Random Twitching!!!
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Good morning ladies, wow anyone have this random twitching everywhere on the body that they deal with? I'm starting to get monthly patterns of the twitching, at first maybe wasn't as bad , but now it seems to be constant when it happens, and it will be in different parts of body , today its my left shoulder, and its constant. So does this happen to any of you ladies, and does anything help it? Does it come and go every month for you? Also it was with for almost 2 weeks last month, then disappeared for a couple weeks, and today its back..
4 likes, 10 replies
Guest Gypsy014
Hi Gypsy! YUP! I get this falling asleep sometimes. my head will twitch, or my mouth will slam shut suddenly. Scares me awake! Then, my heart will race. Random twitches too like my calf...even a butt cheek! Must be something to do with changes in the hormones running through the blood stream. I used to get a hand tremor too...that has not shown up in awhile. probably will now though!
Gypsy014 Guest
Hi Lou, its so weird seems lots of woman get this at bedtime, and all though I wasn't getting mine at bedtime I got it upon waking this morning as well as last month.. I get them random everywhere and it doesn't let up. Certainly makes sense with all the migraines, and I didn't have the migraine today but did have left temple ice pick type pain and was just headachy ,, so over this gezz.. Hope all went well with the specialist.. I know youve been waiting a while.. Can't wait to hear all about it..
Guest Gypsy014
hello! Mine happen more often in the a.m. my husbands alarm goes off at 5...wakes me up...I try to get back to sleep to be up for 7...it is always drifting sleep and I think that is why it happens to me. I think because we all have sleep issues...we never really get that true R.E.M. sleep!
Guest Gypsy014
oh! and my tongue too sometimes. convinced I had parkinsons, but no! I think it is because we get migraines too! our nervous system is built differently! I will post a discussion today on my visit to the vestibular neuro yesterday.
tebrown96 Gypsy014
I was having some random muscle twitches last week, but only when I was falling asleep. Some were like a short quick muscle spasm (like, my foot would flex really quickly or my leg would jerk) and sometimes is was that more repetitive twitch, mostly in my arm/shoulder. I think they happen more when I'm overtired, and I certainly haven't been sleeping well, so I think that was part of it.
Gypsy014 tebrown96
Hi tebrown, I don't get the jerking, but definitely get the twitching spasm like episodes that are constant and all over the body, I don't get why all this twitching, it just doesn't make any sense to me, lots of crazy weird symptoms.. Thanks for your reply..
staci88515 Gypsy014
Hi Gypsy!
I have been getting twitches, but only on my head! Sometimes it's the temple, other times it's the lip or eye.
Gypsy014 staci88515
Hi staci, thats not too bad if its just on the head, I get them everywhere head too, and they won't let up for like hours then gone then back, its all so insane , enough to make you think something more serious, thanks for your reply, I don't feel so alone...
lisa17089 Gypsy014
I suffer with Really bad twitching and jerking, I have posted on here before about it because I was so worried I had mnd. I still get it now. When my anxiety is bad it seems to be worse. I get it all over my body xx
Gypsy014 lisa17089
Hi Lisa, it is scary and health anxiety goes high with me when I get any little symptom, I start to think the worst, and like its got to be something more serious..thanks for sharing..