Prostate trouble at age 47
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Hi, I am 47 and been having issues with my prostate. I believe it is Prostatitis, but not sure. I have been on Cipro now for three weeks and still have issues although some have got better. I have painful ejaculation, pain that travels down my penis. After urination I have experienced prostate fluid dripping out and have the weak stream. My Uro has put me on Cipro and that has seemed to help some, but I still have an issue. Not sure what she will want to do next I have a follow up appointment next week. I don't think I have prostate cancer as it doesn't run in my family, so I am low risk. I am on Testosterone replacement as my T was only 30. Now it hovers near 400 with TRT. I am really not sure if I have BPH at this age, but it is possible. I really think it is Prostatitis or CPPS. Anyone else have these symptoms and found out what was causing it? If so what tests did you have to figure it out? I am trying to figure out what I should be asking or suggesting to my doctor to find out and treat what I have. Thanks for any help.
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Pepasan craig84609
alfred5 Pepasan
My other half has prostatitis caused by the biopsy. (Biopsy also diagnosed prostate cancer which he had brachytherapy for) he has been on the same antibiotic as you on and off for 18 months now. I think about 8 or 9 months altogether on antibiotic. But it just keeps coming back.
But if I were you j would definitely have a psa test. It will give something to go on if needed in the future. But they say 60% of men in their 50's and 80's of men in their 80's have prostate cancer.
Good luck.
craig84609 alfred5
howard53545 craig84609
craig84609 howard53545
charles61038 craig84609
I developed prostatitis after having a biopsy to check for PC. My PSA was at 5.2 but I had no symptoms. I did have a slightly enlarged prostate and the urologist put me on Avodart after having the biospsy. During the next couple of weeks, I started having some symptoms of prostatitis. No bleeding or discharge, just had problems with sitting too long or walking too long. I had the feeling of swelling up inside my rectum. I went back to the urologist and he determined that I had prostatitis and he put me on Cipro also. After 2 weeks, I still had no relief and I contacted my primary care doctor about it. He did a digital rectal exam and said all felt fine... no hardness or nodules. He explained to me that due to the nature of the prostate which does not have a large blood supply to it, it took a longer time for antibiotics to work. That made me feel better about it. So I kept taking the antibiotics and finally it all was fine again. The downside of this story is that it turned out from my biospy I had low risk PC. 2 out of 12 core samples showed abnoral cells. They were very small amounts, but the cancer cells were present. Fortunatley, it was a non aggressive and slow growing form. My urologist told me about treatment options and also included active survailence where I would just be monitored for any changes before taking any action on a treatment. I chose to go for a treatment rather than wait. I just didn't want to know that I had cancer that was very treatable in it's current state - or wait until I was older and perhaps had other health problems to deal with too. Currently, aside form the prostate cancer, I am healty and I decided to deal with it and have it curred. I researched treatment options for low risk PC, - external beam radiation, Cyberknife, and Brachytherapy (low dose radiation seed implants). It seems the Brachytherapy has a better success rate and lower side effects - and I chose that treatment. It is a one time procedure and your done. The side effects will be with me for a few months as with the other treatment options. I am now in my 5th week after treatment and so far all is going well. The radiation oncologist told me the half life of the radation seeds is 4 weeks. After that, the side effects will beome less and less until they are gone. Side effects are fatigue from the radiation, frequent urination, a little burning when urinating... but all these side effects are not constant or do they occur every day... some days are fine and you can do most anything... the days when you are fatigued, listen to your body and take it easy on those days. And rememberr, prostatitis does not mean PC. But I would have your PSA checked and monitored... prostatitis can make your PSA number go up. My PSA started at 5.2, but after taking the antibiotics for 4 weeks, my PSA went down to 2.0 - but the biopsy confirmed the PC. Good luck to you.
Roger2Dodger craig84609
Couild you please explain what My "T" and TRT means? These numbers , letters are all new to me.
G'Luck what ever you decide.