Rarely have an appetite
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I was wondering if any of you also have this....i used to love food!! I started perimenopause about 4 years ago, now i have a period maybe once a year. I have nausea ridden days but i also have days where i have no appetite whatsoever. Nothing sounds good or appeals to me, hell most of the time i cant even taste food!! My taste is been a mess along with the loss of appetite and nausea. This is really starting to get me way down. Im so depressed by this! Nothing worse than having no appetite, forcing myself to eat food i can barely taste and then suffer for 12 hours from nausea after eating! This is absolute torture!
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sharcerv52408 Guest
Yes, I have been there. I still get days like this every now and then. I went through a horrible bout of it about five years ago when I couldn't eat anything for weeks. I lost so much weight. I went from a size 14 to a size 4. It was horrible! Everyone I knew thought that I was sick or something. I was a rack of bones. Now I am overweight. Whether I eat or not, I can't seem to get the weight off. It's all hormones. Once they get sorted out things will settle.
Guest sharcerv52408
I really hope so!! I feel like im wasting away, i would rather have an enormous appetite and be fat than to be like this. I can see all of my bones, i look anorexic and im sure everyone thinks i am but i really hope your right!
sharcerv52408 Guest
Believe me I can totally relate. I looked like I was leaving this side of life. I was so scared because I wasn't trying to lose the weight it just kept coming off. Then the stress of not knowing what was wrong with me had me so worried all the time. I looked and felt older than I actually was. Then to add insult to injury people's comments and stares didn't help. It got to the point where I didn't leave the house. I began to be paranoid. I started thinking that everyone who saw me, whether or not they knew me, automatically would think that I had some disease. I tell you this menopause really messes with our minds!
andrea00523 Guest
Hi Brandy,
I'm so very sorry you are going through this physical & emotional distress.
While I was in the end stages of peri menopause 2 1/2 years ago I suffered from no appetite, like you I didn't even think about about food & nothing had any taste or sounded appetizing. In addition, prior to my "change" journey I loved food!
In turn with barely any eating I did lose so much weight. It's one thing when you're trying to lose weight, but another when the weight is just coming off. Because of my indescribable anxiety I insisted my Dr. run several tests to make sure I was well-
after many scary exams all was fine.
Ultimately my brain was & still is controlling me instead of me controlling my brain. If that makes sense to you.
Presently, I can enjoy & eat at times, but my love of food hasn't returned to what it once was. In addition, My weight has stabilized, though I haven't gained the weight back. I lost over 30 pounds and most women can gain 30 pounds during the peri-menopause-post menopausal stages. I did & still drink peppermint tea to settle my stomach.
I wish I had known of this forum when I was paralyzed with fear, completely withdrawn & isolating myself from all the friends I once had. I 55 now & I've been able to reassess my life & adjust to my new world. A challenge at times, but taking it dad by day is the best medicine for me.
I hope this gives you some sense of comfort......
Here for youXO
Guest andrea00523
Thank you do much for that long detailed message, after reading it i dont feel nearly as alone or crazy. Like you i had tons of tests run but all was fine. The drs would just throw zoloft at me, in which i tried but it made me so much sicker!! That completely ruined food for me and then caused a slew of other side effects. Im just so scared and so tired of living this way. Im tired of feeling sick and watching others enjoy food so much. I feel like a horrible person about it but every time someone says to me "i would rather have no appetite and feel sick" i just want to punch them in the face as hard as i can! nobody would want to feel this way unless they were insane. Its like having the stomach flu that you can never recover from. But thank you so much for letting me know im not alone.
It's very difficult for those not going through what you are to understand, the commentaries can be upsetting.
Try to surround yourself with people who have no judgment or negativity. You shouldn't have to defend yourself,
you're a woman with valid feelings going through a very challenging time. I find even though it's 2020 women don't want to share their "change" experience, as though it has to be kept hidden. In the society we live in today real life issues should be out in the open, there's nothing to hide.
It's truly a blessing we can be honest with one another!