Random Bruises?

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Hi All,

I have yet another question. Anyone getting random bruises? What's frustrating is mono has given me such bad brain fog and memory issues that I simply cannot remember if the bruises are there due to injury or not. I get little ones here and there on my legs. Always similar size too. I have more spider veins since getting mono so wondering if that has something to do with it? I went for bloodwork as this was obviously scaring me, but my bloodwork was fine! Hoping someone can relate.

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Brittney,

    I really want to reassure you about the bruising - this is definitely something that can be caused by mono and it will go away for sure. I had a phase where I got some really strange bruising and joint pain during mono, they just seemed to appear for no reason without any trauma or injury. This phase happened for me quite a bit into the virus and it was just shortly after that that things really started to improve for me, I often look back at that time as it was as if it was a final push for my body to get rid of the virus once and for all.

    You did the right thing going to get your bloods checked out and I hope it can be reassuring for you that they are normal, although I know it can be so frustrating when you are still getting all these symptoms - that is classic mono when after the acute phase the blood tests show as normal but your body is still feeling beaten up.

    I know it might sound strange Brittney but this brusing might mean that something to do with healing is happening in your body, it wasn't until a month or two after the bruising and joint pain that I started to see improvement, but it definitely did come after that phase. Hoping and praying for breakthrough for you too with all this - it can be different for everyone though so just take it a day at a time and truly with time and God's help of course you will get there, I truly believe that. Thinking of you!


    • Posted

      Thank you so much Craig. Your story sounds exactly like mine. Unfortunate that we had to endure through something so intense but also comforting that we are not alone. Hope you are doing well. I believe you were having some trouble with your hip. I hope it has subsided for you.

    • Posted

      Thank you for your kind word Brittney. Yes I was having bother with my hips, and unfortunately been having some terrible bother with my foot this last couple of months also. Been feeling so down and upset about it today, so I'm grateful for your kind words. Any prayers for me much appreciated it means a lot.

      Hang in there Brittney, still hoping and praying for and believing in your recovery, in Jesus' name - you WILL get better.


    • Posted

      Thank you Craig. I am sorry to hear you're feeling down. i will be absolutely be keeping you in my thoughts.

    • Posted

      Thanks Brittney, I really do appreciate it. Also keeping you in my thoughts at this time too, hang in there - better times ahead.


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