Really bad night vision after cataract surgery

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im 23 years old. in november i had sudden blurred vision and floaters everywhere one day and it started getting worse through out the weeks. it got so bad it became impossible to drive and to even see peoples faces in the day time. anyway i was referred to birmingham eye hospital by an optician and was diagnosed with a retinal detatchment in the left eye, a retinak tear in the right eye and also cataracts in both eyes. i had immediate surgery. how ever in january i had my catarct surgery in my right eye (the one which only had the retinal tear not detachment) i notice much sharper vision in the eye in the day time especially when its sunny, the distance is a little blurry but could cope, however i notice extreme out of focusness at night time and also big starburst around light like street loght and car lights along side a long string of light. it feels like my eyes are have been dilated whenever i go near dim lighting. the eye doctor said it could just be swelling and gave me some drops that never helped. my left eye is still awaiting catarct surgery as they put a silocone oil to keep the retinal in place which makes my left basicalky blind. im just very if i could ever drive again at when ever i look into the distance all i see a bucnh of starbust with loss of focus its really hard ro fucntikns at night has angine else been throhgh this? sorry for the long post im just extremely concerned

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9 Replies

  • Edited

    Do sorry for your experience. You are so young to have cataracts. Most people of cataract age gain something with this surgery ad they've already experienced a decline in vision.

    Do you know shat type of IOL was inserted? Some lenses that provide a greater range of focus do so at the expense of night vision and one sees more rings or starbursts/glare around lights at dusk and night. The other issue with younger eyes is their pupils dilate more and sometimes beyond the diameter of the IOL.

    January is long enough your eye should have healed. You'd need to ask some questions to the cataract surgeon and also see your regular optometrist to get s refraction test to see where your vision is. Perhaps glasses would sharpen your vision.

    • Posted

      hi thanks for responding so quick, the lens put in was a monofocal lens for longer distance. which required me to start wearing reading glasses for reading and using my mobile. which i dont mind i have gotten quite use to keeping a pair of reading glasses. its just that as soon as the sun starts to go down my vision starts getting worse especially when im looking at something around 100m away its completely put of focus. as soon as it gets very dark, its gets really out of focus street lights and car lights become like starburst with strings of loghts shoooting out out of them, gradually gets worse tge further the light is from me

    • Posted

      If you have good daytime vision my best guess is due to your age you would see a more noticeable contrast difference as well as your pupils dilating beyond the IOL.

      Perhaps worth another visit yo see your surgeon or 2nd opinion just yo make sure IOL isn't tilted etc.

  • Edited

    Do you know what kind of lens they put in? Is it a basic monofocal lens, or is it a multifocal (MF) type? With a monofocal there is typically no halos around lights at night and very little flare from street lights or auto headlights. MF lenses can suffer from significant halos and flare.


    I would get an optometrist eye exam for a prescription for corrective lenses. That will tell you where you stand for accuracy of correction. With that, you may want to seek a second opinion from another cataract surgeon to see what the issues are and how they could be corrected.

    • Posted

      thank you for replying, i had a basic monofocal lense for long distance. the cloudiness from the cataract had gone however i always sense a lack of focus. in day light i can cope with it as it dosent affect it so much its just at night every thing feels out of focus and blurry, lights are starbursty, with thing long strings of light coming out. sometimes i get a i reflection bouncing off my eye when i look towards a street light also. do you know where i could find a surgon for a second opinion. again thank you for replying

    • Posted

      I am in Canada. Here I would see my optometrist first and get an eye exam done with a prescription for glasses. The prescription for glasses will tell you a lot. The optometrist should also be able to tell you if the lens is in the correct position. Depending on the outcome, here an optometrist can refer you to another cataract surgeon for a second opinion.

    • Posted

      yeah i will visit my optician tommorow i also have an appointment with with the eye hospital on the 18th of may. one weird thing i had noticed is when i use the car mirrors its perfeft vision light 20/20 and the street loghts are mess affective. as soon as i look away from the car mirror and look putside its all fuzzy and blurry its very weird it kind of spooks me out

  • Posted

    Hi Mohammed, a late reply but thought this may help. After cataract surgery many people develop posterior capsule opacification, this is like a second cataract. This is easy to remove with laser. I am developing PCO and I noticed I am getting more glare from lights in the night.

    About the loss of focus. Our eyes now carry monofocal lenses and the lower the light the shorter the ample of focal distance (it's like with photographic cameras). I hope you have sorted this by now. An optician or an ophtalmologist should easily find out if you are devoloping PCO I think.

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