Question about heart palpitations
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I know we almost all have this, but curious....
Has anyone has increased heart rate/palpitations for like 3 days straight?
Not a "lot" of other issues with it, other than how u feel when they're there, but just constant?
Seems like they start the last few days right after I wake up, and continue periodically throughout the day, and are worse when I'm concentrating on them.
Can't go to doctor, no $$ BUT....I do notice this happens to me every month for a few days AFTER my period.
Oh- another new one....really wanna know if anyone has this...random strange little pains in the neck area? Like sometimes by collar bone, or ON the neck? Almost feels like a nerve or something , doesn't stay in one place and isn't horrible- just freaky.
I didn't used to get the "random" pains people on here talked about but now I notice they're starting.
Also- last two months period has only last 4 days whereas my whole life it was one full week.
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Guest Str8tfans
My temp was always sub normal and my bp always very low.
I don’t get the heart palps anymore.
chrisann144 Str8tfans
gailannie Str8tfans
What this indicates is perimenopause. Periods will change in cycle length, and flow length. Eventually you'll skip on here and there. A shorter flow length as you are describing is generally indicating lower estrogen levels than you are used to having. But next month, you could have a full 7 day periods again.
And yes, heart palps also indicate a lower estrogen and also, progesterone level. I had them a lot when I went into peri. Most all of this is freaky. It's like we don't know our bodies any more.
Str8tfans gailannie
Thank you for that explanation :-)
It's always helpful to be reminded we're not dying today lol
I appreciate all of you!
Marisa02082 Str8tfans
I have had them also for a few years. Have not had them lately. I don't know if my body balanced out..but I so disliked them. I really did not like !! You are not alone. It does feel like you don't know your body anymore.
paisleygirl Str8tfans
I am 61 years old and now 10 years postmeno and can tell you this is all normal I had them for years on and off more on than off for many years had my heart checked several times and all clear....take at least 400 mg of magnesium glycinate its easily absorbed by the body and its a natural muscle relaxant so it helps tons with palpitations, anxiety, and helps you get much needed sleep if taken at bedtime ...and just so you know there is light at the end of this crazy meno tunnel and we all get there eventually 😊
Str8tfans paisleygirl
Thank you so much! :-)
I don't know what I'd do without this forum!
paisleygirl Str8tfans
I know what you mean it helps so much to talk to others that are going through all the same stuff as helped me so much 😊