radical nephrectomy in 3 weeks!!!!
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I am new to this group.. Hoping for some help. My Dr has said I have a mass in my Kidney. Because of the amount of growth in a short time, and the houndsfield units in my 3 phase CT, the Dr says it is a 80% chance it is clear cell carcinoma. He suggests a radical nephrectomy because of the location of the tumor. He say ablation is an option, but may take 2 or 3 treatments over a year or two, and still may not get rid of it. Not an option he suggests. The tumor is in the middle of my kidney. He says a needle biopsy is dangerous in the kidney, because cancer cells can be released and spread. As we get closer to surgery date, Oct 16th, 2017, I am getting quite nervous. What if they take it out and it is not cancer? Then I just had a major organ removed, for what? Is this normal to give a patient a percentage like this, AND still do surgery? Should I insist on a biopsy? If I agree to the surgery, which, I already have, but as I said, I am getting nervous, freaking out, actually, so want to change my mind, but I know that would be an emotional decision. What should I expect in the recovery stage? Any insight you can give will be greatly appreciated.
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lynda20916 JCLIF
Sorry you're suffering with this. Of course you're frightened. Listen to your doctor, who has the knowledge and experience to treat you. Best to remove the organ, because while it's inside you, the cancer cells can still spread. He's right about the needle biopsy, too.
Try to remain positive, if you can. xx
JCLIF lynda20916
lynda20916 JCLIF
I understand. When you're faced with cancer, decisions are difficult. So much is riding on the outcome. I wish you the best; you'll be in my thoughts and prayers.
JCLIF lynda20916
lynda20916 JCLIF
I've had to make some of my own decisions recently. I'm having chemo (three treatments) and then surgery. I wanted surgery immediately--but my doctor pointed out the advantages of chemo first, especially that zapping the microscopic cancer cells that don't show up on scans would be beneficial. (Scans will only pick up on cancer that's about as big as a pencil eraser. I didn't know that before. Yikes!).. I had my second chemo last week and the aftermath feels like the worst flu I ever had.
At any rate, then I recover from 3rd chemo, then surgery, recover from that, and after that, maybe more chemo or radiation. It's a pretty flexible plan that we can change if necessary, depending on how I'm doing physically. The best advice I can possibly give (beside staying positive) is to take things one day at a time, or one minute at a time. You're in this for the long haul, but there's no reason to push yourself to do more. And, don't be a stranger--reach out to others. For one thing, as difficult as what you're going through is, there is always, always, someone who's much worse off. xx
JCLIF lynda20916
lynda20916 JCLIF
I can well understand the cost of pain. Getting through each day anticipating that in order to be cured you're going to volunteer to feel much worse! Please stay in touch and let me know how you get on! xx
henrymoore12 JCLIF
Hello, sorry about your condition. I believe you must be feeling pains both physically and emotionally. I don't think it's necessary to do an operation to remove the affected kidney. I know of how a friend of mine who had a similar problem was cured. The mass was just simply melted and she passed it down through her faeces. Although the diagnosis was given to her by one Dr. Ola who is a herbal practitioner.
His contact is
JCLIF henrymoore12
liz51592 JCLIF
Hi. I am sorry you are going through this. My Mom had a mass located in the middle of her kidney. The drs in New Orleans didn't feel comfortable doing a biopsy. We took her to MD Anderson for a second opinion, they did the biopsy and it was cancer. She had it removed in New Orleans and it was all contained in the kidney- no need for further treatment. The drs at both places were wonderful, they consulted with each other and worked together. Please get a second opinion if you don't feel comfortable. I wish you all the best, you have to be an advocate for yourself. Ask questions!
JCLIF liz51592
GrannyJoy JCLIF
I too tried to butt out of having an operation due to fear and doubt but glad I went with my Consultant's advice. I am cancer free, 3 plus years. I was told a biopsy was not advisable due to the cancer spreading. At my hospital associated Consultants decide what's best for the patient not one alone and they can usually tell from the scan whether or not it is cancer. They were correct in my case. Do still have some discomfort due to major surgery but NOT cancer so glad I took their advice. Good Luck
JCLIF GrannyJoy