pulled neck muscle and feeling weird
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Hi everyone,
I have a stiff and aching neck when I turn to the right. My doctor said it was a pulled muscle. I get weird muggy head feelings and just want to lay down but I try to keep busy. I get tired easily too. I mentioned this to my doctor nut he's only given me ibruprofen and an analgesic cream to rub in. It's knocked my confidence somewhat. Has anyone else experienced this? I think I just need some reassurance. Thank you for your responses.
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charlotte1824 Guest
Theres also lots of stretching excercises online but i still find the pilates etc works better. Also try to avoid stress and sleep on yor back.
I ahve an ongoing situation with my neck for approx 6yrs and the above is the only things that helps.
I dont know why but the neck defo is connected to the muggy head and the tiredness, i get it and most posts on this forum mention it with neck pain.
Guest charlotte1824
Hi Charlotte,
Thank you for replying, it's reassuring to know that it's not unusual to get a muggy head and tiredness with this. Sorry to hear though that you have been suffering a long time with neck problems. I've never tried yoga or Pilates but I'll find out if there is anything going on locally. I do get anxious about things, I worry a lot about health issues.
Many thanks for replying,
CCinCal Guest
I had gallbladder surgery a couple of weeks ago and the neck turning has gotten worse. It also gives me that weird fidgety head sensation. Hard to describe. A combo of
Combo of disorientation, disequilibrium. Woozy muggy jittery in head feeling. It's awful. Going to get Botox for it next week.
Guest CCinCal
Hi CCinCal,
So sorry you have that awful condition. I wonder if the anaesthesia from the op made it worse? My head feels the way you describe but I don't have any involuntary movements just aching and stiffness in my neck and between shoulder blades. From googling my symptoms it does appear that neck issues can cause these heady feelings.
I do hope the Botox relieves your symptoms.
Thanks for your post,