Quick fix
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I’m so tired of the this anxiety All day every day. Sometimes I just want to get on an antidepressant. It just seems overwhelming to get all your hormones running smooth again with HRT.
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jacqueline06286 PattyZ
I have fatigue going through perimenapause is horrible what other symptoms do you have
PattyZ jacqueline06286
jacqueline06286 PattyZ
juanita93228 PattyZ
HRT wasn't for me, terrible side effects. But some women swear by it. My doctor put me on the antidepressant Trazodone. I was on it for a little over three years then I felt it stopped working. I didn't want to take a higher dosed so I was put on Zoloft, big mistake, horrific side effects, then came Prozac, bad side effects. The doctors tell you SSRI's like Zoloft and Prozac will make you feel worse before you feel better. You already feel bad, so you want me to feel even worse? No thanks. Trazodone is a SNRI, I had no side effects(or so I thought)except for the stuffy nose and it went away. I have been hoarse for a few months. When the Prozac didn't work out I also stopped taking the Trazodone, well the awareness went away, so did all body aches I was having. I didn't realize one of the side effects of the Trazodone was muscle aches. Right now I'm just taking Valium as needed. But the Trazodone definitely helped.
debbie12340 juanita93228
Hope you don’t mind me joining your conversation ? I’m the same as you, I don’t take HRT. I also have Valium as and when needed, I actually only take them if I have an appointment, like the Dentist ! Are you in the U.K. ? It’s just that they seem so reluctant to Prescibe them ? I get uptight thinking they might not let me keep having a repeat prescription . . . They work so well for me. Mine are 2mg, is that what you have ?
All the best Deb xx
juanita93228 debbie12340
Hi Debbie, I'm in the USA. Of course I don't mind, you jump in anytime! When I first went to my new doctor she gave me 30, with no refills. But I was able to call and get another refill two months later
This year when I went in for my physical she gave me three refills, and boy was I happy! I get 10mg but I break them in half, so it's like I get 60 each time. I only take them when I really need them, for some reason I that seems to be mostly on the weekends.
They hate prescribing them here too. She just knows what a difficult time I'm having during menopause. I was shocked when she gave me three refills.
debbie12340 juanita93228
Thanks so much. So kind of you to reply. I only get 10 at a time. I have to be hopeful
My Doctor will be let keep having a repeat prescription. It’s a nightmare this bloody Menopause.
juanita93228 debbie12340
I just want to jump out of my skin today. I quit taking my antidepressants, but I think I'm going to have to go back on them!!! They're so worried about you getting addicted to Valium, Xanax, etc., anti depressants are just as bad. I'm only going to take a half a dose. I cannot function like this.
debbie12340 juanita93228
Sorry I didnt see your reply. Yes what ever gets you through and works is the right thing for you. It’s a horrible time sand we need all the help we can get xx hugs to you xx Deb
tina00239 PattyZ
debi14820 PattyZ
Dear Patty.. I've been on an antidepressant for 2 years now. I got so depressed I was considering suicide. Since I went on it, I have no more anxiety, no more depression and I feel so much better. Sometimes our bodies need a little extra kick when something isn't working. Now I know some people are anti any meds. But I feel and my three doctors and PT feel that sometimes our bodies can't produce a needed chemical to run the body properly. If anyone asks you why or why not you take certain meds... just tell them that's it's a private matter. There is no need to defend or explain your situation. I hope something here helps you. There is no shame in needed meds sometimes.
tina00239 debi14820