Prostate surgery scheduled for December 7th
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Good morning everyone my schedule surgery is for December 7th I am having my prostate removed any advice would be really helpful like when should I start with pads and exercise the pelvic area
The closer the date comes the more nervous I get I was pretty good the last couple of weeks went to work like nothing was going on but now I'm starting to realize close to that this is reality any advice would be helpful I'm ready to tackle this monster and beat it down
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Roger2Dodger greg43014
I know nothing about surgery. So, all I can say is G'Luck, and I wish the best for you!
greg43014 Roger2Dodger
bernie_0105 greg43014
rick75354 greg43014
My prostatectomy was on Sept 21 and when my doctor tried to remove the cathater, it wouldn't come out. He said it would come out by itself, and it did, but it was in for 4 weeks so, at first, I was soaking the pads. Not fun.
That beeing said, I am still going through a lot of pads, but they are not soaked like they were so things are getting better.
The actual surgery was a breeze and I was out of the hospital in 2 days.
Still too early to know about ED problems, but my brother had the same surgery about 2 1/2 years ago and he is fine now.
auntiebeanie greg43014
Hi Greg, my husband had his prostate out on 9th November. Didn't need pads till catheter came out. First two days just poured urine,not what he expected after being told it would be like stress incontinence. You cannot do your kegel exercises till the catheter has been taken out. Night time appears dry at mo but still leaking in daytime. Early days yet. His surgery was Robot assisted and recovery was very good out of hospital 2 days post op. Would have been the following day except he had low blood pressure. Went back to work two and a half weeks later. As to ED, only one side of nerves left. got the incontinence and ED clinic on 20th. Find out results from op on 10th Jan. Good luck. Xx
rick75354 auntiebeanie
This may seem a bit personal, but ED is not the end of the world. Even before my surgery, my wife and I had a couple of "toys" that we used during our love making and within 2 months of my surgery, we were back to having fun in the bedroom. Just because I'm not able to perform right now, it doesn't meen that I don't get excited and can't have fun.
If anything, the fact that I can't finish means that I can go on for ever pleasing my wife until she is quite satisfied.
Roger2Dodger rick75354
auntiebeanie rick75354
greg43014 auntiebeanie
MK51151 greg43014
my best advice is: "Enjoy sex as much as you can." And I will repeat it: "Have sex as much as you can." After surgery will never be the same.
And also, sex is relaxing ant that is what you need the most in these days before surgery.
Good luck with your surgery and speedy recovery!
vincentb greg43014
Hi greg
I had open radical prostactomy non
Nerv sparing on 9-2-16.
I am 66 fit for my age( hoby scuba diving)
Before opp psa 14.8 gleason 8.cancer in both lobes not broke out of prostrate
After opp margains clear prostate lymph nodes seminal vesicles removed
Result gleason 9 T2C. No mo .
My last 3 psa tests have all been the same
0.050 so have been very lucky . I only whent for psa test in first place because
My buddy tolled me he had prostaite cancer.
I was in hospital 4 days walking after 3 days .been 9 months now i still use pads but one lasts all day only slightly soiled
I can hold about 15 mins for toilet.
If going out for day i allso use uridom
With leg bag they are no trouble to use
And save you needing togo . Do pelvic
Exercises when catheter is out . Doctor
Gave me some pills to slow down urge
To pee.dont know weather erections wiil come back but not woried. Better than having cancer😊 Hope all goes well for you
Good luck
greg43014 vincentb
barney34567 vincentb
It is important to have such a post op scan in addition to post op PSA tests.
vincentb barney34567
It only showed one large blob were my prostate was every thing elswere
Was clear.i could actualy see the skeleton image as i slowly came out of the scaning machine.i looked at some images of nuclear bone scans on the web.i would have been scared if they would have been white spots all over. All the best vin
barney34567 vincentb
vincentb barney34567
barney34567 vincentb
vincentb barney34567
Im in uk
barney34567 vincentb
I see.
As to the scan you had, make sure you keep a copy of the images and the report. Don't let your doctor keep it.
Also note exactly what scan it was, as there are at least two popular but different scans used.
vincentb barney34567
Quick update my last 5 psa tests
Have all. Been the same 0.05
Now nearly 12 months since my op
Peeing nearly normal . I wear the thinest pads but feel i could not wear them now. But allways have one handy. Hope you doing ok
barney34567 vincentb
How would you feel if your current peeing situation was not to get any better?