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Good morning all.
Well it's Sunday 6 am can't sleep. 1 more day to go for a new year to start. I feel we need all the help we can to try to give us a better life. As we get older is when we should be able to have some fun and enjoy all we can but with BPH problems and prostate cancer. It's sometimes hard to have some fun.
You do know that eating right does help and that is good but I also found this article on ZINK that I think may help men today. I started taking 50 mg of ZINK a day about a month ago.
You also know that prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men..........
Research data has found that ZINC plays a part in maintaining prostate health. Studies show that the presence of ZINC in the body help suppress tumor growth, especially in the prostate. A number of studies demonstrate specific mechanisms by which ZINC act as a tumor suppressor, altering the biology of prostate cells to make them less likely to undergo malignant transformation, and less likely to multiply and survive has cancer cells
This is a very good article and I could go on but I feel that it is better if you read it yourself. I am giving you the jest of the article so you know what is going one. They also said that it is important to maintain optical level of ZINC to support a healthy prostate.
They recommend between 30 to 85 mg a day. I hope this helps and God Bless...............Ken
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hank1953 kenneth1955
Thanks for the post Ken. I am surprised that you didn't mention that zinc might help your libido. Or
kenneth1955 hank1953
Hey Hank
I'm sorry Yes I did know that. But I had to stop somewhere. The article was very interesting. I also have some questions.
I would like to know if ZINK would helps with Proststitis????
alanatcroydon kenneth1955
Thanks Ken. I also had read that zinc supplements were good though I cannot pinpoint where I read that. But in the autumn I began taking the recommended dose here in UK of 15 mg per day. I have not observed any positive or negative effects
kenneth1955 alanatcroydon
Hello Alan
I take 50 mg of Zing. I doing what the article said. 30 to 85 mg. I don't think it going to show up right away but with time it will help all of us. If that pill helps me from not getting cancer then it is worth it.....
Have a good New Years.......Ken
alanatcroydon kenneth1955
Ken. Has there been and can you point to any research which shows that 30 to 85 mg has been shown to have which benefits (as opposed to the 15mg it was suggested I took? Alan (PS my BPH had a prostate of 130 before my PAE in June)
kenneth1955 alanatcroydon
The article I read talked about all range of % of zinc and what it does. It is on the internet . They talk about a lot of stuff.
If you want to read the article put in Life Extension Magazine Zinc
You will see Zinc - Prostate Health....Life Extension Magazine
Hope you enjoy it....Ken
brian34488 kenneth1955
Hi, has anyone out there discovered which particular type of zinc is best and is it best to where possible find it in natural food stuffs or any other helpful info thanks all.
kenneth1955 brian34488
Hello Brain
I guest you can find something at a health food store they can help you answer that question.
I use the one that I get free from my insurance over the counter stuff.
The bran is from Major 50 MG
Have a good day......