Really desperate

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Before I begin, this is quite long to read so please bear with me. I realise a lot of this is my own fault so I'm hoping nobody judges me. I have made a lot of mistakes in my life and this appears to be another one. In mid August I met a girl who's breath was really bad however I tried to see past that because  I liked her personality and I'm not somebody who judges people based on    appearance/smells. I drank a lot of alcohol and kissed her and made the mistake of not brushing my teeth that night (not a common thing for me) I noticed a week afterwards I woke up with exactly the same smell she had from her mouth. Not a normal morning breath smell but a decaying sort of smell. It's a very strong smell in the morning. 

I brushed my teeth and flossed and noticed the smell became much worse. Like I'd disturbed something. Now please don't assume I never flossed between my teeth. I did, but not every day (like I do now)...and anyway, when I did floss I never noticed any bad smells at all. 

Since then the smell from my mouth hasn't fully gone away. If I cup my hands and breathe out there's always a lingering of something unpleasant. Eating and drinking sometimes helps cover it up but only temporarily. It is still always there. 

It may or may not be linked to this girl but I'd never had problems with any kind of bad breath up to that point and I know experts say bad breath can't be transferred from one person to another, but other than the poor oral hygiene that I displayed that night, I can't find any other explanation of why I would have the same smell in my mouth now. They say the mouth is the filthiest place in the human body, right? I did take 2 courses of antibiotics in June so I wonder if this didn't help and left my immune system weakened. The only people I have confided in about this has been a dentist, doctor, the girl herself (I approached her sensitively) and my mum. The dentist and doctor both said they couldn't smell anything bad and that they've smelt worse, the girl herself denied she had bad breath (I couldn't believe the denial, because the smell was so strong), and my mum says when I really exhale there's a hint of something bad but it's not strong. My worry is.....not strong.....yet. 

I know this isn't all in my head and it's really getting to me because nobody is taking me seriously. I've lost weight through changing my diet and the doctors give me patronising looks because I'm a bit of a worrier anyway. They see me looking concerned, and always comment on it. I realise it sounds a bit far fetched and if I were reading this I'd probably be a bit skeptical too (Caught bad breath. Really?) but this is honestly how it happened. I didn't think you could catch bad breath too, hence why I kissed the girl. 

My main symptoms are:

1) Weird vile taste/smell at back of throat/tongue when I clear my throat or swallow. I started to notice this more after I washed my mouth out with salt water. The weird taste never went away. 

2) Really bad smell in morning (Not a normal morning breath smell. I can smell an odour bouncing from my pillow as I wake up), and then still lingering through the day, and when I consume anything (weird taste seems to fill mouth. Palate, tongue, back of throat) 

3) If I go up to a mirror, which has become a bad habit for me now (even at work) and breathe on it, I can normally smell something horrible lingering.

4) Notice a weird salty taste in palate and back of throat when I eat sometimes. After a while the taste of my mouth really changed and I actually smelt faeces. Even when I licked my wrist. It smelt like somebody hadn't shut a toilet door. 

5) Occasional burning palate. Although this may be linked to my acid reflux. 

When I first noticed the bad smell I became obsessed about it and needed to find a reason of why this happened and read up online for some help. 

Up to now I've tried: 

1) Seeing the hygienist for a thorough clean of the teeth and gums (made no difference) 

2) Rinsing and gargling with salt water every night (only made the taste at the back of my mouth worse) 

3) Cut out sugar (I think this has helped a bit as I consumed a lot before in tea, chocolate, ice creams, etc. I've found this hard however, because my weight has dropped a lot and I'm only a slim frame. When I do have the odd bar of chocolate I notice the weird taste in the back of my throat and palate gets worse and the smell is really bad in the morning and for days later)

4) Bought strong probiotics at end of August and finished 30 day course in late Sept

5) Bought anti candida tablets on 24 Sept in combination with multivitamins (did notice the horrible smell finally and gradually improving - less strong - and it almost felt like I had normal breath until I consumed sugar, chocolate or alcohol)...was this the probiotics or the anti candida tablets? Or both? One thing I noticed, when I sucked the anti candida tablets it was like the taste in the back of my mouth really got stronger straight away. Like I can really taste/smell it through my palate. Then seemed to improve quite quickly. Within 2 weeks of being on the tablets (by 6 Oct), whilst cutting down sugar, the bad smell and taste had lessened. In my head, because the tablets were reacting with the bad smell I felt I should stick with them for a while. And the packet says to keep taking until you're better. 

