Quick Poll- How long have you suffered with Gatritis?
Posted , 6 users are following.
I have had Gastritis for about a year and a half now and im at my wits end. Just curious how long the rest of us have suffered for?.....?...
Thank you
Kay x
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vicki85531 kay85032
kay85032 vicki85531
vicki85531 kay85032
I take a 40mg somac every morning and some Gaviacon before bed if needed which manages it pretty well. I have my good and bad days but my PPI does keep my discomfort mostly under control. Are you taking anything?
Iryl kay85032
safarii241 kay85032
kay85032 safarii241
Bless you...It is so stressful and yet they say stress doesnt help. But its hard not to. And youre so young bless you.
How bad are your symptoms? I went to get some "SilicolGel" today which is a kind of coating for your disgestive tract. Im hoping it will ease this. Hope youre feeling ok. x
biliarydyskines kay85032
kay85032 biliarydyskines
biliarydyskines kay85032
biliarydyskines kay85032
parveen06109 biliarydyskines
I've just been diagnosed with gallstones. Any ideas on how long before they become sinister? Have read a lot on the internet that gallstones cause GB cancer so am really worried at the moment.
biliarydyskines parveen06109
Google will always lead to cancer.i and my brother got gallstones since past 3 years.unless gallstones doesn't bother you.. doctors don't advice to remove it. When it bother you with pain,etc..then you can think about surgery.
wynter88828 kay85032
I've had a burning, uncomfortable pain in my stomach for going on 3 years
it all started after a very stressful event that happened. I was scheduled for an endoscopy last year and then ended up getting pregnant so all was put on hold. I still have my symptoms and have to be on omeprazole 40 mg just to be able to eat. I also have loose stools and diarrhea at random times. The burning in my stomach almost feels like a stomach ulcer that never heals. I hope you feel better