RA, Hypothyroidism, progressive and advanced small fiber neuropathy
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Hi I've been looking for a forum where I can chat to people and get tips for treating my neuropathic symptoms. I have been Hypothyroid (Hashimoto's) for over a decade now and was diagnosed with RA three and a half years ago - sero negative but with classic synovial swelling in my hands and high inflammatory markers.
Since then I've failed to tolerate three DMARDs as well as Amitriptyline and Gaberpentin and am now taking a very low dose of Duloxetine which isn't doing much for the severe nerve pain, but I am at least tolerating after a fashion.
The SFN is severe in my feet, legs, hands and arms and I no longer sweat or produce tears and have a dry mouth and numb pelvic floor and a lot of upper abdominal stomach pain and some diziness. My autoantibodies were negative for Lupus and Sjogren's a year ago but my GP has advised me not to bother having a lip biopsy because I have RA.
Meanwhile my RA has gone into hiding and been replaced by this extreme burning nerve pain which is especially severe at night. I saw a neurologist at the end of October and he diagnosed the SFN but wants me to go back in under two weeks for an MRI of my brain plus extensive nerve conduction tests to see if this problem is immune mediated or not.
I'm not expecting to have much show up from these tests as, apart from a high ESR and CRP, I have very little that flags up in my blood - my autoantibodies are equivocal although I did have a low positive rheumatoid factor when the RA symptoms first arrived. I think, looking back, that I might have had Sjogren's for a long time - possibly even since I was a child. I wish I could tolerate immune suppressant drugs as they did help but it's been over six months since my last injection of Methotrexate and the RA has never come back in the form of severe joint pain and swelling.
Has anyone else ever had this pattern of symptoms? I find the uncertainty of how this might develop the hardest thing to handle although I'm trying to stick with my new year's resolution to live in the present and stop worrying so much!
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jenny55563 Twitchy1963
Twitchy1963 jenny55563
I don't understand why they are so concerned about RA coming back and potential joint erosion of RA but not overly concerned about the destruction of my peripheral and autonomic nervous system. Joints are at least replaceable but nerves aren't and I've been told now by GP and the neurologist that the damage sustained so far is probably ireversable. This is because they dragged their heels for so very long about getting my symptoms diagnosed and treated! I know treatment options are limited for neuropathy but if they had worked out that this is part of my connective tissue presentation then they could treat the inflammation at source rather than waiting for RA to come back in the form of synovial swelling in my joints.
charlotte1824 Twitchy1963
I just wanted to list some other medication that is used to treat pain which perhaps you could ask to try:
*Pregablin (worked ok for me but i had a heart palp issues on it so came off before reaching optimal dosage)
*Savella (milnacipran hydrochloride) (Never tried it but was thinking about asking for it for pain, its an anti depressant but its been used quite sucessfully for pain relief so ive read)
*Cymbalta (Duloxetine) Another anti-d and ive not tried either but it was on my list of things to ask dr about for pain relief)
* Wellbutrin(Bupropion) Known as a smoking cessation aid in Uk but been used with some sucess in US for pain relief. Another not teied but on my list o ask about
* Diazepam (Valium) Now i have tried this and i dont know how or why but it has helped, its helped me the day after ive taken it. Its has nervous system calming properties. The issue with it is this.....the day after it helped me pain comes back with vengeance, dont know if thats due to being in less pain day before and it just seems worse or what. Dr's dont like to prescribe it so i only take it when im in so much pain im hoping a truck will mow me down as i doubt i can get a life long prescription but your circumstances and dr are different so who knows. Also its addictive and weaning off is meant to be hard.
Id also if you havent already have a full work up for electrolytes and vitamins. B vits imparticular can cause nerve pain if to low.
Im presuming youve also tried Hydroxycloriquine (Plaquenil), have you tried brand name as well as generic as Plaquenil i tolerated, Hydroxy made me feel very sick and feel worse.