6) Changed diet (linked in with number 3) Eating more fruit although bananas and dairy make the taste weird. Cut down on alcohol. Started drinking more water. 

7) Bought probiotic treatment in mid Sept. Lasted 7 days. Noticed no real improvement whilst on it unless the effectiveness was delayed for a week or two (Took anti candida tablets at end of Sept after this) 

8) Bought oral probiotics. Started taking them after I noticed improvements on candida tablets in a hope to fully eradicate whatever is causing this. A weird smell of vomit to them. Not sure if helping or not. Mouth felt less dry though I think. 

9) Bought a tongue scraper and started to scrape my tongue morning and night. Smell sometimes gets worse after scraping tongue. Like I've disturbed something. Maybe I'm doing it too hard? Occasionally I've scraped near the back of the tongue and smelt something on the scraper. Then my breath smelt slightly better. 

10) I noticed I had been eating a lot of eggs prior to all of this (sometimes 2 boiled eggs at a time) so I gave them up at the beginning of Sept. I ate them again recently and noticed my breath was really bad. But isn't that normal with eggs? 

11) I also cut out dairylea spread (as sometimes it would smell funny and occasionally turn green even when in date) but recently introduced that back into my diet. 

12) I felt like my breath was improving and had a pint of beer from the pump at my local bar. The next day my breath smelt bad again in the morning. Very metallic gassy and vile. I have drank bottled beer, and beer from the pump at other bars and not noticed any difference so wondered if it could be a problem with the yeast content at this bar with their beer as I drank there quite a lot before I got this problem? 

13) Bought cheaper probiotics in mid October. Now taking them with multivitamins and anti candida tablets. 

Does anyone know what could be happening with me? I also have acid reflux and people say this causes bad breath sometimes but would it make its way into between my teeth where I flossed? Has anyone had anything similar? The main thing that makes me anxious is not knowing (having a diagnosis) or how to treat it properly. The doctors aren't fussed. Could it be candida overgrowth and do you think this girl may have had it herself and passed it to me through kissing? Is that possible? Was that just a coincidence? Is it bacterial and so by lessening sugar in my diet I starved the bacteria a little bit of growth? Did the probiotics have an effect until I started consuming chocolate again? Will I ever be able to consume chocolate again? It's hard for me to tell because people say sugar will make your breath worse if it's bacterial and fungal so how to distinguish between the two? 

I could be wrong but I suspect from all of the above it might be a candida overgrowth and the candida tablets might have been working in combination with cutting down on sugar and being on probiotics. Until I had a pint of beer at my local. And then had a crazy day on the sugar again. Bars of chocolate. Ice cream. Then I woke up with terrible breath again. I also scraped a bit hard on the tongue cleaner, can that make breath worse? The smell hasn't reduced again since then and that's where I am now. Feeling like I'm never going to fully get rid of this bad taste/smell for the rest of my life, whilst trying to cover it up with all sorts of different products. Of which I'm not sure which one worked temporarily and if it'll ever work again. I can't live on anti candida tablets and probiotics for the rest of my life sad

I'm not even sure if candida can cause the type of bad breath I'm describing. The doctor told me I didn't have candida although he didn't test for it. He just looked in my mouth really quickly and said my tongue would be all white/yellow. Well, it almost is, if I don't brush it. Prior to this happening my diet was quite high on bread, nuts, dairy, sugar and alcohol (not much fruit) and I did take antibiotics twice in one month, like I mentioned before. Never took probiotics at that time. 

