Questions about Stem Cell/ Platelet-Rich Plasma/Photodynamic Therapy.

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Hi, I am a male with what has been diagnosed as Lichen Sclerosus. I am actually unsure that this is correct as I have no white plaques and have not had a biopsy for it. The skin condition was caused by taking flouroquinolones, a type of antibiotic, and it was initially diagnosed as thrush- after seven months of trying treatments I managed to get rid of this using Eumovate steroid cream. Unfortunately a few weeks later I had to take the same antibiotics and it instantly returned. The doctors were extremely awkward with me from then on and never really listened to me- it seemed a real fight where they always knew best. I had steroid cream damage from taking them in different potencies for another year non-stop, despite me questioning this. The steroid cream actually atrophied my skin to the point that all the blood vessels underneath were raised and visible, they made me lose all feeling in the area it had been applied (sensation was reduced from the altered skin already) and eventually this caused me impotence at the age of 19. Fortunately with time the steroid damage has reduced somewhat and I am no longer impotent, but I have little feeling and still have pain from my condition. Tacrolimus did nothing but I managed to calm it down to an extent, getting rid of blisters using manuka honey, but it didn’t stop pain or swelling so I looked into essential oils. A lot of them calmed the skin but their anti-inflammatory effects didn’t take away the swelling until I looked at inhibiting cox-2. Mixing with Jojoba oil I found that 6 oils inhibited it and reduced swelling and symptoms dramatically, even bringing back sensation to an extent. I became sensitised to 5 of them, meaning I am now only holding on due to Frankincense oil, which I worry I could become sensitised to. I would not still be living if it was not for this. Yet I am not cured, I have little sensation and some pain and the skin is changed and thin. Therefore I cannot have sex and I am extremely self-destructive. I have always been about 5 steps ahead of doctors and had to fight for treatment, it is so under control in appearance due to the Frankincense that some doctors deny I have anything and say it is in my head, but I fought until I was sent to the doctor regarded as the expert dermatologist in the UK who said he could clearly see I had a problem. However he seemingly dismissed all this progress I have made and said I could either use Eumovate or have a circumcision. Now these are invalid options. I certainly cannot use steroids as one treatment destroys my skin now, while circumcision is bad for multiple reasons: I have stretched my foreskin so it retracts, it is the part with most sensation, and I may have to use those antibiotics at some point in the future which would put me back here but with no foreskin. I have recently talked to a doctor and she is writing to people regarding treatments I have asked her to enquire about, namely platelet-rich plasma therapy, stem cell therapy, laser therapy and photodynamic surgery. I was wondering if anybody has had these and if they had seen improvement?

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    The trouble with such a detailed post is people will always scan. You were crystal clear when you wrote: "circumcision is bad for multiple reasons: I have stretched my foreskin so it retracts, it is the part with most sensation, and I may have to use those antibiotics at some point in the future which would put me back here but with no foreskin."

    Just wanted everyone to note this point.

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    O.K.....I see that the moderators message is not private.  I am talking about Liam.  He is dominating this thread and we (as most good women and mothers) have tried to help him.  He is now onto Stem Cell research.  I will be leaving this area and find another group for further education about Women.

    Sorry Liem, you are most inappropriate.


    • Posted

      Kathy, Lichen Sclerosus attacks men as well as women and although stem cell/platelet therapies are somewhat still in the clinical trial stage – some of the women on this forum have had some success with them.

      Liam's post is completely in line with our forum, although we've only had a handful of men over the two years I've been here.

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      He's so young and it's been devastating for him. We are all in a struggle; lets encourage him rather than attack him! What if it was your son? Ok, so I'm getting a little emotional here... And im relatively new to this forum but I think it's very sad if we can't extend some compassion and mercy to each other.

      I'm grateful morrelle is bringing a balance to this issue.

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      I do not see the issue. Yes, this is the women's section. It seems the most appropriate place for a lichen sclerosus forum considering it is much more common in women. My sister also has lichen sclerosus and has done since two years old rather than it being triggered by drugs like mine. If I can cure myself I can cure her too.

