Propranolol and weight gain

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I have been taking this drug for over 6 months now. 40mg twice a day The cluster headaches that have plagued my life are now down to a bare minimum.....(not totally gone away) and manageable.

HOWEVER! I have gained about 1.5 stone in weight, particularly round my middle. This is highly unusual for me.

My GP states this is NOT a recognised side effect and I simply must be eating more due to feeling better! As my eating habits have not changed at all, I find this very hard to accept. If I am to take this drug for the rest of my days, At this rate I will be enormous!

PLEASE…can anyone help/confirm/reassure me that this is only a temporary side effect?


Thank you

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    I did change doctors still got no help it's like as soon as they see I have a history of anxiety they just say anything that is wrong is down to that.. I've been tapering down now for 9 days & had read it's ok to do it over about 2 weeks, I'm convinced though that I'm having allergic reactions to it with the amount I itch & my breathlessness.. my anxiety has been next to none as well, apart from being tired & nightmares I feel great compared to before..

  • Posted

    Thought I'd update in here.. I started tapering down on my propranolol 18 days ago, today is the 4th day I've not had any at all & think my body is still getting used to it but I've not really had any side effects of stopping in fact I had more side effects while I was taking it & was convinced I was having allergic reactions to it, my heart rate does seem to speed up if I'm quite active though, going to try relax & rest as much as possible for a couple of weeks while my body adjusts, the unbearable itching on my arms & back is down about 85%, don't seem to be breaking out with spots on my arms as much & think my breathlessness has got a bit better, my bowel movements are also looking more normal too & I feel less bloated, I'm still fairly tired at the moment though.. hoping I don't develop any side effects of coming off it & that I'll just gradually start to feel better from now on..

  • Posted

    Hi I've been taking propranolol for around 6 months now and have gained 1 1/2 stones and have not changed my diet at all and feel very unhappy with the extra pounds.

    I personally think it's simply that beta blockers slow heart rate & metabolism, making burning calories more difficult, I have very conciously cut out all fattening foods & increased in my fresh fruit & veg intake, hoping to return to my normal weight...

    • Posted

      Hi Martin

      I too had this issue although my GP swears that weight gain is NOT one of the side effects. HMMMM

      However i do think that you are right, slow metabolism etc

      I also thnk that as i am fairly headache free (since taking the meds) i feel happier and less nauseous ...therefor enjoying life and FOOD!

      i have combatted this by joining a FAT club! LOL  2 stone lighter now, and slowly being weaned off the meds!

      Good Luck x

  • Posted

    I too gained weight with Proprananalol. I have Graves Disease but I refused thyroid meds so I I was taking 40mg daily to cope with my raised heartbeat and the shakes. It knocked me sideways and although I had been an active swimmer and walker I had no energy to do either. Over the past two months I cut down to 10mg and am now as active as I ever was but the weight wasn't shifting. This week I have stopped the meds completely and I have noticed two things. Firstly I have lost just under half a kilo and secondly I have been passing 'gallons of water' specially at night. It makes me think that Propranol was also causing water retention. Hope this answer is helpful for you!

  • Posted

    Not sure if you chaps are aware that you can report side effects using the mrha gov uk yellow card scheme online?

    I have just done this as I have also got the terrible eeight gain around my middle. My migraines have gone at the expense of 15kg of weight gain which is just horrible.

  • Posted

    The company of propranolol admitted last year that propranolol causes weight gain. Change doctors if he's not up to date I've been on it since 2013 and have gained 75lbs no matter what I do I can't lose. I diethink field 2months and gained 5lbs

  • Posted

    Wow, I'm glad I read you post too, I've read a lot of the others and everyone seems to say the same.

    i have had terreble headaches & dizziness since October last year. I've had a brain scan and was eventually seen by an ENT specialist 3 weeks ago, he thinks it's migraine and has written to GP and asked him to prrescribe propranolol.

    Upon seeing the side effects people are claiming I'm not going to take them. While under investigations blood test showed I have under active thyroid which I now have to take Medes for, the thyroid issue has caused me to put 3 stone on on weight. I have never had a weight issue so I'm finding it rather depressing, I've also got very low blood pressure. I see that this medication is a beta blocker that lowers blood pressure and slows the metabolism! Wish Dr's would get their act together if it wasn't for sites like this we would just take thier word for it,, 

  • Posted

    I have found the exact same, and all around the middle. I have never had weight gain in my life, til now. Definitely something in it.
    • Posted

      Hi...  my experience also...  cut my dosage and now I'm changing my diet completely to veggies, lean meats and fruits. Cutting out all forms of sugar, gluten, milk products. Hopefully it will have some impact.

  • Posted

    Hi I'm wondering since this thread was started has anyone found a wAy to loose the weight while still taking the meds. And if not and you have come off it what are you taking as another preventative for stopping migraines. I have been getting migraines for years but have just started taking propranolol a few weeks ago. 

    • Posted

      Hi Marie, I just saw my Gp yesterday (a locum) Doc was good, she said ppl that are on inhalers for asthma are not usually given beta blockers as it slows them right down n blows them up & can stop you wanting to exercise, that was before I asked if weight gain was a side effect so as of today my dosage is down to 40g twice daily then 40g once daily them stop them. I Am not expecting weight to fall off me but at least I might get my mojo back, a few ladies on my slimming thread said they were on it & didn't gain weight so I guess everyone is different x

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