prosate cancer g6 psa 5.4 t2c

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i am newly diagnosed with prostate cancer g6 psa 5.4 stage t2c

i have had template biopsy

​65 cores tested

1 core 3.5% cancer (1 in 10)

cancer on right side posterior small amount

was diagnosed as low-grade

​mri before biopsy was clear no detected tumour

mri 1.5t used

went to mdt regional meeting and my mri was upgraded to t2c

no cancer on left side just high grade pin found

but with this they said i am now t2c even though no cancer found on left side

​I thought to be staged at t2c you have to have cancer in both sides (lobes) but i havent got it in both sides so have i been staged at t2c because of the high grade pin.

​if anyone has got any experience or can give me any advice on this topic as they have advised me to go with active surveillance as low grade/low risk cancer. just wanted to make sure this was the right course of treatment to go with.


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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Andrew, I'm a bit swamped today and don't have time for a lengthy reply, but on the face of it it sounds like you have gotten good advice -- Active Surveillance. Do tons of research and it is ALWAYS a good idea to get second - or third or fourth -- opinions.  I recommend you see a medical oncologist -- he has no bias to push towards radiation or surgery.

    Good luck!

    Moss (Vermont, USA)

  • Posted

    Did the urologist suggest having a Transperineal Fusion Biopsy (MRI guided biopsy)? There is no chance of infection with this method.

    I ask as my MRI results were T2, with a suspicious area in one lobe. My PSA was 2.4 to 3.5 over a decade. However, the biopsy showed this suspicious area was PCa, and a very aggressive one at that (Gleason 8 (4+4))

    After a Robot-Assisted Prostatectomy, pathology testing showed a Gleason 9. Fortunately, it was localised to the prostate, so I dodged a bullet.

    I only tell this story as I think the MRI is only one very important step in the process.

    • Posted

      Yes I had a transpirenial biopsy done 65 cores tested and only 1 core with cancer 3.5%. I have only gt 1 core of cancer on right side there's no cancer on left side or anywhere else in prostate just high grade pin pre cancerous cells which may never turn to cancer. That is what the t2c diagnosis from Mir was confusing me as you have to have cancer on both sides but mine is not cancer. Just cancer on 1 side and very small amount at that.
    • Posted

      Andrew: I read your result in another thread. Gleason 6 is NOT PCa. Watch and wait is a good enough outcome.  Enjoy life!


  • Posted


    I'm sorry to hear you have join the group for PC.The good part is that you have been diagnosed early. And your gleason score is reasonably low as well as your PSA. You don't mention how old you are or your general health. Due to your low numbers, you have time to consider the many options you have. I was diagnosed with low risk PC last October after a biopsy. From 12 core samples, 2 showed abnormal cells. Acenocarcinoma - 10% in one sample, 2% in the other. My urologist told me that basically any treatment would cure me... or I could even do the active survailance route. I am 65 and in reasonably good health aside from the prostate issue. I thought about options and research many. I decided not to do the active survailance because I felt that I wanted to deal with it now and be done with it. If I had to face it in a year or two or three or more, I would be older and perhaps have other health issues. I wanted to deal with it now while I am younger and in good health. All treatment options have their side effects. I wanted to find one that had the fewest and easiest to deal with. Working with my urologist and my radiation oncologist, I decided on Brachytherapy with is a one time treatment. Brachytherapy is low dose radiation seed implants that go directly into your prostate. The low dose radiation helps contain the radiation where it is needed and little to none goes beyond that point. It has been 6 weeks since my procedure and I am doing well. Please research your options including the active survailence. Talk to you doctors for their opinions too. Look at websites to explore the treatment options available. My urologist pointed me to Prostate Cancer Research Foundation org. It compared many options and the success rates. The Brachytherapy has a very good success rate. What ever you choose if you choose to treat your PC, find a doctor who has preformed that treatment many times successfully.

    The best of luck to you,


  • Posted

    Got to say, I agree with Stewarta - Gleason 6 should NOT be referred to as cancer any more than Gleason 5 would. The word cancer implies something which Gleason 6 is definitely not. You do not give your age but I would adopt a watch-and-wait approach and get on with your life - PCa is unlikely to play a part in it.
    • Posted

      Hi I am 44 years old very healthy no other issues health wise. Just all the side effects of treatment worry me and with me having a template biopsy and loads of cores taken 40 and only 1 of them cancerous and g6 docs said best to go with AS due to side effects. Only have treatment if anything changes

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