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what do yours feel like? mine feels like my heart stops, for a broef moment its like the wind was knocked out of me then a hard beat and everytime it happens it makes me think that will be the last heart beat i ever have. they are very scary i recently had one for the first time where it actually hurt and i believe this was because i was just about to sleep and my heart rate was about 53 bpm per my apple watch series 6 and it was the biggest comtraction i felt. been to the doctors a few years ago when it happened had stress test echo cardiogram and 3 day holter monitor doctor said i was fine with my luck i had one that night but not the whole time i had monitor doctor said im perfectly fine but if it happens again go to the ER lol its not funny but how am i perfectly fine but if it happens again go to er so stupid

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    yeah that’s weird that he said that. He’s probably just trying to cover his own butt.

    I can tell you that I know the sensation of a PVC very well and it’s exactly as you described. I know how scary it can feel but I have had those on and off for over 30 years. My heart is perfectly healthy and strong. I get them due to anxiety and stress that I’ve had my whole life.

    all my testing from the past has been perfectly normal.

    stress and anxiety can definitely cause those and it’s not harmful.

    you should be perfectly fine but of course if you don’t feel well

    there’s always the option of the ER.

    But really try to calm down your mind and relax because that helps to prevent the PVCs. take care❤

    • Posted

      thank you it helps alot just hearing someone say thats what they felt i appreciate that you took the time to reply and it helped me alot more then you think just having someone out there that can relate Thank you!!

  • Posted

    I get those periodically as well but I also have POTS. I am told they are harmless so long as you aren't having a bunch of them in a row. That's probably the only time a trip to the ER is warranted. Sucks that anxiety can also cause them so it begins that familiar vicious cycle. Mine went away significantly after my anxiety lessened. Hope this helps somehow.

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