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I was wondering if anyone knew if chronic urticaria is hereditary as I am the only one in my family with this condition and i wanted to know if anyone else that has this also has kids that have the same problem. All doctors/ dermatologists are unsure what causes my flare ups.
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Caribbeangyal Jess.Nixon
Great question. Yes, I believe that there is also a genetic link to our disease. I've suffered since i was a teenager, almost 30 years. No one else has ever exhibited symptoms. 4 years ago, a family friend was proven to be my mother's true father. After his death, while searching through his personal papers with my aunt, I found military hospital discharge papers from the Korean War, he had been hospitalized for a month with angioedema and urticaria! I shared this information with my immunologist, and he didn't seem surprised.
sneha_56997 Jess.Nixon
Hi Jess,
I am also a urticaria with angioedima patient..
In my family im the only one suffering from this...its been one conditij was very whole body (inside as well as out ) used to get swelled face ,lips,tounge,palms ,leg ,eyes,soles ,throat,,everything was affected was very bad days ..i had to resign from the job ..but now condtion is stable...since i started with homeopathy medicine along with allopathy treatment..
there are many pics ..i have attached one of it ..
my actual pic is like
gracie8a Jess.Nixon
Hi Jess,
I'm so glad you have it under control. i have had this fir 3 1/2 years and sort of maintained it but i finally feel like I'm on the right path. Look up SCHNITZLER SYNDROME and MAST CELL ACTIVATION SYNDROME.
I have a doctor appointment in a few days and hope to find out more. As far as this being genetic, it's most likely yes. The studies done have shown that 74% of those participants had a direct relative with those issues.
Look up Autoinflammatory Allegience in San Francisco, CA.
Hope any of the above info can bring some more clarity.
autoinflammatory alliance*