Random stomach pains and left side rib ache

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Has anyone had unexplained random stomach pains not sure but not completely dull. Sometimes I feel like a light pain shoots across my stomach but it doesn't really hurt that much it's just kind of strange like something is wiggling around across my my upper abdomen above bellybutton. I'm also having some pain in my lower ribs on the left side and it'll move to my upper ribs in a mood to my side of my ribs and then a little bit in my back ribs it's also not very painful but I feel it there a lot of the time. Had a lot of blood work which all came back great going fine ultrasound soon I am 37 years old has anyone ever experienced this and not gotten any good answers

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Sounds like gas to me, do you eat well and on time? Have you been to a doctor? You should get checked.
  • Posted

    Hi it really does sound like trapped wind your large colon goes right round under your ribs in a loop so all the pain sounds like wind an ultra sound will tell if there's any inflammation of any of your organs liver gall bladder etc so hopefully that's all it is I have had unexplained pains fur 15 years now started at the same age as you are now and it's ibs I'm sure it's nothing to worry about but the doctor will know better

    Take care

  • Posted

    I have been doing the worst thing I can do and that is google my symptoms because as soon as you do that the worst possible outcome is your dying from pancreatic or liver cancer go to hospital. Why do we do this to our selves. It's making me crazy and scared to get the ultrasound. Everyone tells me to stop because I'm making myself worse. Ugh
    • Posted

      We all do it if it's liver cancer or pancriatic cancer you would first be yellow and in a lot of pain so I wouldnt think any thing like that it' sounds like wind trapped wind its maybe ibs as it usually starts in your 30 s I wouldnt worry about it as that will make you feel worse

      get the tests done and then take it from there in sure you will be fine

    • Posted

      Thanks Kevin I keep trying to tell myself that but you know how it is once we read something our minds wonder. That's why these groups are so very important to keep us level headed or we could go crazy with worry.
    • Posted

      Sometimes its good to get a bit of positive feedback or talk to people who has had your symtoms if I was to list all my symtoms it would fill the page

      As I said I honestly wouldn't worry about anything serious

      Your doctor will keep you right

      Let us know how you get on please

    • Posted

      Kevin have you had some of the same abdominal or rib issues as I have?
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      I have had pain around the belly button, lower pain ,cramps right cramps left ,gurgling upper right pain before food upper left after food ,pain before good constipation ,loose stools sharp pains all over my tummy pain constantly for years I could go on lol I know it's no laughing matter but people including mysf years ago thought Ono it must be cancer it must be the worst thing to do is to google it but these forums are great as there's alwYsxa lot of people with your own symtoms and it's good to get advice what to do I started taking a 50 billion probiotic tablet every day and I have been pain free for over a year but every body has something different that works for them it's true until you get what' works for you sorry about the long reply but please dont worry

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