Put on birth control to help with hormones/periods
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Hello all. For some background info I'm 19, and I've never been regular with my periods. Before I had about 4-5 months between my periods then it went to about 3-4 for a bit and then to 3-2 for only a few times. I figured I was getting more to a schedule with my period but then it jumped to a 4 month gap and then it went to about a year with no period. I got some blood work done a few times and I eventually saw an endocrinologist that did some more labs. They figured out that I have normal levels of female hormones, estrogen, but that I am over producing male hormones, testosterone. I'm being put on birth control to help regulate everything and try to bring my hormone levels nack to the normal range. I'm not sexually active and dont plan to be any time soon and was hoping to put off birth contol until then but this is what can help me. I'm also having a untrasound done in a few days of my uterus and ovaries. If any one has dealt with this before information will be helpful!
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tanayadas353 Accs1
Try to figure out the route cause of the problem.It is normal to have irregular periods in your age if you are suffering from Obesity.If you are over weight try to lose some kgs.Using synthetic hormone on a regular basis isn't good for your future. Maintain a health lifestyle and healthy foods
Accs1 tanayadas353
Luckily I am a normal weight, I'm hoping the ultrasound will show some results but I'm not sure.
moon53540 Accs1
Accs1 moon53540
moon53540 Accs1
Avoid sugar and too much alcohol as that affects your hormones and makes you put on weight easily when your hormones are imbalanced. Try and eat healthy drink loads of water and keep active also take a multi vitamin and mineral tablet every day. When your hormones are imbalanced it is important to make a bit more of an effort to be healthy to prevent illnesses when you are older.
Don’t be on the pill for long as you are at higher risk of the scarier side effects that they warn you about when you get older. Also depression affects so many people on the pill, you are only young and you don’t want to spend your youth unhappy.