a tablet!  It may be my imagination, but sometimes I feel as if a migraine could be brewing and then realise I have forgotten, not sure if its cause or effect and not keen to test it out. 

    I found my migraines went away during both my pregnancies, but this was before I started taking propranalol.  Probably best to talk to your Dr.

  • Posted

    I am getting frustrated with Propranolol. I feel like I have a curse! Since I found orange was one of my migraine triggers, I had been migraine free for 3 years. I then sought help for anxiety and started anti-depressents but suffered 8 migraines in 5 weeks. I stopped the anti-depressents and I was then put onto Propranolol and have now had 4 migraines in a week. I am pleased with the effects on anxiety but not the resultant migraines especially as Propranolol is prescribed as a migraine prevention treatment. I feel I have to choose between solving my migraines or anxiety hence the curse! 
  • Posted

    I'm glad to hear that all is going well for you, even after 6 months. I feel similarly to you: it is very helpful, although I've had the odd bad patch. Like several others, I have put on weight which I hate, perhaps because the drug slows me down. Also my age won't be helping (57). I worry about exercising when the drug is slowing my heartbeat down. My GP looked up Zumba for me, and said it is ok. However, GPs do everything in a hurry and  she didn't stop long enough to think it through. Any thoughts?
    • Posted

      Hi Helen


      I have been referred by my GP to our local exercise by prescription programme. I had to initially go for an assessment where they measured blood pressure, height and weight etc etc.

      He mentioned that my ‘slow’ but steady pulse was the equivalent of a super fit athlete’s……..but as I am 17 stone and a smoker it was merely down to the propranolol…..LOL

      We discussed all sorts of exercise that I can achieve, one of which is Zumba, which I love and swimming. He wasn’t too worried by the low pulse in relation to the gym, especially as I wouldn’t be participating in anything too high impact……


      Hope this helps Helen?    

  • Posted

    Hi g111 just come across your post!!!!!. Likewise like you I too take sumattriptian my migraines became extremely frequent just before Christmas & my GP put me on propranolol & have been on it 6 weeks which is a god send as my migranes have certainly become less frequent. I'm 45 & for months not felt myself I thought I was going through the early stages of peri very tired through the day, low mood swings etc. I made an appointment anyway with my GP anyway it turns out he thinks I maybe experiencing  side effects off the Propranolol!!!!. So I have to go back for some blood tests!. Has anyone else experienced this? I was so convinced I was peri! So it turns out I may have to come off propranolol and try something else. Which is freighting as I will probably have to re-start again try'ng new medicines which are on the same line as Proranolo?.
  • Posted

    Hi to all u migraine suffer's. Likewise I to have had advert effects with this drug making me tired through the day, weight LOSS!!!!!!!, bit moody, I actuall thought I was peri with the 66 symptoms I was suffering or should I say still I'm suffering, BUT this tablet is brilliant for my migraines mine have become non existent. As I used to suffer absolutely terrible with them. But I went to see my doctor &he thinks I mayb having the side effects of the drug I have to go infor a blood test this week (to confirm) so I may have to come off it? Said it so easily, right so what is the alternative then doc? What is out there which is as good as propranolol? No answer just said there are? Has anyone else had or done this having to come off? When I start a new pack of the tablets I find for the first few days im extremely tired, feel sick? Is this common? 
    • Posted

      Hi Michelle

      Have to tried Madrid tablets for migraine? their absolutly fanstaic, they dont make you feel slugish after taking them like most tablets do. I really dont like to take any drugs as I'am not very good with them but these tablets are great, you can buy them from a chemist too or get the on prescription.

      Regards Pamela

    • Posted

      Hi, no I haven't tried Madrid for my migraines. I have only been taking propranolol for about 5-6 weeks. It's been absolutely brilliant and I'm abit Dubois about stopping if it proves ( having a blood test today to see if it this medication is causing these side effects I'm having!. I just used to take Sumpertription if & when a migraine started, my migraines became so erratic over Christmas my doc put me on propranolol. How long have you been taking Madrid? Is it a slow reliese like propranolol? Or does it work instantly?
    • Posted

      Hi Pamela

      I too am on 40mg x2 per day of Propranolol, and the migraines are now completly under control. However, i do feel sluggish and tired, especailly in the late afternoons.

      Can you tell me more about the Madrid Tablet you mentioned?

      I have done a quick google search but cant find anything about it....not even the name comes up!

      What would i ask the GP it called MADRID?

