questions after surgery today

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Is it normal to get sore throat after surgery? I was under for little over an hour. Feel like crap. Knee wasworse than he thought. He fixed the tear. Did microfracture. Mixed bone marrow stem cells with biocartlige and sewed it in. Then did stem cell injection. Feels like someone uaed and ice pick and hammer on me. I am in a huge brace and cannot put sny weight on for 2 weeks. I honestly cannot imagine the pain of a tkr. This was and is bad enough. Cant quit crying cause i feel so useless ans hubby having to even take me to bathroom. Sorry for tje complaints hoping tomorrow will be better.

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    yup. sometimes they put a tube through your mouth so that no food would come out. its an extra precaution. im guessing your throat really hurt when you woke up. it takes a few days to a week to go away
  • Posted

    Depends on the sensitivity of your throat tissue. Immediately after you are relaxed and out the put aplastic tube called an inabation tube into your throat andctge introduce the artificial breathing. That plus oxygen can dry and irratate the membranesm. My hospital includes a pacage of throat lozenges and a bottle of spray. I have never had to use them after any of my 11 surgeries on the leg. Patience and time will make this go away without any I'll effects. By the time they takecout The stitches and have a look it will be feeling better. I would imagine you will get some physical therapy and in 6 weeks be pretty much back to normal with a little tenderness and some weakness due to the immobilization. Last March I had to have the prosthesulis remover and a plastic spacer inserted. I was immobilized and put on a walker for nearly 4 months before got my new prosthesis (the 3rd one) then immobilized for another month. The leg was like a new born colt and I am still working on strengthening but it's happening. Don't feel like you're a failure because you need help. Getting help is just part of recovery. I was pretty much on my own as my wife is in advancing stages of Parkinson's Disease and in reality, I am her care gives. So for 5 months I bounced around on my walker trying to make sure I didn't fall and had to rely on friends to get us to Dr's appointments and run too the store for us. Not good for the pride but like I told a young man that was my roommate in the hospital one don't have anything they haven't seen before so you might as well bare your soul and your rear cause they are going to make it happen. It won't be but a few short weeks and it will all be behind you and you'll be walking without pain again
    • Posted

      Hey FATGUY and's me TENNIS DAVID 5:10am CHICAGO time. 24 hrs post TKR.....I'M A ROCKIN AND A ROLLIN' NO PAIN at all the dumbing stuff is gone i feel EVERYTHING downstairs esp my n**z ty fatdude lol.

      I'm guys across the pond...if you want a TKR OR ANYTHING ORTHO...DR JEFF GOLDSTEIN at ILLINOIS BONE & JOINT!. This kids father was the patriarch of IBJ...Jeff was putting TKR 's on the family dog at 6 years old!!!! I PROMISE YOU...THERE'S NO OTHER!!! U can rehab at my place while you're here!!!

      Let's get this ship a rollin....ready to go home. Was literally just standing on both legs shagging...and the nurse was screaming...i told her if u don't get outta here I'm gonna sit on the camode and play u a sumphony of gastrotronic pleasures!


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      Sorry...i didn't mean shagging...omg sorry

      I meant SHAVING LOL

  • Posted

    Your system has had a huge jolt, and added to the factor is you now have something added to it that was not there before.  Our bodies are complex things, evolving all the time, but always with its own ingredients.  Add something to the mix and there is uproar!!! Increase your pain medication; lets go for the heavy stuff for the next couple of weeks and then ease back a bit.  You are not crying because you are useless, you are crying because of the anaesthetic is still in your system, you have old blood that has not been sucked away, still floating around, being absorbed  by your system.  Just spend the next few days sleeping.  You are not going anywhere, you most probably can't face visits from your friends + your husband most likely has a job to do.  Painkillers, TV remote, comfort food and tons of sleep. In a couple of weeks you may still feel uncomfortable, but nowhere like you are today.  Don't thing forward, just think of the day you are in adapt and cope. Your throat will heal, the tube helped with your breathing, you'd be surprised how far it went down, it's not made of cotton wool, take something like terocets that make your throat numb.  Everything will get back to normal, use crutches to get around, just don't put your foot on the ground!
    • Posted

      Thank you so much for ur comforting words. About to eat and hope to sleep a while. Learned a walker is easier to use for me than crutches. Except for getting up from toliet that sucks on one leg. Lol. All is brtter today thought
    • Posted

      Do you have a riser /commode that fits over the toilet. They take about 75% of the strain off getting up and down. Increase safety as well. In the US that's an automatic issue to take home with you.

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