Thanks for reading all that, I know it's a lot but I wanted to get as much information across as I possibly could so you have a clearer picture and I can see your thoughts. Sometimes it's better to hear an opinion from somebody looking in as you get clouded in your own thoughts. I'm very sensitive and anxious anyway and this is almost destroying me with worry. I feel so vulnerable, like a little kid lost. I just want to know what it is and what will work for me so I can get on with my life. I wish all of you the very best in improving or curing yourselves, I know this is hard to deal with, I feel like I brought this all on to myself, but let's all try to stay positive and help each other. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. God bless.


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  • Posted

    Hi Tyler,

    I'm having sort of the same problem. One day, I don't know how it happened, but I suddenly started noticing a bad smell. Not like normal bad breath. This one is always there, even when I brush my teeth and use mouth wash. I even scrape my tongue and it does feel worse after I do it. My mouth dries very quickly. I was wondering what you were using to avoid this problem, because I've tried lots of stuff and I can't seem to fix it. 


    • Posted

      Hi rebecca.. Im afraid you can curb it with changes in your food and oral hygiene.. but from personal experience no matter what hte doctors say you cannot get rid of the tonsilloliths completely they will alway smake a comeback from time to time 

      if hte problem is because of h pylori or candida , I am not sure , but once you off the medications to kill them off, they do find a way to come back to significant levels in the body and IM uncertain if that causes resurgence of tonsilloliths .. 

      Gargle with hydrogen peroxide ( if you dont smoke as nicotine and hydrogen peroxide binding is said to raise the possibility of mouth cancer ) 

      or do a regular routine of cleaning up your tonsils by squeezing them out or using a q tip ..... else use a small appartus that helps you flush them out using a strong wave of water 

      Doctors will give you medications , it may work temporarily but no real cure for tonsilloliths is available no matter what your doctor says

      The other option is getting rid of your tonsils and adenoids... tonsils are a very important part of hte body and informs your system if something untowardly has entered your body .. so its never recommended especially at a late age ... 

      but I know friends who got their tonsils out and keep their adenoids intact and still faced this terrible breath 

      the ones who got both out had a better chance of losing the stink for life... in some cases, the stink still remains albeit the numbers are significantly lesser 

      Hope my answer helped you and I hope this is posted.... 

  • Posted

    hey tyler,  thank you for sharing your journey to your odor situation,,, has it gone away since your last post? how are you doing with it?  Everyone, thank you for your shares as I have been experiencing non-stop 24/7 foul taste and odor in my mouth for the last 6 months, just getting worse.  I'm glad to try some of the things you've mentioned. 
  • Posted

    Google Hydrogen peroxide for bad breath and you will find your cure . Had the same problem until I found out about hydrogen peroxide.

    Here is what you do.

    Buy 3% hydrogen peroxide from store

    Mix 2Tbs peroxide with 2Tbs water(1 to 1)

    Soak your toothbrush with some of the mixture to kill bacteria on the brush.

    Floss teeth and scrape tongue

    Brush teeth with toothpaste using soaked brush

    Swish and gargle with remaining hydrogen peroxide/water mixure for 45 seconds

    Spit it out and immediately rinse teeth with water to reduce the acid effect of the hydrogen peroxide on teeth .

    The result is quick . You will notice the bad taste in your throat disappear, your coated tongue and inside cheeks will turn pink and the stink will be gone.

    Do this in the morning after breakfast and at night before bed and you will have your life back.

    Since my bad breath was horrible in the beginning I had to do this after every meal . The coating on my tongue was so thick I had to brush my tounge with undiluted 3% hydrogen peroxide to get the gunk off my tounge and immediately rinsed mouth with plenty of water otherwise the hydrogen peroxide will ruin the enamel.

    I still use hydrogen peroxide 2 times a day and no bad breath or yukky taste in throat.

    Most important to remember is to rinse teeth with water after using hydrogen peroxide to protect the enamel.