      Many thanks


    • Posted

      Hi Kermodesmum, I have been online 2 & have found it it's called MiIDRID not Madrird!!. It contains paracetamol and an ingredient I could not say let alone spell!!!. Anyway look that name up!. 
    • Posted

      As I continue (sorry my I-pad decided to switch off)!!!. So u feel sluggish and tired to I feel like that also I have had to go for a blood test as my GP thinks I'm having the side effects with this drug (propranolol) so to determine this I have had have a blood test which I may have to come off the drug!!!!!!, which is a shame I have suffered 20plus years with migraines and since Xmas they got extremely bad doc put me on propranolol. But looking at a lot of posts about this drug an awful lot of people suffer tiredness. I really don't want to come off propranolol.
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      Hope you don't mind me butting in, but I've been on everything from Amitriptyline, Propanolol and Topiramax.  The latter nearly killed me and the other 2 made me feel crap, really tired and absent minded.  So all I do now is take an eletriptan when I get an attack.  Not supposed to take more than 10 a month but sometimes it gets very close and I do go over.  Is Midrid a prophylactic or do you just take it when you get an attack.  As I'm very keen to find something else other than the eletriptans.


    • Posted

      Hi yorkielass,I havent takin Midrid, someone in the links has!. I'm at the moment taking propranolol ( everyday)'BUT making me real tired during the day. &my gp has done a blood test to see if it is propranolol given me these side effects?!!!. If it is I will come off them & probably (again) try some other medication. I'm also on sumertription for if & when I feel a migraine start. I'm really asking what other people r takin so I can look up these different tablet's. 
    • Posted

      Hi Michelle

      Propanolol had the same effect with me, I was always half asleep and as soon as I came off it I was fine.  One word of advice though DO NOT go on Topiramax if your GP suggets it.  Check out one of my previous discussions where I told people to be aware of their symptoms, you'll see it on my profile.  The drug works great, got rid of the migraines and lost weight aswell, but it is lethal and could have killed me if I hadn't acted when I did.

    • Posted

      So r u still on propranolol? I feel rubbish on them I want my old self back BUT I suffered absolute terrible Migranes& propranolol has worked brilliant BUT the effects sleepy weight loss mood swings that is why doc has done a blood test . What other medication is real good for migraines?. I'm scared of trying again as this is so far the only tabllet that has really worked for my migraines. But feel absolute zombie'd by the afternoon and feel like crap!!! Which I'm guessing is not Normal?.  Cheers for any help u can or could give me!!!!?.
    • Posted

      Good god, we all expect what a GP anyone of Importance we look up2 & believe them, that on the other hand what u had to go through was absolutely shocking. Have u had any news yet? I shall most certainly. Be aware when I next go and see the GP. I hope and pray you will b ok?!. I dont know what that is he diagnossed but I will look it up I do know that it can kill but I shall read it up. 
    • Posted

      Hi Michelle

      Not on them anymore, I started on Amitryptyline about 18 mths ago, they didn't work at all, so then they put me on Propanolol about 15 mths ago and I got the same symptoms as you and they didn't work either.  That's when they put me on Topiramax 12 mths ago, after 6-8 weeks I had the serious symptoms which I didn't connect with the tablets at first and 3 GPs didn't either.  Eventually I went back to my neuro surgeon who took me off them instantly, which you shouldn't do, but he was so concerned about my health.  I had to wait 6 weeks for results from blood tests to make sure I was OK, then he suggested putting me back on Amitriptyline, but they don't work.  His recent suggestion was an epileptic drug, (epilum I think), but you shouldn't take it if you have Lupus, which I do.  So I have more or less discharged myself from his care as I have no faith left in them because nothing works for me.  I'm now not taking anything just my eletriptans as and when I need them and they are pretty lethal, that's why I was interested in the Midrids.  Sorry I can't suggest anything else sad

    • Posted

      Looks like our posts clashed biggrin.  I am fine now thanks, except I still have the migraines, so I went through hell for 18 months and I am straight back where I started.
    • Posted

      Hi Michelle

      Thanks for this info....yes i have looked it up and will mention it to my's got to be worth a try at least. Although I know that the Propranolol is helping to prevent attacks, I cannot tolerate this lethargy on a daily basis whilst trying to hold down a demanding full time job.

      Whilst I was researching MIDRID tablets, I came across a number of articles about a drug called Zomig Rapimelt 2.5mg 

       Although it appears not to be a preventative drug, it seems it has had excellent results as a fast acting pain relief.

      Has anyone tried this?



    • Posted

      Hi Kate

      I used to use Zomig about 10 years ago, it did work for me but not everytime. They then put me on the eletriptan (Relpax), which works 99% of the time, but I've known people who it does work for.  I suppose we're all different and unfortunately there are more that don't work for me than do!!!

    • Posted

      I saw your posting about Midrid a year ago. I expereince chronic daily migraines, waking up with them every day. Since I am hyper-sensitive to medication in general, all preventative meds I've teied knock me out completely and I can't tolerate them. I'm tempted to go back to the codeine and paracetamol I was on but came across Midrid. My question to you would be whether it is okay to be taken every day long-term. The fact it only comes in 15s suggests to me it might not be,

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