Question for those who have had a myomectomy
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Hi ladies
Today is Day 11 for me after surgery and I have been taking it relatively easy but due to boredom decided to do a little ironing today and then I went with my mother to the supermarket. I was going very slow and relying on the trolley to go round but it was a bit of a struggle. I'm now home feeling very tired even though we only got a few things and were not very long.
My question is how soon did you ladies attempt something like this? Did you find t a real struggle. I've been told I should stay active and try to walk a little every day but I couldn't wait to get back home and in bed! Also i get this funny almost numb sensation in my tummy just above my scar. When I touch my tummy I can feel every touch But it's also almost like the area is a little numb. Is this normal? Is it due to all the swelling and bruiskng inside??! I hope to god that there isn't anythjng wrong and it's just part of the healing process
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fibroidy MissBurbs
I would say stay home for another week, i stayed home for a while and am now back to normal, i took it really slow, you wil get back to normal. I still have the numbness and even more annoying the itching. The swelling is normal , my stomach has only just gone down in th last week.
Did you get pelvic exercises to do, these really work the stomach area. I didn't do any kind of house work for a least a few weeks
MissBurbs fibroidy
The numbness is really weird feeling. Hope it goes soon!
nicola99890 MissBurbs
I am 2 weeks post TAH BSO and only went to the doctors and the supermarket yesterday and got back after about 1hr and felt really tired, it is normal to feel like this at this stage.
The numbness and strange feeling around your scar is because when the surgeon made the incision he would of cut through nerve endings and it takes a while for the feeling to come back infact some women dont ever get 100 % of feelings back, im still numb right across my bikini line wound and at the top of my legs, its weired.
Nikki x
MissBurbs nicola99890
heartsese MissBurbs
I'm at day 19 after TAH. Still v tired and reliant on pain killers. Tool less yesterday and been uncomfy through the night.
Not been out yet but had a walk most days. Trying to do a little bit around the house. No ironing yet though. ... not tried visit to shop yet. Too soon. Trying to take it easy but boredom is an issue plus not really in mood to read or watch TV.
Missing twice daily long walks with the dog :'(
Itching not too bad. Numbness v v weird feeling. Prunes and figs help with effects of medication. Swelling worse at the end of the day. Looking forward to normal life. Feeling a bit odd that I had no intention of having more children and yet now everything has been removed I couldn't even if I wanted to. Very odd.
Sending you warmest best wishes for your recovery x
MissBurbs heartsese