      There are a lot more clinical trials for women and it seems likely that I would find most information on here, even in the women's section.

      As for going on about stem cells, surely if it can possibly be beneficial it is worth looking into, if it can cure me it can cure you and by extension, my sister. The treatments would be interchangeable as after all, it is just skin. Where else do you suggest I go for information? I am already in discussions with my doctor and have seen as many as 10 different urologists/dermatologists. I am just seeking information before i spend all my money on experimental treatments that could even make things worse.

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      Stick around, Liam. We're all anonymous and there's no better place for you. Of course you want to help your sister!
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      Hi Kathy,

      I think you have misunderstood the forums and I don't see what the issue is. This is the LS group which can affect men as well as woman. This discussion was started by Liam and is therefore in no way "inappropriate". If you do not wish to take part or have anything to add then just ignore this discussion. This group/thread is not only "about Women, Menapause, LS etc" it is LS specifically and this is just one of hundreds of discussions in the LS group. Menopause etc have their own groups. If you do think there are inappropriate posts please use the Report link to let me know but in this case Liam is using the forums exactly as they were intended.



  • Posted

    EDIT: Hi, I am a male with what has been diagnosed as Lichen Sclerosus. I am actually unsure that this is correct as I have no white plaques and have not had a biopsy for it. The skin condition was caused by taking flouroquinolones, a type of antibiotic, and it was initially diagnosed as thrush- presenting as redness and swelling, blisters and my skin completely changed in appearance, becoming wrinkled and dry. The effects of this meant that it would take me up to 20 minutes to urinate because of the swelling, I would be in constant pain and would be constantly reminded of my problem even walking down the street and it would often sting at night, keeping me up, while finally sensation was somewhat numbed. Any sexual contact would be much more painful than pleasurable.

    After seven months of trying treatments I managed to get rid of this using Eumovate steroid cream. Unfortunately a few weeks later I had to take the same antibiotics- they are the last line of treatments for complicated urinary tract infections- it instantly returned. The doctors were extremely awkward with me from then on and never really listened to me- they seemed to disregard everything I said and just continued to prescribe steroid cream. I had steroid cream damage from taking them in different potencies for another year non-stop, despite me questioning this. The steroid cream actually atrophied my skin to the point that all the blood vessels underneath were raised and visible, they made me lose all feeling in the area it had been applied and eventually this caused me impotence at the age of 19, as without sensation (I literally could not feel an ice cube) this will happen.

    At this stage I was severely depressed and very near ending it all. Fortunately with time the steroid damage has reduced somewhat and I am no longer impotent, but I have little feeling and still have pain from my condition. I am extremely positive and a usually happy person, I have managed to escape my depression for a year and do not expect to go back to that place as I have managed to get the symptoms under control (after trying every single thing I could find) using Frankincense essential oil. This is something that may be of help to people as I have not seen it mentioned. I mix it with Jojoba oil and apply it twice a day, which is the only thing to reduce the swelling and inflammation and when this happens sensation returns somewhat. Manuka Honey with a high UMF helped get rid of my blisters first it is worth noting. However this had not cured me, it is under control but I still need a cure, I cannot have sex (and by extension form a relationship from embarrassment) and I feel I overcompensate with some self-destructive behaviours.

    I did look into many essential oils and go through them all and some calmed the skin and reversed the Red Skin Syndrome and various other problems the steroids caused to a large extent, along with time. However the ones that helped with Lichen Sclerosus specifically inhibited cox-2, a type of inflammation (the oils targeted separate enzymes causing inflammation and this is the one that worked properly). The six oils in this class, along with a few others, can cause a sensitivity reaction- basically dermatitis meaning I had to stop using them. The only one that still works and has done for a long time is Frankincense which is still diluted.

