Question About Delirium Tremens

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Hi. Newbie here but I've abused alcohol since is was 20. I'm 29 now. Daily drinker of a liter of liquor or one of the big bottles of wine. I had my last drink Sunday morning at 6am. By 8pm I was hallucinating seeing spiders and worms on my walls. Flashes of light. Noises that weren't there. By 10pm I tried getting up for water and had no control of my body. Fell over with full body tremors that lasted all night. My head was shaking resting on my pillow. Cold sweats, hot flashes, clammy, no sleep, my saliva felt thick and hard to swallow, I was afraid to sleep because my heart was pounding and I thought I would die in my sleep. I got a little sleep this afternoon (Monday). It's now 2am Tuesday morning and I feel much better. Still a little jumpy to sudden loud noises and hands slightly shaky. My question: since I'm feeling better, am I in the clear from DTs? Did I already have them? If I only experienced hallucinations and shakes, would there be a gradual increase to DTs or is it possible for me to feel better now and still get the DTs in a day or two? I've been taking a multivitamin but can't afford to miss work so I'm scared. Thanks in advance for any help!

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    You must seek medical care. Medication is the way forwar d. No time now since going to work. Will make longer reply this evening.

  • Posted

    Are your hands still shaking? Dt's can still be deadly even after just 72 hrs after no alcohol.

    • Posted

      Yes but not nearly as badly. I'm back to the normal slight hand tremors I've had since childhood. I've always had essential tremors. I'm no longer hallucinating but still having trouble with insomnia and night sweats.

    • Posted

      That's good that the hallucinations have stopped. Be extra diligent with taking your vitamins, liquids and any food you can keep down. I used to do 20+ shots of vodka a day and I've done multiple detoxes. With Librium and just by hard tapering. sounds like you might be through the worst but could last about 5 to 7 days sometimes. I now take Naltrexone and only have some drinks on the weekends. please look into it. All the times I detoxed I was never able to do it cold Turkey. My withdrawals were way too extreme and I started hallucinating and it was just too rough. Please still be careful.Good luck, please keep asking any questions and keep posting.

    • Posted

      Are you in the US or Europe? I'm in Maryland of the US. I have to ask because I'm wondering how people are getting librium or anything else to cope and help in the US. If I go to my family doctor saying I need help getting over the hump he has the legal power here to commit me to psych for evaluation against my will for the sake of my own health. I get it. They took an oath and have a job to do but it's scary here. One doc could say "Take these, here's the regimen, if you need anything call us." and another doctor could say "I'm checking you in for your own good. If your employer doesn't like it you can find another job when you get out in a week." Terrifying. I feel it's why more people here aren't willing to seek medical help.

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      The doctors seem to have too much power in the US. What if they make wrong decision or are having a bad day or did not sleep enough and are tired?just wondering.......

    • Posted

      I'm a recent transplant from the Bay area in California to the Seattle area of Washington. My GP in the bay prescribed me Librium for detoxing and withdrawal at least 5 times before he made me contact a chemical abuse doctor. All they did was push AA and not help me at all. What helped me the most was this forum, Adefree finding me a doctor in the area who would prescribe me Naltrexone and my wife's support. I know I repeat myself a lot on this forum but I'm a changed man. I've lost 60 lbs, bought a house and just had a son. My life is so different now. No more hiding alcohol or lying.

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      You are a true ambassador and a shining star! A changed person and totally free and happy.

    • Posted

      Thank you so much. I really appreciate it and all the people on here.

    • Posted

      I know what your talking about. Before I said anything to my doctor I made sure i couldn't be turned in. I also checked and my job cannot discriminate either for chemical dependency. They have to treat it as a sickness.

    • Posted

      Well done 171 - that is amazing 😃


  • Posted

    I pray that you are able to walk away from the drinking it's horrible I watch my sister suffer for 3 years before passing away July 9th 2017 she suffered many years before passing she drink like you drink half gallon bottles a day nothing stopped her not even heard children that she left behind I now have her two beautiful little girls the end of everything was when she was rushed to the hospital from dialysis because her blood pressure bottomed out due to the lack of loss medicine that she was taking because her kidneys and liver were not functioning properly

    • Posted

      I remember your sister dying from drinking just a few months ago and leaving her poor children behind. Enough incentive for anybody to stop drinking. You are brave and a saint. Bless you.

  • Posted

    How was your week Kate? How are you feeling and what are your plans? Planning to reduce drinking?

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