Prostatitis or something else?
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I've been having some symptoms for years now that have a big affect on my quality of life and hold me back quite a lot, and I'm starting to think I might have prostatitis.
The main symptom that annoys me is a feeling of fullness or tension in my rectum. In the past, it got so bad I could not sleep and it drove me up the walls, I felt like I had to defecate but I didn't. I would wake up feeling fine, but as the day went on, the tension would build and build and it got really noticeable by the evening. I still get this but have learned to manage it better as I will explain below. I also have Irritable Bowel Syndrome, but my bowel movements are in fact very regular - the only IBS issue I have is spasms that were noted during a sigmoidoscopy. On a related note, I would also get very painful proctalgia fulgax spasms that wake me up suddenly at nigh and last for maybe 10 minutes or so. If I do not get a good rest every night, I wake up with the tension and pain the next morning and it makes for an unpleasant day.
Certain things would really aggravate the sense of rectal fullness/tension. Sitting is the worst culprit, if I sit on a hard seat I will have nasty feelings of pain and tension in my rectal area for days. If I have a bowel movement that does not go completely smoothly, I get a feeling of incomplete evacuation and will get feelings of tension and spasming for the rest of the day. I also tend to feel quite sensitive after a bowel movement and avoid sitting down at all for maybe an hour afterwards or else I will cause this tension/fullness feeling. Because of these problems I am paranoid about keeping a regular diet so my bowel movements are regular and smooth. I eat the exact same thing every day, and in particular avoid alcohol since it causes harder movements and wrecks the next day.
In the past, I thought my problems might be caused by internal haemorrhoids, but a sigmoidoscopy showed that everything looked fine (only very minor haemorrhoid inflammation), but the doctor did note some spasms/hypersensitivity in the rectal area caused by the movement of the scope. I then thought it might be levator ani syndrome. However, I more recently stumbled across chronic prostatitis online, and I realised I had many of those symptoms that I did not think of as problems. For example, I get up 2-3 times each night to urinate, I get random pains in my left testicle or the tip of my penis, etc.
The control measures I have learned that work for me over the years are also consistent for chronic prostatitis. I take a hot sitz bath every night now (with the weight on my hands) and that is a huge help in relieving the feelings of tightness/fullness. This also stopped the proctalgia fulgax spasms I would get at night. If I am not at work, I avoid sitting completely and this has also helped prevent the tension/fullness feeling from building throughout the day.
In summary:
Considering that my main symptoms are rectal pain/tightness/sense of fullness/spasms, and that these are accompanied by frequent urination at night and occassional, random genital pain, would all this indicate that chronic prostatitis is my problem?
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luis17129 Balroae
Meanwhile, if sitting becomes uncomfortable, try using a pillow or inflatable cushion. Acupuncture is also known to be helpful in symptomatic management.
Hope it helps.
mal23592 luis17129
federico555 Balroae
I started feeling the same since the
Age of 23.
Every epidode ( about every 5 months) i ask myself
Is it prostatitis or.IBS?
I have tried all meds...
The prostatic msg helps.
Bentyl and librax is great for spasms.
But i discovered....
That a pudental nerve block or
Gandular block will help me 99%
For about 5 to 6 months.
I also get Cupping and acupunture....
But the best is the nerve blocks.
Hope i have helped.
mal23592 federico555
Funface Balroae
sam56947 Balroae
chris85954 Balroae
Been diagnosed with prostitis.Have been in some pain for months and months.Sudden flair up and chronic pain in rectum,behind testicles and hard to pee. Been put on a months worth of antibiotics to see if it will reduce the prostate size,even if no infection found(urine test).Can't sit for too long ,better on my feet,however this last two weeks it seems as though nothing will shift the pain.Taking ibuprofen which at one time did seem to work but little effect at present.Also have a hip problem which the doctor thinks might be aggravating the issue.
I too have taken to hot baths,sometimes three a day,it works like magic BUT pain soon re appears.
darius67849 chris85954
Hospici Balroae
ian57724 Balroae
for 3 months now ive been having urinary issues along with lower back pain and a gnawing type pain in groin and top leg area littraly for 3 months now iv had a 24/7 felling of needing to urinate its so depressing I cant work due to this felling and am on sick I relly hate reading this could last for years I'm not sure if this is symptomatic of prostatitis or I have something different altogether but prostatitis is what best describes my symptoms I have seen 3 docs and 1 uro and all say diff things like ibs or oab witch I'm sure its neither as my main symptom has lasted 3 months with zero uplet I'm worried its a type of cancer and the docs wnt eeven look due to me being only 26 I have a new urologist and appointment to see him on the 25th should I suggest a (camera up wiener ) not sure what that's called lol... would this find the cause of this urianary issue or be pointless..also iv not tried any type of meds whatsoever as am worried it will make things worse also iv followed th istructions given to relieve ibs and oab like cutting out certain foods and drink but no change atal whatsoever... I'm sure its some form of prostatitis is there anything I can try without tabs that may help or eleviate this 24/7 felling to need to pee.. and 1 more question does anybody know if prostatitis can cause the feeling of leaking urine into pants but when ifeel its completely dry..... I need my life back to normal
darius67849 ian57724
I created an account specifically to reply to you. You ARE NOT suffering from prostatitis. You are dealing with a condition called Pelvic Floor Dysfunction or Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS). I know this because I experienced your exact symptoms and was sent through the standard ringer of prostatitis diagnosis along with 8 weeks of antibiotics which absolutely wrecked my digestive system.
PFD/CPPS is very treatable and actually can be effectively "cured" if you're diligent about treatment plans. I strongly urge you to seek out a pelvic physical therapist. I can link you a site that has great information on the condition and how to treat it:
I am currently being treated here weekly and I have seen improvement over the past 3 months. For reference, my symptoms appeared almost overnight and I spent 2 months thinking it was something completely different (kidney stones, overactive bladder, kidney disease, chronic inflammation, prostatitis, etc) which only worsened the situation. My symptoms were very similar - rectal discomfort, frequent urge to urinate (almost no relief from it, even after urinating) frequent urge to defecate, pain in urethra and tip of penis, sensation of leaking even when not actually leaking anything (so you know, this can be caused by the muscles being so tight they are putting pressure on parts of your pudendal nerve which create that sensation). Here is a link to the wikipedia article on the nerve, just to help you visualize the anatomy.
Please heed my advice and search for a capable pelvic PT. Many patients actually return to total normalcy in 6-8 weeks and others take longer. If nothing else, use that site I linked to you. They can provide you advice if nothing else.
ian57724 darius67849
probably the most helpful thing I have read since this issue began almost 6 months ago. I'm still having issues but am finding slight relief in tamsulosin 0.4 mg 1 a night. I was originaly prescribed a 6 week course of this by my urologist but when they ran out the felling came back so I begged my gp to prescribe me more an since has given me two 6 week perscriptions . I don't know if taking these long term is harmfull but from what iv researched its hard to still not sure weather the diagnosis of prostatitis by my uro is correct he only gave me a prostate exam an said slightly tender he didn't do bloods or semen culture or prostate fluid culture so I will be asking when I go back in april as I'm now more informed on prostatitis weather they can do these tests to rule out other issues. THANKS FOR REPLYS GUYS REALY HELPFULL
DiffByDesign Balroae
Probably the single most underrated/unknown "painfull" disease/condition/feeling/reality that exists... as a fellow sufferer. I CAN ONLY RECOMMEND THE GYM AND STR8 KILL IT IN THERE. I WANNA GO VIRAL about my own overcommings because i truly suffer at a much more minimal degree. I am 28 and have had these issues since i was 15/16.
david54719 Balroae
Kind thanks