Again im sorry your suffereing so badly, I hope one of the above might help you
Good luck
Tumtum1963 charlotte1824
To be honest with you I'm not really wanting to snuff out the awful pain just now as if I get too laid back about it before my neuro tests I may not be sufficiently focussed to push for a proper drug that will address the cause of the SFN rather than just dull the symptoms. But some nights I would take anything I was offered including morphine to lessen the pain in hands and feet and shins so my GP is keen for me to stay on Cymbalta and raise dosage when I feel I can't cope any longer.
During the daytimes the problem is mainly fatigue and icy wet, numb sensation in legs with burn chill in feet and toes plus hands and wrists which constantly tingle and feel weak. At night it's like I'm dowsing hands and feet in a nettle bed or even worse - an acid bath! You'll know what I mean I'm sure.
The neurologist said I defintely have lost sensation in feet and hands and confirmed small fiber neuropathy but not yet the cause - probably idiopathic. No one apart from the dentist has mentioned Sjogrens to me - GP says its a given as I have RA. Thanks for other drug suggestions though I have made a note of them.
charlotte1824 Tumtum1963
I get what you mean about not wanting to snuff out the pain before tests. I hope the cymbalta symptoms calm down for you which ive read happens for alot of people when the body gets used to it and can then increase dosage with hopefully better pain relief. Bear in mind though that an increase in dosage will cause an increase in side effects until again your body gets used to it. I dont have skin pain like nettles but i can understand the cold burning sensation like your leg is wet or there is menthal on it plus the cold burny feet. I have alot of burning elsewhere but its within the muscles or bones or something.
Ive been wondering for myself if i have some circulatory issues, my heart often flutters/skips/speeds up too so if you have anything like that perhaps there is circulatory issues. I havent yet but was thinking about looking into one of those things that you rest ur feet on and its supposed to help circulation. Also there is thing which i only just heard of and bought called painmaster microcurrent-therapy patch. You put the 2 pads either side of the pain. I havent used it yet cos its 24.99 and once it runs out u have to buy a new one plus my pain isnt just 1 area. It had great reviews and its like a tens but its not and u supposely cant feel the current plus u leave it on for 3 days.
Finally ive read before about Alpha Lipoic Acid for nerve regeneration and pain relief. I cant tell you much about it but if you google it there will be lots of info, heres 1 link re a study
I really wish you some pain relief and get some positive results from your upcoming tests.
Tumtum1963 charlotte1824
I think I'm starting to get used to thisstuff to a degree as have had it for over 18 months now and before that my RA was bad so I may not have noticed as much. The burning is worst of all in my hands at night just now and I spend hours trying to cool feet and hands down.
I did move up to 40mg of Duloxetine at my GP's instructions after a week but the insomnia worsened as did the other drying out aspects so I moved back down to 20mg and resolved to wait until after my tests on 16th before moving back up again slowly. I have a really busy week next week and need to sleep more than anything as will be in transit so will take sleeping pills for a few nights. My sleep has only just settled down after many months of being awake so a drug that causes insomnia - even temporary - is far from ideal!
charlotte1824 Tumtum1963
For the dryness ive read some stuff about evening primrose oil and there is a supplement on amazon called lacrima dry eye softgel which has good reviews but cant say i have tried it.
I wish i could say something or reccomend something helpful to ease your symptoms xx
Twitchy1963 charlotte1824
I feel really sorry for people who don't feel taken seriously or who can't describe their symptoms as easily as I can with my GPs. For eye dryness I use Lacrilube at night and Hylo Forte preservative free drops during the day - sometimes hourly sometimes only once or twice a day. For my mouth she gave me a repeat prescription for Salivex pastels which I find better than Biotene because they taste lemony and not as sickly and I can suck them slowly at night without worrying about my teeth as they are sugar free.
charlotte1824 Twitchy1963
The Lacrima soft gel is a supplement you take daily with certain oils and igreedients to help dry eye but apart from the amazon reviews i cant say anything about it.
Ill keep my fingers crossed for you and your tests next week xx
Tumtum1963 charlotte1824
charlotte1824 Tumtum1963
Let me know how it all goes