Psychological triggers?
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Hi everyone,
As a sufferer of cardiac arrhythmias for over 40 years (see my other posts on the forum) I have had long periods of remission followed by the very opposite. Currently I am in the throes of a prolonged phase of ectopics, punctuated by atrial tachycardia, which has been causing utter misery. Recent echocardiogram data confirms that my heart is structurally sound (and it behaved impeccably during the investigation - wouldn't it just!)
Something I have wondered about for quite a while: if one's attention is diverted, through activity involving the presence of other people (friends, colleagues, etc), does this detract from the unpleasant symptoms and focus the mind away from the problem to the extent that these become unnoticeable? This has been my experience of late, in my earnest search for ways of mitigating my symptoms. I notice that, when in company (I live on my own most of the time), social interaction with others makes the symptoms all but disappear! Once on my own again, it isn't long before they re-assert themselves. Does this point firmly in the direction of the triggers of arrhythmia being, in part at least, induced psychologically? Does the lessening of anxiety while in the company of others remove these triggers? I'd be very interested to hear from anyone who has had similar experiences with cadiac misdemeanours while in and out of the company of others.
Good wishes to everyone,
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linda36047 donald61613
I've found that interacting with doctors makes mine worse. And no, I'm not kidding. I'm retired, so going to doctors is the most stressful thing I do these days.
But you are correct that not focusing on them helps. I notice mine when I go to bed at night and all is quiet. So I sit up and watch TV for awhile and they will eventually subside enough so I can get to sleep.
garry11136 linda36047
Hi Linda
How are you? If i may. Share, i dont undermine what your feeling . nut may say. You are One of the lucky ones. Just by focusing your attention on something else ex; TV. Reading. You get to sleep . or i feel your tolerance as i may say is high
And can disregard what you feel. I wish i could have that. : ) and yes second and third opinions on diff. Dr.'s is just fine. But in my opinion i choose th best Gp first then i stick to him. But of course thats my opinion. Only.. Its always your choice.. may you get well soonest
garry11136 donald61613
Hi Donald
38 years of arythmias. Diff meds from amiodarone, rythma, cordarone, felicainide, all these ive taken has worked for a years, then all these meds ive mentioned, made my condition worst, i really dont know why. Then my cardio prescribed me with beta blockers. Some worked for a while then my arrythmias resumed, then prescribed with different beta blockers same effect.. I'm presently. Taking concore 2.5 mgs 2 times daily.i felt fine. My episodes are seldome. And Livable.. Its been 4 weeks now. And i feel my arrythmia is overpowering my meds again. My cardio cannot increase my dosage. Since it may drop my bp and slow my hb..bummer isnt it? I feel you bro. And yes. I sked my cardio meets when i cant bear anymore my flutters. I just dont understand when im at his clinic. My flutters stop and heartr yrhyms normal. He checks my heart and sees nothing bad. Same o same o. And of course he knows my problems. He is my cardio for 25 yrs man. He knows me inside out. He says arryrhmia and anxiety goes hand in hand. He gives me relaxants to counter stress and anxiety. Perhaps you are correct. When we are distracted the ordeals are distracted so lets not listen to our body. They dont feel what we feel. Only us can help us. I hope i shared something to our readers. I hope we all get better. Soon....
lilian1980 donald61613
Hello sir,
I suffer from that same problem too, and I monitor closely just to know about it. I notice the same as you said but I also notice that it can start whenever feels like too.
I work and I interact with people and sometimes I don't get it but there is times that it comes without me waiting. 😂😂
I'm used to them now.