Rapid Weight Gain
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I have been size 8 for many years however I am now going through the menopause and I've been told that weight gain is very common. I've put on so much weight over the last few weeks I've gone from size 8 to size 10/12. My waist has disappeared and I can now pinch a fistful of excess fat. My chest has also grown. My legs are the same. I was bending to tie shoelaces today and couldn't breathe properly. It's awful. Should I bother the GP with it or just go on a diet?
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Kassy1 Craftylady
Happening to me too, I've put on two and a half stones in weight despite a decent diet, I'm trying a low carb diet at the moment but nothing seems to be happening, I'm worried I'm going to get even bigger. I don't know what to do, I have a bad back and knee so can't do very much exercise. Miracle required!
daisylady Craftylady
OMG I can totally identify with your post! I was 6st when young and 6.5 stones when I gave birth. Always been even in middle age a size 6-8 dress. The last 18 months ( I am now 58) I have put on so much weight mainly round the stomach and like you my waist has gone. My arms and legs are also fatter and chest. I have started HRT 8 wks ago so I am hoping it doesnt get worse! I would see your GP I am going to mention it to mine at my check up. Let us know how you get on and good luck xx
Guest Craftylady
I mentioned it at my annual gyn exam recently after being weighed. Neither the doctor nor the nurse expressed any concern or offered any advice, but I've never weighed anywhere near this much and it's getting worse. I'm getting started with a new diet and exercise routine to see what I can do.
Woo3353 Craftylady
Its common during perimenopause, i am around 21lbs heavier since last June, I have always exercised even through my pregnancy (many years ago!) I watch everthing i eat cook from scratch have absolutley no saturated fat, trans fat or sugar, but guess what? I can't shift it 😠 my Doctor didn't over any solutions either. I know its the bodies way of making extra estradol (form of estrogen) laying down fat stores especially around the waist) but i am going to just go with it as stressing will make it worse. I do know that exercising makes the difference
Guest Woo3353
Woo, I appreciate your comment especially because I had no idea that it was about the body making estrogen. Sorry if that sounds silly! I just didn't know that was the specific cause. No wonder it is such a nightmare to try to lose or at least not gain more. Definitely makes me more determined to get more exercise!
DaisyDaze Guest
I've been fighting this weight problem since I turned 45...12 years now. No matter what I do, it seems that I cannot knock off the weight. I was depriving myself of good food (as in "enjoyable" food) for about 6 years. I finally decided I might as well enjoy and see what happens. Still the same weight, but enjoying the food. I do make a point of not doing this all day; I save my favorite foods for supper and eat healthy for breakfast and lunch.
I also increased walking. Anything more strenuous than that and I end up sore and on the couch.
I understand that lack of estrogen adds to the problem, but I do not want to go on hormones.
Just a never ending battle.
Guest DaisyDaze
I love what you said about enjoying the food. I also don't plan to go on hormones. The idea of constantly being in a cycle of yo-yo dieting, always being anxious about this, seems like a terrible way to live. But I don't seem to find balance; it's all or nothing, going through cycles of trying to diet and then giving up and just eating whatever, whenever. It is certainly a battle.
DaisyDaze Guest