PS Operation 27th Feb 09 - The story so far, and going on

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Hello all, I had the dreaded PS, so here's my story so far, and a sort of blog of my recovery.

Day 1 - 27th Feb 09 - operation day.

I was taken down to theatre at Darlingtom Memorial Hospital, under the care of Mr Gilliam, and the original plan was to excise, and primary closure, unfortunately they had more to take out, 3 large, and 3 small PS's so had to go for secondery intention, and left the hole open.

Woke up after the operation, and no pain, just a drip thanks to the morphine dropping my blood pressure a little too far for their liking. Duringthe operation I also received a little tramadol and paracetemol. To date these are the last pain killers I have had since the operation. Had a reasonable night's sleep, and was very awake when I had visitors about an hour after the operation.

Day 2 - 28th Feb 09

Awoke and managed breakfast ok, was told that I can sit anyway I want, don't worry ablout staying on my front or sides, still no pain, the nurses and surgeon are amazed.

The packing was taken out and I had a bath about 2pm, and again no pain or discomfort. I managed my first look at the wound getting in the bath, and it looks about 4 inches long, not too deep, maybe half an inch, and very clean.

I was repacked, pain free, and I was discharged after this, no painkillers given or required, and managed a nights sleep at home, with everyone fussing over me.

To be continued......

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    Day 2 - 1st Mar 09 - First full day at home

    It was strange waking up in my own bed, but still no pain to speak about, and wound feels ok, stil haven't seen it since I left hospital. The girlfriend taped my dressing down as the nurse at the hospital thought my boxer shorts would hold it in place enough, a few bits of surgical tape later and all is in place.

    I found it quite easy getting comfortable as long as I was reclined, and there has been very little weeping from the wound, at least looking at this side of the dressing, more will be found out tomorrow after I get it re-packed by the practice nurse at my local surgery.

    All in all so far, a not too bad experience, but it is still very early days.

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    Day 3 - 2nd Mar 09 - Trouble begins

    Well it had to go wrong at some point.

    An uneventful night, and a bath and repacking later, all is well, apart from the shock of being informed I have to pay for my dressings, or at least the prescriptions for them. After a search online for the cost of aquacel, and speaking to my sister in law who works in a vets,and seeing the cost, I am in shock.

    Anyway, a quiet day, the girlfriend is on her way about 6:30 pm with a Mcdonalds (yes I know, but it's a nice treat now and then) and I feel a little dripping below, a quick check and I am bleeding quite bad.

    A trip to A&E later and they stop the bleed, and repack me with I swear a whole role of tape holding a huge dressing and 3 bits of gauze which are substituting as packing, as they don't keep anything resembling aquacel in stock, typical.

    I am on full bed rest, face down till I go to the nurse tomorrow afternoon to be packed again, oh joy, and if it starts bleeding again, I will be re-admitted.

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    Day 5 - 3rd Mar 09

    It was a long night, could never really get comfortable, as the temperory packing just wouldn't feel 'right'. I spent all the time on my front, again not comfortable, and told not to have a bath before seeing the nurse, I can see the pain getting the gauze out already.

    Moving on, I drag my carcass to the nurses office and told her about the previous night, and she cannot believe that they used 3 lumps of dry gauze in my hole, and said this will hurt, thanks.

    To say I was in a little pain as it was removed is an understatement, she wet them down as much as she could, but still have to give them a good pull. Repacked and away I go, walking like an old man, and in a lot of disomfort. A few hours later I am back to normal, and settle down for the night. I had plans for tonight, meant to be at a Metallica concert, but no way could I do 3 hours on a cold hard plastic seat, so had to give my ticket away.

    I bought a prepayment card for the presciptions, so that is better, but still feel a little ripped off.

    See you all tomorrow.

  • Posted

    Day 6 - 4th Mar 09

    Another fitfull sleep meant a tired bish wasn't in a great mood heading to the nurse's station. I was unable to have a bath as was in agony everytime I sat in the water, so somehow managed a shower, keeping the direct stream off the wound.

    The prescription saga is ongoing, still waiting for it to be signed by a doctor so I can at least try and source the aquacel.

    Not as sore as yesterday after the packing and a quiet night followed, and hopefully a decent nights sleep.

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    Been away from my laptop for a few days, here's the updates.

    Day 7 - Thurs 5th Mar 09

    Finally get my prescription, and the nurse says they can source it for me, we'll settle up the cost later, oh joy, at least the PPC (pre payment certificate) is on order so the most I will be paying is the £27.95 it cost me for the next 3 months.

    Another new nurse, and another way of doingthe packing, I swear they are trying to use as little padding as possible, and it can get painful as I'm sure the tape is getting closer and closer to the wound.

    The shower I managed before heading off was painful, and I used no soap of any form, just to make sure that wasn't casuing any pain, this should be interesting.

    Day 8 - Fri 6th Mar 09

    One week since the operation, and I feel no different, if anything I felt better before the operation, but that might be due to my back being so insensitive over the years of not knowing I had PS.

    Absolute agony today when washing the wound, and I swear something is up, the nurse says it still looks very clean, but to keep me happy takes a swab from it, just to be sure. I spent most of the afternoon asleep, and just couldn't get comfortable at all.

    The prescription arrived at the surgery, and I was assured I am on the list for the community nurse for Saturday and Sunday, so off I went with my supplies for her.

    Day 9 - Sat 7th Mar 09

    Early start as I don't know what time the community nurse will arrive, no-one knows that apart from her, so I am ready for her at 10am, and face down with the wound open ready to be packed.

    Apparently any PS packing is meant to be prioritised so tehy are done first, all she was aware of was 'wound' typical.

    I'm still there at 4:30 when the doorbell rings, and I swear the painkillers I have started taking, over the counter paracetemol, are wearing off.

    Another new way of packing, as she has never seen aquacel the same as mine before. It took her ages to get it in, and I'm sure she was using the probe to see how deep my wound was, it brought a few tears to my eyes.

    I couldn't settle all night, it just never felt right, and tried to have an early night, butthat was foiled by being wide awake still at 3am.

    Day 9 - Sun 8th Mar 09

    I have a time she is due here, so all set for another packing, but was in agony getting the packing out, as well as the growing smell from it the last few days, there was a small amount of blood to, and near to the top of my wound, there is a small hardening lumg growing, I'm sure there is a small infection in there, but what do I know.

    I pointthis out to the community nurse, and she agrees, so hopefuly on Monday when I'm back at teh surgery I can get some antibiotics, and if I'm lucky, some stronger painkillers.

    It was moving day today, depsite my better judgement, the girlfriend wants me to move to her place for a week as she is off work on holiday. 8 miles later I am at her place and all settled, it might be a good move after all, as it is a nice change of scenery.

    More updates to come......

  • Posted

    28/8/09 Day 183

    A day I will never forget, I finally got the all clear from my doctors, still have to be careful for now, but should be ok now.

    I have a variety of pics from all through the healing which I'll throw up on here the next few days.

    Any questions ask, and I'll fill in the blanks as I go along.

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