Provera Or Prometrium For Thinning Lining?
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Dear Ladies:
I am 58 years old and blood tests show that I am still not quite in Menopause. (FSH lower than Menopausal levels and Estradiol more than Menopausal levels)
I've had 4 biopsies in 5 years, 2 sonohysterograms, D&C, Polypectomy, Hysteroscopy, Endometrial Ablation and so many ultrasounds I can't count them anymore.
My lining is showing that I'm at 6mms but, no one seems to know how much is lining and how much is scar tissue from the ablation and D&C.
I was given Provera (medroxyprogesterone) at 10mg/day for 5 1/2 months to thin the lining (all normal biopsies) from 12 mms down. I am now at 6 mms.
I am now to take Provera for 14 days every 3 months to clean out any built up lining until I reach menopause (please come soon!)
However, the Provera causes some pretty nasty side effects in terms of HEAVY bleeding, cramping, anxiety, water retention, breast tenderness, LONG period (12 days of heavy bleeding) etc. and about another month after stopping it and the heavy bleeding to feel right again. By then, I'm due for another round of it.
It has been suggested that I try Prometrium at 100mg every day (non-stop) instead to keep the lining thinned until Menopause. However, I've been reading some pretty nasty stories about it too.
This time, I want to do research as had I known then, what I know now, I never would have allowed the ablation to be done. I'd rather be safe than sorry with these meds.
Can anyone tell me if they've tried both (the Provera and the Prometrium) and which one they did better on?
Your help would be much appreciated!
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jayneejay jamie28919
cant really help, but can tell you my similar experience before peri began.
i had depo provera ( injection ) OMG i bled for 21 months non stop, and then when it did stop, I had large ovarian cysts.. Luckily they dispersed with out surgery in the end, they were simple follicar cysts that grew and grew and as i was then skipping periods and I needed a proper period to help them along..
i wouldnt touch Provera of any sort for me personally ... Totally screwed my body up..
these injection were suppose to be every 3 months, i only had two and all hell let loose, the. Peri menopause began .. I was age 40 then..
I do hope you find some answers
jay x
jamie28919 jayneejay
The withdrawal bleed was horrendous! Heavy and the cramping was unreal. I had to take to bed for 2 or 3 days as I couldn't function so, I understand what you are talking about. And, talk about feeling rotten...I felt like I was going insane. Anxiety galore!
This is all why I'm wondering if Prometrium (the most bio-identical oral form) is better for me...though I would have to take it every day until I see her again in August and be re-ultrasounded.
This time...I want to be informed instead of blindly following a doctor's orders. The ablation was the worst thing I could have allowed to happen but, again, you don't know until later on what it will do to you.
Thank you, Jay! XO
I hope others will respond with their experiences too.
jayneejay jamie28919
i dont know about Prometrium.. Never had it ...
the depo provera injection experience still haunts me, 21 months bleeding from 2 injections 😳
ranged from very heavy, normal, light, but even when it eased i still spotted, i think in that 21 months i had about 2 free days of spotting, so i can totally relate to you..
After my episode i researched the stuff and back then they were teying to ban in in US dont know if that happened, apparently women either bled like me, or had no bleeds and bone loss ...
yes i hope you get some other ladies replying, more info the better
big hugs
jay x
nancy0925 jamie28919
I see that you had the endometrial ablation. I just had a hysteroscopy yesterday and if the results are ok plan on having that done. My doctor said he has have very good results with it, that it could stop my periods are at least prevent the heavy bleeding. It sounds like the ablation didn't help you? I think at this point if I were you, I would have a hysterectomy! You must be going nuts still dealing with your period. I'm 52 and have had enough of heavy periods. I hate how it effects my life...
jamie28919 nancy0925
Yes, I had an ablation done in 2010 and was 54 years old when I had it done. The reason for mine being done was a very clinical doc who over-did everything she did with me and on me. I had 2 polyps (both benign) that she THOUGHT were the cause of my constant spotting...which later proved, not to be the case. She ablated via Rollerball Method, saying that she wanted to prevent them from growing back. It sounded reasonable at the time to me but, now I know that it wasn't the cause and didn't need to be done at all.
