raised ferittin - low serum iron
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Morning all,
spoke to GP Thursday, told her all the latest symptoms since they stopped my iron med that I've previously had to take for some 18 years (head hurts, fat tongue, palpitations) and that I'm *really* struggling with the fatigue and beginning to get a little worried, she can't do anything until she hears back from Gastro, supposed to have written early April, I say supposed because I rang Gastro yesterday and they've not had a letter!) .
Asked if I could have another blood test to see if it's gone even lower (went below range April 2016) last one was in December (8.2 range 11.5 - 30 , she said no point "it's just number, we know it's low,", asked if there was a number it could drop to where it becomes serious, she said "I don't know"!!
asked (again) for a referral to Haematology, she said, "we have to wait until we hear from Gastro" so no further forward, no progress, feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall.
I have come to the conclusion that this is anemia of chronic disease but who am I to say!
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modelar catalonia13
I feel your frustration. ..
why are you consulting with the gastroenterologist?
Are you experiencing ibs symptoms?
Do you have other symptoms ascociated with aneamia?
Have you had a endoscopy, colonoscopy?
Don't despair. ....in my experience doctors are not knowledgeable enough in specific diseases/ conditions so sadly ....much research and finding the right specialist has to be done yourself.
Best wishes
catalonia13 modelar
Hi Annette,
referred to gastro Nov 2105 cos of years of low serum iron, had endoscopy Feb 2016, no bleeding but biopises showed Coeliac (asymptomatic) then Nov 2016 ferritin went high, told to stop taking iron, I didn't (having been told I'd have to take it for life) until Feb 2016, since then serum iron dropping on every 3 month test, nothing done about it (No further action) until Feb this year when Immunologist said 8.2 is too low, I need to take iron but gastro said I musn't, so GP said she'd write to gastro to clarify
got a copy of the letter from Gastro to my GP , clearly I'm losing the plot or gastro are talking about a completely different patient!!?
"her ferritin has always been elevated" -
WHAT.....?? I've had IDA (iron deficiency anemia) for some 18 years and had to take iron daily until my ferritin went above range a year ago
"she was not even anaemic when we last checked" - HELLOO ..... it went below range last April, last test Dec 2016 it was 8.2 (range 11.5 - 30) is that not anemia then......?
"still withhold the iron tables and only treat when we have clear evidence of iron deficiency"
I DON'T have iron deficiency now, I have too much in stores (ferritin) and not enough circulating (serum iron) , BIG difference, and apparently taking iron could be dangerous.
lots of love, YFN, currently tearing her hair out, spitting nails and needing to calm down!
got a copy of the letter from Gastro to my GP , clearly I'm losing the plot or gastro are talking about a completely different patient!!?
"her ferritin has always been elevated" -
WHAT.....?? I've had IDA (iron deficiency anemia) for some 18 years and had to take iron daily until my ferritin went above range a year ago
"she was not even anaemic when we last checked" - HELLOO ..... it went below range last April, last test Dec 2016 it was 8.2 (range 11.5 - 30) is that not anemia then......?
"still withhold the iron tables and only treat when we have clear evidence of iron deficiency"
I DON'T have iron deficiency now, I have too much in stores (ferritin) and not enough circulating (serum iron) , BIG difference, and apparently taking iron could be dangerous.
Linda - , currently tearing her hair out, spitting nails and needing to calm down!