raspberry ketone
Posted , 10 users are following.
Help my hot flushes are getting unbearable heard this could help but its a diet pill so not sure to use it
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Posted , 10 users are following.
Help my hot flushes are getting unbearable heard this could help but its a diet pill so not sure to use it
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jayneejay vanessa77068
i too have had hot flushes return post meno ..
had up to 20 a day in height of summer .. i live in southern spain.
excessive heat set mine off again.. hadnt had them for year since early peri.
when i took estroven max for years i never had one.. ( that contains a small amount of black cohosh ) but it can affect liver black cohosh so i stopped taking it ..
but it did work very well..
as a hot flush is the way we cool down during menopause and the weather here was roasting, i have never had so many or such intense hot flushes before ever .
they are the pits..
i dont take HRT ..
now we have had what we call a few cool days and I had no flushes, abit of warmth maybe but no intense flushes .. weird isnt it ..
i also now take Vit E 400iu said to help abit ...
dont know about the raspberry stuff, they say sage helps but i never tried it .
dont wish too
i totally understand how desperate they make you feel, i can be sat normal one minute then taking my top off the next ...
jay xx
HotDot7 jayneejay
But she forgot to put batteries in it lol. 💕
jayneejay HotDot7
i have a fan in my bag now..
spanish one ... always wafting it about when out in the summer
one old chap gave me a fan one night as i was sharing how hot i was to everyone .. as in flushes not sexiness 😀
some one else made me one out of paper .. hahahahaha
i just tell em, ' blimey people i am on fire ' and out comes the fans for me
jay xx
HotDot7 jayneejay
Jan999 vanessa77068
melanie09308 vanessa77068
liz53953 melanie09308
jayneejay liz53953
you made me smile ..
i am glad it works for some, i couldnt be doing with something attached to my knickers, like a contraption .. not for me .. think i would sooner have a hot flush 😃
hope your well Liz
jay xx
kathyc85 liz53953
Chrisy kathyc85
liz53953 jayneejay
kathyc85 vanessa77068
I hope you find something which does the trick for you,
Kathy Xx
Kimimila vanessa77068
I had moved to Spain the year before where the Lindt chocolate stares you in the face everywhere and I had daily portions of this, 50 to 100 g so I thought that might be the culprit. (ouch!) I went cold turkey, and within a month I only had a few hot flushes a week. This was in 2011 and for a whole year I did not suffer from them. Naturally I did not miss chocolate.
One year after going cold turkey I had four dentist appointments and received local anaesthetics every time. My hot flushes suddenly became worse than ever and lasted six months before they disappeared. I apparently had a massive allergic reaction to the sulphites in the anaesthetic.
Why I'm telling you this is that it's quite possible that you are consuming something that makes your flushes worse and anything you take to make them less or go away might be hindered by something you are sensitive to.
Coffee, red wine, chocolate... there must be a myriad of things that one can be sensitive to - it's very personal, but I've known a number of red wine drinkers whose flushes and night sweats were massive. But check out lists online to see if there are things that you consume daily which could be the culprit (it's usually what you love most). It was worth every ounce of chocolate I missed out on in order to get rid of the flushes!
Drinking a liter or more a day of still spring water would be good too. My flushes have stopped completely over the last few months now that I drink water regularly.
I sometimes do eat chocolate again.