Reacurring Thrush

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Hi ladies

i hope someone can help, I can't get a doctors appointment till December, I keep getting thrush it seems to happen around my periods, I have tried all over the counter products but it just keeps coming back, I was wondering if this could be down to my hormones, this is really getting me down now 

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi. This happens to my daughter when she takes a bath, especially if using bubble bath etc. She can only use simple shower gel. 

    Make sure your undies are rinsed well, to be free of fabric conditioners, as this can irritate and bring on thrush. 

    And scented panty liners can irritate. 

    Hope this helps a little

    • Posted

      hi Maisie

      yes I do have a hot bubble bath every night which I am going to stop, I never thought about that with the underwear, will give everything a extra rinse from now on, if you see below I have just got back from the walk in centre so hopefully will get yo the bottom of it now xx

  • Posted

    Is this thrush of the mouth or a vaginal yeast infection? Please clarify.
    • Posted

      Hi, it's vaginal thrush.

      i have just got back from the walk in centre and I am on antibiotics the doctor there said it's looking like pelvic infection, they have done lots of tests so hopefully will get to the bottom of it, no thanks to my docs, xx


  • Posted

    I agree that you sholud avoid all scented products. But, December? Where are you? Where we are things are getting so bad that I was advised if I wanted to see a doctor i should wait 'till out of hours to call your surgery - then you should get put through to out of hours service. Here it is called Westdoc, they will always see you.

    Good luck, I hope you get sorted soon.

    • Posted

      Sholud?lol You know what I mean!

    • Posted

      Hi bobbysgirl

      its rediculous that we have to go to these extends to see a doctor

      i ended up at a walk in centre and saw a doctor there, on antibiotics and getting referred to a gyno, thank you for your reply xx

    • Posted

      That's good news. At least something is being done and you are half way there with stopping all the scented stuff. If you look at the ingredients on most soaps/shampoos/moisturisers etc it reads like a petrochemical works (which it is) and a lot of that stuff is just plain dangerous. It has built up in our systems for years and 'm sure it has a lot to do with the miseries we go through.

      Many of those chemicals are endocrine disruptors and we women don't need any more disruption to our hormones. Mother Nature has that all in hand, The bxxxh!lol

      BTW I love your avatar Beddlington Terriers. Are they yours? We once had a Lurcher who was half Beddlington - super-smart dog, loyal, protective and tenacious. Still miss her.

    • Posted


      yes they are mine, sadly only one left, we lost his brother to kidney disease when he was 6. Yes they are a lovely breed, they just adapt to you.

      you are so right about all the chemicals, I think it will be best to stick to showers from now on too.

      thank you for your info Bobbysgirl xx

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