Propranolol. Depression and crying

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Hi I've been taking propranolol for about three months for anxiety following an accident. I've had a lot of side effects including insomnia and am now weaning off. I have cut down from 80mg per day to 60 mg over last two weeks. Thing is after I take my first morning dose about an hour later I get a tightening in my throat and chest like my original anxiety and I want to cry. Crying has now become part of my day not after every dose but certainly at least twice a day. Has anyone else experienced this symptom? Could it be a symptom of withdrawal? Feel like I am

Becoming very dysfunctional and not wanting to go out and that I've now developed depression. Any comments great fully received.

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi I'm am sorry you are going through this difficult time. Remember it will pass.  It's just a difficult time.  Perhaps you are having anxiety from the accident and it is not the Propranolol at all.  What you are going through is totally understandable.  Have you thought about seeing a Psychologist to help you with this process and to help it pass more quickly.

    All the best

    • Posted

      Hi Annie. Thanks for your kind words. I am aware that it could be my accident which is causing the tears and to compound things because of the accident I've not had a decent nights sleep for about four months now- I'm writing this at 2am! I think I'm sleep deprived and very emotional. I have seen a counsellor and will continue with that. I am weaning off the propranolol because of other side effects but when the crying started I wondered if the two things were connected.

  • Posted

    Hi Liz,

    How have you been getting on? I started taking propranolol two days ago and started feeling severely depressed immediately after my second and third pill of the day yesterday. I have stopped taking them now but the depression has continued today only to a bit of a lesser extent. Apparently this can be a side effect of the propranolol according to several people. Hoping this will go away soon. How have you been doing doing? Would be reassuring to know you’re okay as I don’t think I can survive this feeling of depression which I’ve never had before until I took the meds

  • Posted

    I'm being weaned off of it right now. I have been on it for almost 18 months for high blood pressure, (caused by clonazepam). After seeing a cardiologist, he told me I should never have been put on it. I'll get to the point. I asked to have my testosterone levels checked. My T-level is 6.4 bow, when it was very good before. The point is that propranolol and beta blocker lower testosterone. So crying, weight gain, and all the fun of too much estrogen go with it. I hope this answers your question.

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