Racing Heart....But Not?
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Yup, me again....anyone else feel as though their heart is racing when it really isn't? I could swear that sometimes my heart rate is over 100BPM, but every time it's checked when I feel that way, it's well within range for a healthy resting what's the deal? Is it one more symptom I'm imagining or bringing on myself by thinking about it? And I can also feel my heartbeat all over my body...almost feels as though it's causing my body (even my head) to tremble or pulsate (if that makes sense). Is it adrealine that I can feel, as opposed to my heart rate, per se? Is my anxiety about it putting me into the "fight or flight" mode?
I've been to see a cardiologist twice and had a bunch of ECGs done, and all look now what? Chalk it up to wacky hormones?
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jayneejay wearykitty
palputations are part of peri, i a tually had this this morning but it passed...
like a thumping that you feel for a little while...
What are heart palpitations?
Palpitations are irregular heart beats that can include skipped beats, extra beats (as many as 8 to 16 beats a minute), and a racing heart (as many as 200 extra beats a minute). Many people suggest that having palpitations makes them "aware of their heart beating."
Women and men can have heart palpitations. In healthy people, they are most common in perimenopausal and menopausal women as a result of fluctuating hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. Some perimenopausal and menopausal women suggest their palpitations occur during or after a hot flash.
Common causes of heart palpitations include:
Pseudoephedrine, a stimulant in decongestants
Dehydration, causing an electrolyte embalance
Phentermine, ephedrine, and caffeine in diet pills
Emotional stress, which releases adrenaline
Hormonal changes
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT), especially when first beginning treatment
Monosodium glutamate in Chinese food, processed foods, canned vegetables, canned soups, and processed meats
In most cases, palpitations associated with menopause are not an indication of heart problems. Palpitations often go away after several months, but even they can recur from time to time.
Jay xx
Blessed_Mimi wearykitty
Jayneejay has given excellent advice on things to stay away from. I have these same palpitations and have even had surgery for them. They aren't fun and nothing to take lightly. Food and caffeine really get mine going. Now, the pulsating feeling all over the body... I spent 10 days in the hospital over and not one doctor could figure it out! That has to be our hormones. I described to them like a slight vibration all through my limbs and back and almost felt faint with it. They sent me home with a diagnosis of panicked attacks and my blood pressure was extremely low at these times. I believe with a panicked attack or an anxiety attack your blood pressure rises, which doctors agreed... so I still feel its just hormones doing thiwr weird things in our body. Hope you feel better and try to stay calm during those palps getting worked up makes them stronger. Just tell yourself they last for a few seconds and they will go away. Take care & be blessed xx
Toddpodd Blessed_Mimi
Toddpodd wearykitty
michelle50768 wearykitty
Ive got a bad bout this last couple of days its sending my anxiety into overload x
italianmama wearykitty