In your case, depending on where you are and what type of ablation you're having done, it can help tremendously. It can stop periods can at the least, lighten the flow as youv'e been told.
May I mention a couple of things that you should ask your doc and do your own research on BEFORE deciding to go ahead with the ablation?
I know women who have had the balloon, the heated mesh, the rollerball method that I have had (being in Canada that's what they do), laser and cryotherapy (freezing the lining). So, in effect, they mainly destroy the lining with heat or cold.
The question would thoroughly and how EVENLY do they do it?
All methods destroy the lining and cause scar tissue but some methods are more evenly done and that can make a difference.
The type that i had done was done in "strips". That meant that some areas were done more deeply and others, hardly at all. Some areas were barely touched! All of that has left "ridges" of thin and thick walls and some areas still build a lining (estrogen stimulated) and others are very thin so, while taking meds to thin the lining where it has grown thicker (ie: the areas not done more thoroughly), it thins the areas that are already too thin....if you're catching what I'm trying to say as I'm not sure I'm explaining this right.
Secondly, because of the uneveness of the method used, my uterus is now totally distorted. There are adhesions and the scar tissues are webbed, nearly closing the neck of the uterus, leaving only the top somewhat open. This makes it very difficult to do any testings the "correct way" or even to get results. Several tests haven't been able to be read because of the scar tissue and distortion.
Many, many women do just fine and are relieved to have had it done. It depends on the method used though and the shape of your uterus, size etc.. Your doc should be skilled....VERY skilled at doing this procedure! That's a biggie! Ask what method he is planning on doing as well as how many of these he's done. Docs who aren't skilled and are "just starting to use it" are NOT the ones to have do it. Common sense.
Also ARE 52 years old. That means that you are going to go into menopause sooner or later and the heavy periods *could* (most likely) be the result of perimenopausal, non-ovulatory periods. They WILL ease eventually but, there are women (like me) who go into late menopause so, it could be awhile before they let up. If you're anemic...of course, you have to do something but, if not...discuss alternatives with your doc. Ablations do come with possible complications...not just during but, long afterwards (as I'm finding out). Sometimes, the ablation can scar over the cervix and cause an inability to test for cells etc.. It can also cause a syndrome called Asherman's Syndrome where the cervix closes due to scar tissue and blood backs up into the uterus, causing great pain and a hysterectomy to be needed. So, ask questions and do your homework FIRST! It's prudent to be an informed patient as this IS YOUR body. No question is "stupid". Ask them!
In my case, had I known then what I know now...I would have allowed the D&C, hysteroscopy and polypectomy that I had done but, I would have drawn the line at the type of ablation that I had done and refused it. It was like taking a sledge hammer to kill a fly and damaging the table at the same time.
Many women do very well with ablations and are grateful for them but, there are others who have had not so great an experience and like me, wouldn't have done it had they known what they know now.
It's all very individual and depends on the doctor's abilities and method used. Think it through and research as well as asking questions of your doc....informed questions through research.
As for me and a hysterectomy...well, 2 gynecologists have read me the riot act on leaping into it. There are potential complications during and well after the surgery. Even if there are no complications during, there can be many years down the road so, 2 gynecologists are trying to steer me away from having it done unnecessarily. I'm trying to just wait it through and go into a natural menopause. I'm not quite there yet but, having had done all that I've had done...I'm getting leary and weary and I just want to be "normal" most women I know in going into Menopause and finally be done with this bleeding and worries about it!
Anyways, I've said a lot here so, not at all to scare you but, make you more informed, please do a bit of research, ask your doc questions and don't leap into anything out of frustration. As my family doc/GP has told me..."in trying to fix one thing....they can screw up another." The wisest words I think I've heard anyone say to me.
Best of luck and wishes and if you have anymore questions, I'm here.
Jamie XO
jamie28919 nancy0925
jayneejay jamie28919
that happens to me sometimes too, 😩
jay x
jamie28919 jayneejay