Racing heart first thing in morning
Posted , 6 users are following.
Hi ladies
Anyone got any suggestions how to deal with a racing heart especially in the morning?
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Posted , 6 users are following.
Hi ladies
Anyone got any suggestions how to deal with a racing heart especially in the morning?
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Guest michelle46271
maria_03422 michelle46271
i use to get that all the time, it was gone for a while till couple days ago!!! I hate it i get so anxious and everything gets so tense and tight!!!
The only different think i did this week was having chocolate and i think that did it!!!i quit all sweets and i been feeling fairly well for the past year..
Sochima822 michelle46271
maisie05 michelle46271
Morning Michelle.
I can feel my heart beating and skipping when I lie awake in bed in the early hours. I guess it must do it all the time but thats the time I feel it most. Last month it was racing and making me feel breathless. It happened a year or so ago and all tests said 'normal'. So I just try to accept it as something to deal with in this circle of peri symptoms that come and go.
At the moment I'm suffering with feelings of nausea and hunger pangs even though I eat small meals and regularly. If it wasn't for this site and others also suffering the same I'd be off to the doctors thinking something was wrong with my stomach.
I guess it'll be something else next month, the symptoms seem to be hitting me in cycles.
I've started cutting a quarter off my hrt patch to see if that helps.
I'm having mid cycle bleeding and spotting at the mo and waiting for a hysteroscopy (again) to check out if all normal.
I guess you don't drink caffeine in the morning, is it worse on the days you go to work? A bit of anxiety maybe? Could you try controlled breathing and stretching first thing. If I'm slouched I can feel my heart beating as though I'm squashing It!
So many things to worry about when all we want to do is get on with our lives.
Love and hugs xx