  • Posted


    I'm having this exact issue (got it from kissing some jackass) and I can't read your response on how you kicked it. I know this was a year ago, is it gone for good? Can you pleaseeee either repost it as a reply? Any help would be so great...

    Thank you!

  • Posted

    Hello...sorry about your situation! I have had a few odd conditions in my life that doctors either did not understand, or were not aware of and it's very difficult when seeking help from doctor and they tell you nothing is wrong when you know it is! I can relate on that for sure! I am no sure if one can catch bad breath from someone? But recently I had a MAJOR dental surgery had every single tooth pulled and dental implants placed on my upper and lower jaw bone due to some major decay and gum disease...just before the surgery day I joked with the dental assiasant that my boyfriend has worse teeth than I, and said they should do a buy one get one free deal for us...she said no, and then very firmly stated that I am. It to kiss him share cups straws or utensils with him because the bacteria from his rotting teeth would transfer to my mouth and cause my implants to become infected and fail! She made it a huge point and made me promise. I kissing or sharing anything oral! With that said, if that girl has a bacterial or fungal infection in her mouth, or a gnarly bio film, it's. sry possible it could of transferred to your mouth! There are also many supper bugs being discovered due to our changing world and overuse of antibiotics and genetically mutated organisms in our food supply...many of the new ones doctors just don't know anything about them yet so are unable to treat you for it! Some doctors will flat out tell you your nuts, others will explain that they are not aware of what it may be? Do u ever get little off white chunks from the back of your throat? They smell like poo? They are called Tonsilloliths or tonsil stones...they develop from food particles getting stuck in tonsil pockets and then bacteria brakes down the food and you end up with these poop smelling chunks comming out the tonsils...they can be removed by surgery or lazor. Oral bacteria is what forms plaqu and plaqu thrives in a sugary/acidic environment! Alcohol, Soda, sugary foods, acidic foods, coffee, high fat foods...these will creat an acid body environment and promote fungus, bacteria, plaque, tonsil stones, bad breath, acid reflux...salt water gargle is also acidic (add a pinch of baking Soda to the salt water to make it more alcoline, rase the ph) is it possible that perhaps the bad breath you were smelling was yours the whole time and you assumed it was the girls? And then started to notice it assuming it was her, but it was there all along? Just trying to think from another perspective...our brains will believe what we want and not always able to see things as they are...I have noticed when the dentist removes my fixed bridge dentures that a very strong (bad) smell fill the room! It's really bad! My dentist gagged last time from the smell and had to excuse himself for a min. It's basically tiny food bits that cant be reached when cleaning them that grow plaque, biofilm and bacteria causing a very bad smell to come from my mouth. I think that perhaps you have braking down food in teeth, tonsils, and it's become over run with bacteria and bio film making a bad smell. Tonsil surgery could help? But cutting out sugar and alcohol acidic foods and fatty foods should help a lot! Foods that are high ph (alcoline) should help a lot too! Basically it's possible that girl could of given it to you. But also possible it's from poor diet and not enough oral hygiene...closyl is a tooth paste and mouthwash that uses stabilized chlorine dioxide to kill bacteria in mouth I rotate between that and Colgate total cause it's got antibacterial trickosan in it. I recently began experimenting with essential oils and making my own toothpaste and mouth wash to help with bad odors and reduce gum swelling. The ones I am trying are : peppermint, spearmint, rosemary, tea tree, myrrh, and clove bud. I add only a drop or two into 8 oz glass cup of distilled water and swoosh. I also add a little Himalayan pink salt and tiny pinch of baking Soda as well and heat the water. Look online for ideas to try using essential oils. Many oils are anti bacterial and anti inflammatory. Most are safe, a few are not so be sure to research before jumping into using any of them! I hope this info helps some? I am tellin you (as some one who lost all teeth and got fakeies at age 37), take good care of your mouth! Floss am and pm! Look online for proper way to floss! Also brush every day 3x a day! Do not use whitening tooth paste! It will eat the enamel off your teeth! Use the softest toothbrush you can find! Avoid sugar and acidic and fatty foods...your mouth is very important! Your teeth are too! With out teeth u can't talk, you can't chew! I have no teeth! I learned too late and can't go back! My fake teeth look nice, but they are not comfortable, I can't chew very well (liquid diet and very soft foods only)...and it cost me $56,000 to have this done! I hope you solve your issue with breath! My guess is it's a.combo of not taking care of teeth and not eating a balanced diet! I not judge you at all! I did the same thing! I hope you take what I say and use it so you don't end up like me! With no teeth too young! Good luck!

