Really bad today
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Hi all I am at breaking point today I see no way out at all its 2 weeks since I started taking Sertraline and I feel the worse I could feel today it's horrible and taking over everything somebody please tell me I will get better because at this moment in time I can't see it
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CoolBeans aliciat
rachael58630 aliciat
katie2705 aliciat
I've been on sertraline 50mg for one month now, literally just taken my last tablet in the packet. The first 2 weeks were terrible for me, i couldn't eat, i just cried and kept over thinking and wondering if it was worth it! Especially I had just got into a relationship and my partner doesn't really understand much about mental health, he just says just go out and do stuff! Not as easy as that is it.
The tablets have sprung some more social anxiety onto me but I know it'll get better. Its mind over matter aswell. I've been feeling guilty because I should go out and do this blah blah but it doesn't help being so hard on yourself.
You won't feel better over night I wont lie, It could take weeks or months but remember it will get better. Deffo see your GP and explain to him any physical and mental symptoms you have and he may either increase your dose or change medication, everybody is different. I'm going to the doctors tomorrow to get more pills and I'll also explain how I feel because Im 18 and I really want to get back to work and get back out with my friends and start having fun again. All in good time!
Be positive, smile, relax and remember you won't feel this way forever
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