Psychiatrist told me there is no such thing as withdrawal symptoms for Mirtazapine

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I went cold turkey from taking 45mg of Mirtazapine almost 3 weeks ago and i have felt complete rubbish over these past few weeks and lost 10lb in the process because my appetite is almost completely gone. I stopped taking it since it was not working for me and no medications have, but i had an appointment with my Psychiatrist and said my body is having withdrawal symptoms and his response was that Mirtazapine has no withdrawal symptoms at all that has been documented. For me i am lost for words as either i am going crazy, they are saying this thinking the placebo effect will prevent what symptoms are showing or just flat out lying to me.

No new medications to try and no support given from them so what should i do now since i can not trust them.

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    I know it’s so hard to know what to do my doctor says the same that there aren’t any withdrawals from mirtazapine and I don’t know who to trust either 

    I think coming off 45mg cold turkey must be awful as I only drop a couple of mg a month and I’m not coping so you are brave to come off like you have

    Be strong 

  • Posted


    I don't know where your doctor trained, but my GP looked it up in the Drug book and told me I had to come off it slowly.  I have to gradually lower the dose over 9 weeks.  Hang in there.  I had horrible side effects similar to yours when I came off long term codeine, but it passed


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      Hi Caroline I am also coming off Mirt slowly, good advice thank you. It’s good to hear that the withdrawal symptoms do pass!
  • Posted

    Well Julian, with all due respect to your psychiatrist, one only has look at the info in this forum to demonstate that mirtazapine withdrawal symptons are “difficult” to say the least. Obviously you need to keep on the right side of your psychiatrist  as they are the “professionals”. !!. Are you taking any other antidepressant.? I would get on one of the standard  SSRI’s ASAP.  There is always diazapam and zopiclone( sleeping tablets) to help you back to “normal”! but perhaps I am stepping over the mark by making medication recommendations. Good luck anyhow and try and get focused on the rest if your life. Losing 10 pounds ??....for many like me is a positive. I have lost two stone of the last couple of years which for me is great.
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      SSRI’s do absolutely nothing for me either. I am on 15mg of Zopiclone every night and have been on it for 6+ months now. It wears off in 1-2 hours before i start waking from nightmares all night long which i have always suffered with. There are no other sleeping meds they can offer as seroquel is the other one but causes bad side effects since i use to be on 300mg of it.
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    How long were you on 45 ?

    What are your withdrawal symptoms ?

    • Posted

      I was on 45mg for 6-8 months.Ever since stopping taking it i have been getting really bad cramps, weight loss from no appetite, just felt really bad in general like i had a bad flu that never went away. Headaches feeling dizzy. I have always had nightmares so i am not including them since i am unsure if they have been effected since they are all night long. Not sure if my feeling of shortness of breath and heart constantly fluttering has increased after stopping too which i have to get checked out since my anxiety has gone through the roof now too so i start to get panic attacks.

      While they are not as intense as coming off other medications, it is that fact that he said there was no effects stopping mirtazapine which is making worry that the problems are in my head. 

    • Posted

      Your not losing your mind, believe me when I say this because I've being were you are. 

      I've had that look from a doctor, many of us have. 

      They do have you think it's the start of another episode but this was my first time taking any A/D and I'd stopped taking it cold turkey so it is because of Mirtazapine. 

      Go get a second opinion, and a 3rd and 4th if you must. Some doctors are very knowledgeable and have seen it before, someone will eventually help you. 

  • Posted

    Hi Julian - he is flat out lying to you. Can you get another psychiatrist? 
    • Posted

      Not able to get a new one here unless i request it but it took me months before they accepted a request for a new doctor so a psychiatrist is not an option since these services are limited where i live. 
  • Posted

    Tell him he is talking absolute rubbish my doctor has said yes you get withdrawals from all most all antidepressants you aren’t going crazy at all and everything your experiencing is from withdrawals I went 9 days cold turkey and thought I was actually going to die so now taking 7.5mg at night just help myself feel like I can cope my doctor wanted me to go off them to start milnacipran due to being diagnosed with fibromyalgia after the 5th day I went to see him broke down and my heart rate was through the roof he was on the verge of putting me in a ambulance he gave me Valium and something to help me sleep they helped but to be honest it was still hell I’ve tried his new medication milnacipran but that doesn’t agree with me so I thought that’s it I’m going back on it just at a low dose 7.5mg I don’t have anymore withdrawals just very emotional cry at the drop of a hat but at least I can actually do things and not feeling crazy I hope I’ve helped you and absolutely you go through withdrawals show him this site show him how many people don’t cope coming off them sometimes they have to be proven wrong to help the next person and not dismiss them sending you my love and wishing you feel better soon xxx

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