Rafaelo procedure for haemorrhoids
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Can anyone who has had this procedure let me know how it worked for you please? I am day 10 recovery and not feeling very positive at the moment. From the marketing, I assumed that recovery would be quicker and less painful. I was in agony the other day as had to strain and I was convinced that it was a thrombosed hem as the pain was the same. The dr said that it was a swollen skin tag. I didn't think a skin tag would hurt so much. It is still there and causing discomfort. I am worried that this hasn't worked.
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sidb SJR2007
i feel your pain....but i promise, it WILL get better...i have always said 10 days sucked and then things improved markedly...but the pain to poop was with me in a mild form for WEEKS...and i wore depends for probably 3 weeks...and was pain free at about 6 weeks and was able to have receptive anal sex at 4 months.
SJR2007 sidb
thank you for replying. I am pleased to hear it was successful.
sally32765 SJR2007
Hi you! So hoping we get some positive stories here.
So, i had it the week before SJR and I'm on day 16 post-op. I'm still in constant severe pain. SJR & I were interested to find a previous post on here with people reporting the exact same problems as we have have experienced.
I had what the surgeon claimed was a 'skin tag' prior to the op - it is now swollen to 4-5 times the size it was before the op and is as painful as a very bad haemorrhoid. I also have extreme pain inside and BM's are extremely painful, with still some bleeding.
I went to see the surgical reg today, who called in the senior consultant. He caused horrendous pain by putting a camera up, without asking.
He claimed, when I said that the 'tag' feels like a haemorrhoid, "You don't have haemorrhoids any more, because of the procedure". Yet his diagnosis of my pain was that I have a blood clot in a haemorrhoid! and that I have a fissure - I haven't strained since the op, so how did that fissure get there, unless it was caused by the op?
I'm frustrated that this procedure is promoted as relatively pain-free and 'most people go back to work the next day'! I am in a tremendous amount of pain, 16 days post-op.