    I tried many potencies of steroid, Tacrolimus and a lot of other things that had absolutely no effect until I found this product. After this however Doctors started denying I even had anything and saying it was in my head- if I do not use this oil for three days pain and swelling start again and blisters come after a week, this takes about two weeks to settle down and I was not prepared to go through this just so I could prove it to the doctors when there were, to me, some clear physical signs still. I have always been about 5 steps ahead of doctors so I had to keep fighting and managed to see a good dermatologist after some time who recognised it and sent me to the expert dermatologist in the UK, who diagnosed it as LS. He would only offer me steroid creams or circumcision however. These are invalid options. I certainly cannot use steroids as one treatment destroys my skin now, while circumcision is bad for multiple reasons: I have stretched my foreskin so it retracts, it is the part with most sensation, and I am actually likely to have to use those antibiotics at some point in the future which would put me back at square one but with no foreskin.

    I have recently talked to a good doctor and she is writing to people regarding treatments I have asked her to enquire about, namely platelet-rich plasma therapy, stem cell therapy, laser therapy and photodynamic surgery. I was wondering if anybody has had these and if they had seen improvement? I also have seen the Mona Lisa Touch mentioned as something promising. Coincidentally my sister has had this since 2 years old and it is a lot more affected by stress and has white patches. I am willing to spend all my money on treatments and if I find one that works it would be beneficial for her too. I am 20 and have been suffering for 2 and a half years, with a further 7 months before that, so over 3 years in total. My sister is 17 and has had 15 years of this but hers is maybe less troublesome as it is not prominent when she is not stressed.



    • Posted

      Hi Liam,

      I've been happy using your blend of frank & jojoba since you first mentioned it here.

      Hope things have improved for you, too.

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      Hi Morrell

      How did you blend the frankincence essential oil and jojoba oil i.e how many drops of ess oil into the jojoba carrier oil? Did it help with the itch as well as the redness? What improvement did you see? How often do you use it? Sorry about all the questions, but going through a bad spell again for the past week. Thick band growing across the vj opening and bluish lumps on each side. Glassy blue/grey colour. Does anybody else suffer from spells of extreme fatigue and is this related to LS? I am just so tired and cannot seem to pick myself up this time around. Sorry.

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      I fill the very small dropper bottle with jojoba and then drop in 3 to four drops of frank. 6 were too many - it smelled and stung a bit.

      I can't say for sure whether the adhesions letting go were from this or from switching from clobetasol to Protopic. But I have enough confidence that Im continuing with the oils. I still have a band of white down my perineum that wants to tighten up my vag. Opening and it seems that these days when it tears, it's shallow, exposing fresh pink skin and it doesn't kill me the way tears used to. Everything else on the whole area is very supple and normal.

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      I can get so tired I want to go back to bed shortly after I get up - but I press on and yawn all day - Yes I do get deeply fatigued - but getting the adrenaline going helps-  having fun and laughing a lot with fun people around - however there is always pay back time! So then early night and late mornings for a couple of days makes things return to a tired  norm
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      At least nightly after my baking soda splash, but also sometimes after peeing if Im healing a tear. Never right after my ointment.
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      Thanks Morrell.

      Will try that nightly.

      Went back to GP yesterday and was prescribed Premarin Cream to be inserted. GP reckons that if the skin is so thin on the outside, it will be just as thin inside the vagina and so the premarin cream will strengthen the skin inside. I have used premarin cream so many times before being diagnosed with LS and that never eased the itch, so wondering if there is any point in going that route again. Any comments/advice please ladies?


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      I was prescribed Premarin cream, too. I wish I could have tolerated it.

      It's supposed to keep things plump and moist. Nothing really to do with the actual inflamation of LS

    • Posted

      Reading over soem past discussions and your comment on fatigue stood out to me.

      Have you had your thyroid checked? Hypothyroidism can cause deep fatigue. It's been about 6 months since I was diagnosed and about 3 weeks ago found out I have hashimotos thyroid disease. (Autoimmune). Not uncommon for LS sufferers to also have thyroid issues.

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