Question about sudden fatigue? Crashing fatigue?
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Does anyone else get sudden fatigue that comes out of the blue? I can feel normal part of the day and then all of a sudden I am so tired that I feel like I want to lay on the couch and nap. It happens regardless of how much sleep I am getting. It happens at different times of the day too. Sometimes even an hour or two after I've gotten out of bed.
I'm 39 and still having my periods but they are coming farther and farther apart. I am not on any birth control pills because I'm overweight and have migraines with aura.
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Desire_2_B_bald mynamewastaken
goatgirl mynamewastaken
Chris1230 mynamewastaken
sheryl37154 Chris1230
Drs will say try taking iron tablets (deadly for some of us), that it is CFS - which is a symptom of something else, not a diagnosis. It starts off with same symptoms as menopause (which is often when iron loading starts for most women). It is haemochromatosis! Get your dr to test your iron panels every year, and don't take no for an answer.
Chris, I am so glad you brought that up, even though I was in opposite direction. One in 200 people get haemochromatosis, one in 80 of those with Irish heritage.
Chris1230 sheryl37154
I often wonder why doctors ignore the ferritin test. I had to ask for it and when it came back so low, my doctor was shocked. Low ferritin is the precurser to anemia. You can start feeling bad well before you show up with anemia. Many menstruating women, after many years of having a period, have this start. Usually presents in the 30s, if not on birth control. My ferritin was at "3" or "5". My doctor says he likes to see women at "50." The normal range is something like 13-100. Most men average up in the 70 range.
sheryl37154 Chris1230
I did see the word pheochromatosis in a blog, but the symptoms were for pheochromacytoma, and she corrected herself later in follow up blog.
The blood tests that include ferritin iron, i.e. Iron Studies/Panel, as I said, should be done as a matter of course by gps because it is a window to a lot a health issues as you have discovered. So, everyone out there reading this, ask your dr for an Iron Studies/Panel to be done. We might start something! Like preventative health care.
susan21149 mynamewastaken
All I am taking is my Ativan 1/2 mg every 5 to 6 hours and my trazodone to help me sleep and my thyroid and my pepcid and my vitamin D3 and my multivitamin
I don't feel as I did last week when i was taking the neurontin
Last Friday i was so tired i was weak feeling like I was going to pass out and my blood pressure and heart rate were high too. Then in the ER on Monday I was really agitated my blood pressure was up and so was my heart rate they had to give me a shot of ativan to calm me down and it started to lower my blood pressure and my heart rate
i can not do a lot of meds or i am out of it
Desire_2_B_bald susan21149
susan21149 Desire_2_B_bald
Nurontin just made me so tired my blood pressure was up with it and so was my heart rate and i was only taking 100mg 3 times a day. I had to stop it with how it made me restless and agitated and weak and tired
I am just taking my ativan and trazodone right now
You should talk to your doctor about how you feel when you take the nurontin
sarah63813 mynamewastaken
Suzie_D mynamewastaken
leah51418 mynamewastaken
cathy1965 mynamewastaken
reva31742 mynamewastaken
It just happened to me. I actually slept really good last night. I am on birth control pills, mild. ones. I'm almost 52 and started a natural vitamin to help with some irritability and that and it's helped a lot that way. Had a lot of energy at first, but today, I just all of sudden can hardly keep my eyes open. Was wondering what is going on?