Prostate Cancer
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Sooo about 10 months ago I started having odd tailbone area pain that was worse upon sitting. After a couple months I went to get an MRI done. It showed 2 tiny "lesions" in the sacral bone region about 6-7mm in size. Doctor sent me for a nuclear bone scan - which showed nothing at all. So nothing sinister right?I then went to get a colonoscopy since that's in that area and it didn't reveal anything. So now what? I haven't gotten any proper advice. My pain has persisted all these months. I just spoke to a guy who tells me he has mestasized prostate cancer (which had no symptoms) and it's spread to his pelvis and femur. Said he had a bone scan which also showed nothing. Then had another bone scan which revealed the bone mets. Now I'm freaking out? Should I be getting my prostate examined? I'm 38 yrs old. My primary didn't even mention this to me and it has me p****d. No, I haven't noticed any urinary issues to speak of. If I have cancer that's spread outside the prostate wouldn't I be having issues with my prostate function? I'm gonna go see a urologist. Any advice here? Thanks.
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anthony70342 diddy1111
ABSOLUTELY get to a urologist. A good one if you can find one. My husband had a PSA reading of 49 5 years ago and our primary didn't make that sound urgent (which he should have). He didn't start feeling "pain" until about a year ago and that pain was when he urinated. We were hoping it was just a bladder infection but finally got him to go to the urologist and indeed it was prostate cancer. They were going to remove the prostate but when they went in they noticed it had spread to the "neck of the bladder." He is now receiving treatment at the Cancer Center in Phoenix. 9.5 weeks of radiation. They re-did bone scans, etc. but THANK GOD it has not spread any further. He also received hormone therapy shots and after just 1 shot his PSA went from 49 down to 6.4 and after his 2nd shot, it went down to 1.7. And now with the upcoming radiation the plan of attack is to kill off the cancer cells currently in the prostate and stop it from growing which the doctors in Phoenix have full confidence this will work. He is 61 and just retired from the RR. I'd like to have him around so we can enjoy the retirement as I am also retired at 58. GET TO A UROLOGIST ASAP! Please don't do what we did...sit around and say, "I don't show any symptoms!" Cancer is not your friend so it's not going to tell you anything. GOOD LUCK and keep us posted. Take care. Also, if your primary did a blood test WHY didn't he/she do a PSA? That should be part of it. WOW!
richard98806 anthony70342
There may be a possibility that hormone therapy and radiation may be recommended treatment. I have a repeat PSA within 2 weeks and I will know more after I get results. My question to you is: What side effects have you experienced since you received your hormone shots? Did anyone discuss with you the possibility of short term or long term side effects? Did anyone recommend any resources to investigate the side effects of hormone therapy?
anthony70342 richard98806
My husband has only said he feels tired from the hormone therapy shots. He just got his 2nd shot and supposedly 1 more in 3 months. But everyone is different. As for radiation, we don't know yet but doctors have said "tiredness". Again, everyone is different. We're just hoping for the best and that's all we can do. As for his PSA starting at 49 then down to 6.4 then now down to 1 is a good sign that something's working.
richard98806 anthony70342