PVCs for several days

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I have mitral valve prolapse and have dealt with the fast heart rate and PVCs off and on for years.  Most of the time the PVCs are a few times and then go away.  I went on a beta blocker in November and right after Christmas I had a two day episode with significant PVCs.  Today I am on my 6th days with PVCs  sometimes as many as 8-10 a minute.  I did go to the ER but they weren't too concerned about them and told me to consult with my regular Dr. if they persist.  I did get a cardiologist appointment but it is 6 weeks out.  I have never had them last this long.  The Dr. did double the does of my beta blocker and I think that has lessened the intensity of them but not the frequency.  I just want them to stop.  I have one cup of coffee in the morning otherwise no caffeine,  I do enjoy a glass of wine or a 1 beer in the evening a couple of times a week but I have given that up too.  Yes, like most of the other discussions I have read I do tend to be a worrier.  I did have some stress a week or so before this current round of PVCs but when they started I wasn't under any stress.  The PVCs give me stress.  How can you not stress out when your heart is pumping right.  How long can this go on before it is a problem?

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Alisa, I'm with you, when the PVCs are frequent it feels like real trouble ... although I guess it isn't.  But then I'm a worrier, too, lol.  I've been really peeved at the doctors who barely even shrug at them.

    ?Beta blockers seem to help some, also keeping your BP down, how's your BP?

    • Posted

      My BP is good.  Usually on the lower side.  When I was in the ER it was only 124 over 50
  • Posted

    Hi there. I am sorry you are having the awful PVCs! You are braver than me..I would be banging on the odds door everyday. I don't think there is a time limit on how long they can go on. I would not let them send you away of you have, passing out or chest pains too, etc. I can't believe you have to wait 6 weeks for a cardio Dr. That does not seem right. I would try hard to get checked sooner. Not that you are in danger, but dang, you must be miserable. I would suggest getting some magnesium to take. I take Heart Calm . It has potassium, magnesium, taurine, Coq10. My Dr says it's good to take for PVCs. It seems to help mine a lot. I get it on Amazon. You could also try coconut water, bananas or potatoes. But would have to eat a lot to make a difference. Also V8 juice. Your electrolytes may be off. I hope this helps. Let us know how you are doing! Take care, Ileen. I agree about the beta blockers. But you need to get them from your cardio Dr.

    • Posted

      I got notification this morning that the have moved my appointment up to January 24 (It was Feb 28th)  I did order some Heart Calm this morning but I will also check with the cardiologist before I start taking it.  I don't pass out but as for chest pain....well it is hard to describe.  I don't really have pain but more of an anxiety feeling.  Sometimes I can't feel the PVCs as much but I know I'm still having them because I have that anxiety feeling in my chest so I check my pulse and sure enough I'm having them.  Other times they are so bad they take my breath away.  Then I will have an episode where the PVCs all the sudden stop and it is like a brick has been lifted off my chest.  Thank you everyone for your help!! 

  • Posted

    Yes Alisa, how can you NOT be stressed when you are having  VEs so frequently. I have gone with NO ectopics since end of last May...7 months and now they have suddenly started up .All that bosh about alcahol /coffee etc etc really doesnt apply. I am an anxious person and  have taken Prothiaden for 30 years for same. I think the ectopics  are to do with too much adrenaline etc in the bloodstream.I know now its no good seeing the Dr any more as I went through all the tests etc  2 yrs ago .Any sympathy there.......forget it.

      Have you had surgery on yr heart valve?

    • Posted

      No I have not had surgery.  I was told mine is not the degenerative kind so should not require surgery but I guess time will tell. I find with aging (I’m 46) my symptoms are getting worse. 

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