  • Posted

    Hi Tyler,

    Thank you so much for sharing your problem. I am suffering from exact same problem for last 2 months. The foul smell in my mouth does not go away even after having strong antibiotics. Also, along with smell, sometimes the throat will become very painful when I am swallowing something.

    My only hope is Yoga to cure it. Please update on your condition too. I am frustated by this condition.

  • Posted

    tyler, suck on whole cloves if you are with people. it's a pleasant strong smell, and after a while you just spit it out. carry a little bottle of cloves with you, whole cloves. wink Dena

  • Posted

    Tyler, please let us know how you are Dena

  • Posted

    Hiii i need help... Yesterday went to a massage parlour ... I French kissed the girl her breath was very bad.... When i went home I can feel her smell in my mouth even after brushing gargling eating the smell didn't disappear ... Couldn't sleep also woke up every hour due to dry mouth low saliva .... I'm worried really what do you think I should do ? I talked to the girl today she told me I don't have any disease but couldn't see inside her mouth ... Only spotted red dots on her chin... Should I be worried or this normal ?

  • Posted

    Do you ever feel like you have popcorn shells stuck way in the back of your throat? You could have tonsil stones. They are very hard to see but have someone shine a flashlight in your mouth and press your toungue down. If you see things that look like little white pebbles it's tonsil stones. Your tonsils have pockets where bacteria can get into and it causes the bad smell and taste. I removed mine myself with a qtip but it's hard to not gag. You can also have your dentist do it. There are videos on YouTube showing how to remove them.

  • Posted

    Hey y'all I too had bad breath after hooking up with a girl a couple days ago with bad breath. then all of a sudden the other day my breath smelt terrible and I had a weird taste in my mouth that I thought was coming from my back right teeth. after cleaning thoroughly day after day still today the smell was there. The gym was the worst because breathing heavier or taking a deep breath made it smell worse. I read this thread thinking I was doomed to have bad breath forever. I kept scrolling down and saw 1greens suggestion to take a qtip and swab the tonsils to see if they smelt. I took the swab and dug it up the back right tonsil and it smelt terrible and then something was loose in my mouth it was like a small white ball (I'm a straight dude) it smelt terrible I've coughed up something like it maybe two other times in my life. Now I know the source is food getting caught in my tonsils so I will clean regularly. Needless to say my breath was normal as soon as that nasty crap was out of my mouth. This probably won't help anyone but you never know

  • Posted

    Was this solved?

    My bf has atrocious breath and I've noticed I started getting a mild version of it. It's like bacteria in him is coming in me and trying to multiply. If I pull coconut oil every morning it doesn't have a chance but I don't want to do this for the rest of our lives. I can't even tell him it's consistent. I've asked what he's eaten and he's guessed his breath is bad. His oral hygiene is better than mine tbh. I told him to stop eating so much dairy and garlic bread. I cut cow milk for my breath and use nut milks instead because I don't want his breath to become mine it's sometimes so overwhelming that if he breathes all in my hair in bed I'm so annoyed I have to wash my hair again in the morning. I am sure it's possible to catch someone's bad breath it's all bacteria or something idk. Did you cure it?

  • Posted

    Just checking in with you to see if you resolved your problem todays date= 10-27-2017.  I have the same problem and my tonsils were removed when I was a child.  Pretty sure I have resolved the issue.  How about you, just curious.

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